A few hours out from totality, I’m leaning towards “nothingburger.” If I’m completely wrong, there’ll be no one left to quote me anyway.

Re the Church of the Machine, have you seen the recent piece from Tree of Woe summarizing Bruce Charleston’s taxonomy of evil? His descriptions of Ahrimanic vs Sorathic evil really hit home. Lots of insights packed in there. The one that’s really stuck with me is the concept that Ahrimanic evil wants things to be under control, even if the devotee him/herself is not in control. To be frank I glimpse myself in that mirror. There’s a splinter of Ahrimanic evil in my soul too. This is the evil of Screwtape (and your piece the other day). But the thrust of the piece is that Sorathic evil is now taking over. This is the evil of Cthulhu—a black hole that negates the very idea of churches, and in fact organizations of all kinds down to the organization of atoms and electrons. (Paging CERN. Please stop it.) Your thoughts on this distinction?

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To be clear, I'm not predicted that something will happen *because* of the astronomical event. I'm just saying that this is what our enemies believe, and that they might be doing things to "help that stuff along," so to speak. That could include deploying all kinds of weird experimental weapons and illusions from their stockpile. They've clearly been awaiting this weird "holiday" for a long time, and it seems unlikely that none of them will try to pull some shit.

Or, like you said, the whole thing could turn out to be a dud. Man plans, God laughs. The only thing I wonder about is the earthquakes. It's possible that these could occur based on some aspect of physical law that I'm unaware of, related to eclipses bound within a short sequence. Dunno. But if something like the Madrid Sequnce happens, it'll only renew their faith in their snake-gods, and they'll try to exploit the fearful masses as usual.

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Additionally: Yes I read that piece. I was actually discussing it with friends in a GC not long ago. Here's what I wrote:

"I do agree with the general principle that the moment for Sorath to strike seems incredibly ripe, for all the factors you listed. It also reminds me of the Parable of the Weeds, where the sower advises his farmhands to wait until the harvest to pull them so as not to damage the wheat. Perhaps we are looking at harvest time.

"The strategic principle here would be that a constant or premature battle waged against Arihman would exhaust our forces before the time was right to strike (i.e. once Sorath had helped Arihman destroy enough of itself)."

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We're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We know it's coming, sometime between now and Inauguration Day 2025, but when will it be? And will it be all at once or in stages?

You have the correct read on this situation, though. "Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities..." And the enemy will be dropping the disguise and acting more openly in the near future. Materialism will be increasingly untenable as an answer to the questions of Life.

With that in mind, whether anything obvious happens in the material realm tomorrow, the real danger is in the spiritual machinations which our demonic elites have planned. They do take all the occult symbols and numerology very seriously, so you know they -- and ultimately their prince of darkness -- will be up to some dirty tricks tomorrow. Will some new and palpable demonic energy enter our world? I think we'll probably look back in a few months and recognize that something did change April 8th.

I guess in the coming months, we'll all find out what we really believe about God and about the true nature of things, because the rubber is about to meet the road.

Great post, as always, sir! God bless and keep you and everyone of good will from the evil coming our way!

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"We're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We know it's coming, sometime between now and Inauguration Day 2025, but when will it be?"

Yes, this all has a "July 1914" sense of foreboding.

And yes, TPTB love toying with us. Canada's first legislative try to stifle free speech, masquerading as a noble attempt to get rid of hateful speech was Bill 36. Three sixes...666. They recently resurrected it as Bill 63. Six, three times.

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Daniel D, I was just thinking about that phrase earlier today: "Waiting for the other shoe to drop." So it's interesting (although not surprising) to find it in your comment here!

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I laugh in the face of evil. Because Mark Bisone has made me unconquerable

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Not me, madam. Someone else who made us all that way.

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That's right.

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Despite being something of a neo-Luddite, I have never advocated to smash the machine.

But I very much want to smash the Church of the Machine.

Just in case, is Scotch OK?

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I’m in awe of the first ancients who predicted eclipses (most likely Thales of Miletus). I can’t even comprehend the level of genius and concentration on the night sky required to figure that out. Modern man (including myself) is an empty husk compared to our ancient ancestors. Strip away his books, his internet, his technology, and very little remains.

At least on the surface. Perhaps lurking beneath our vapid, feeble, exterior lies a Thales, an Alexander the Great, a Socrates, a Moses, that can only emerge when the civilizational exoskeleton holding our flaccid selves together is removed.

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Nothing overt was ever going to happen. It was an enormous ritual and many participated.

If something was released, it will be time released. Like Adderall. All the amphetamine and none of the fun. I do think there will be fallout. I think it's already here.

I have no doubt sacrifice was involved. It is so filthy behind that curtain...

Thank you for your article. Berry, berry good. Though I don't believe we are going to save ourselves or we would have already done so.

God loves us inexplicably. Awesome and humbling. All glory to God.

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Dude, I made the most ahhhh-mazing Kahlúa. I mean, it's the quintessential blend of hard liquor and COFFEE for being pain-free while amped-as-fuck to deal with any entity, being, thing, no-thingy, or whatever. Plus it's got a boost of super-sexy vanilla, which contains small amounts of essential micronutrients. The more Kahlúa that you consume, the more essential micronutrients you consume. This beverage may offer the perfect complement to whiskey, without requiring Shield Maidens to retreat for coffee-making duties in the middle of all-out-spiritual-warfare!

P.S. I personally cannot safely consume hard liquor. (I gave up dancing on tabletops and hitchhiking to San Jose with the bar's janitor way back in 1982.) But I have done a sip-and-spit taste-test of my Kahlúa, and it is warrior worthy.🗡

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I'll be in the path of totality tomorrow (by chance, no travel required). Everyone here is upset that it may be too cloudy to see much, but with demonic comets flying about, perhaps that's a blessing in disguise.

I'm still very much enjoying your excellent Easter tale, and it's a good reminder that whatever happens tomorrow, the enemy's best laid plans tend to blow up in his face when he least expects it. Perhaps nothing happens tomorrow, or perhaps the Mission impossible theme begins anew...

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John Bunyan, my greatest wish is that the perpetrators' intentions/actions get deflected directly back onto them, once and for all time, as it ought to be. Then they can return to entropy.

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An interesting website that investigates our evil elites' intentions and interest in disclosing themselves through signs and symbols is vigilantcitizen.com. Here's an article on the weird Denver Airport and its disturbing mural: https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-the-denver-international-airport/

Now excuse me while I retire to the gun safe and prepare my rifle.

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Thanks, John Henry Holliday. VC does amazing breakdowns of the Hellyweird culture. I have seen that specific article on the Denver airport mural; it is deeply disturbing.

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Our hope is not in this world, but the next one. Don't look back on Mystery Babylon, or you may turn into a pillar of salt. God is always working good from Satan's evil plans. This existence is temporary. We don't get to keep our lives anyway. The only question is how are you going to spend it.

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1211: A number representing transformation, cleansing, and divine growth. (Just thought I'd throw that out there)

Also, fingers crossed that CERN doesn't accidentally create a new universe later today...

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I don't know what's going on with that place but I remember first hearing about years ago in New Scientist before I realised the 'news' in the magazine was BS, ie. large hadron collider doesn't add up unless it's as another money laundering scheme. Which leaves me wondering wth CERN *is* actually all about.

In Hebrew CERN becomes 'SAD'... weirdly, and it has Hinduism's Shiva the Destroyer out the front of it.

Re. Switzerland I think money - maybe a massive blockchain behemoth or something? I don't know exactly but something very fishy's going on in that neck of the woods.

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Perception v. Perspective. Perception is an emotional understanding of the reality around us. But perspective... that's a rational, logical understanding of the situation at hand. Which brings me to this snippet:

"Anyway, what I think we can all agree on is this: A bunch of bad people are probably planning bad things, to coincide with some kind of cosmic Victory Party."

That's perspective. There's nothing to fear; these guys MAY throw some shit at us, or not. We adapt to the changing landscape as it develops.

Enjoy the eclipse. I'm so out of the path I would not even had known it had happened!!!

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I guess I'm always as ready as I'm going to be for just about anything. (carry everywhere, all the time)

So if we enter the end times tomorrow, all the best to you.

If we don't, all the same. :)

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It will be very interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Me, I think it will be a pretty regular day with a bit of added cosmic activity to spice it up a little. Unlike yours, my imagination fails me, and that's why I like reading you so much.

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"The job of the good guys is to save the world?"

No, Sir. Like Christ-man Jesus says, "There is none good but God." (Mark 10:18) In this mortal vale of tears, those who understand a bit about THAT also understand that we don't save anything. We stand in Christ's Faith against Satan's evil. The Battle is between God and Satan. We each must choose for Whom we will fight. https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/gotta-serve-somebody/

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Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

'Gadzooks' is going back into my daily usage.

TPTB are consummate pot-stirrers. Armageddon won't happen until Jesus comes back, and he's coming back with power, not persuasion. You don't want to see his face then, you want to be riding behind him. Judge vs. Savior. There's a lot of things still to happen before Armageddon, CERN notwithstanding.

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