Yesterday, in the middle of writing a piece about the Baltimore bridge attack, I felt and heard something very unusual. Or, unusual for this cat, at least.
What I felt was a rumbling beneath my feet. What I heard was the glasses singing on a bar shelf. In other words: an earthquake.
File Footage:
Okay, fine. It wasn’t all that bad.
Dame Bisone and I have been out of state for more than a week now, on family business. So all we really felt was a little tingle. But from what I’ve been told, the situation back home was plenty scary. That’s understandable; unlike Los Angeles, vast parts of our city weren’t built with earthquakes in mind. That’s especially true of what we like to call “the fishbowls” — a rash of cheaply built residential apartments with floor-to-ceiling windows, thrown up with abandon in the late-nineties and noughties. I can only imagine what those little fishies were thinking, when their bowls began to sing.
We still got a taste of it, though. Which got me to thinking.
I finished the article and posted it. As expected, some skeptics came out of the woodwork to profess knowledge they cannot independently verify, hand-fed to them by sources that are inherently untrustworthy, yadda, yadda, yadda. In fact, most didn’t even bother to name these sources. After all, what skeptic worth his salt would want to admit, “I heard it on NBC,” or what-have-you?
There wasn’t much of that, to be fair. But it got me thinking too.
As I mentioned in the article, the Normality Spell is strong. Worse, our Cyber-Age minds grapple 24/7 with invisible titans and raging currents, weakening our ability to resist its charms. Ironically, we’d prefer everything was chaos and accident to a world where humans contrive and execute horrific schemes. Such a world absolves us from positive action, allows us to Netflix-and-chill.
I get it.
But sometimes, you just need to look dispassionately at the available evidence, and conclude that there’s one or more intentional designs at work. Horrible plans set into motion, by ruthless people who capitalize on fear and chaos for fun and profit.
In that spirit, let’s talk about Monday.
On April 8, 2024, the sky over a great big swathe of North America will briefly darken as the moon covers the sun. Those closest to the path of totality will also likely see a bunch of other weird stuff, too. Planets and distant stars that wouldn’t normally be visible, the pink ring of the chromosphere sprouting long white hairs that hypnotically wave.
They might also catch sight of this cosmic critter:
That’s 12P/Pons-Brook, a periodic comet that swings by for a visit roughly every 71 years or so. It acquired the nickname “the devil comet” due to the horn-shaped icy outflows around its nucleus. It’s also thought to be the parent body of the Kappa Draconids meteor shower (29 November to 13 December), and may influence a few others. The comet’s potential daytime appearance on April 8 will obviously be a very special one, given its simultaneity with the solar eclipse.1
Of course, none of the phenomena mentioned above is planned (at least, not by human beings). At best you could call it a kind of serendipity, or a collision of predictable events that produces a unique spectacle. But there are other elements to this rapidly approaching day, some of which have indeed been planned very, very well in advance. I’m talking centuries.
So let’s take a moment to review some of the day’s oddly serendipitous elements, both planned and unplanned.
As of Monday, there will have been three eclipses visible to North Americans over a span of seven years: one partial eclipse in the southern hemisphere (2020) bookended by two total eclipses (2017 and 2024) in the north. This many visible solar eclipses in the West within such a short timeframe is rare for the continent. For instance, the only shorter window of record occurred over 110 years ago.
There’s a curious symmetry to this trio of dates. I’m sure I’m late to the party on it, not being an astronomer, astrophysicist, astrologer, numerologist or even especially numerate at all. Nevertheless, this three-part sequence strikes me as pretty weird, to say the least:
1). The number of days between the 2017 eclipse and the 2020 eclipse equals 1211.
2). The number of days between the 2020 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse equals 1211.
The weirdness isn’t located in any kind of “coincidence” — after all, even the ancients could predict eclipses centuries in the future with deadly accuracy. The weird part is in the various human-orchestrated events that correspond to these dates.For example, the date of the middle eclipse — December 14, 2020 — corresponds to two highly significant events:
1). Joseph R. Biden was officially certified as president by the Electoral College.
2). The Pfizer/BioNtech mRNA vaccine was officially released.2The paths of the total “bookends” (2017 and 2024) move in opposite fashion to each other, crisscrossing at a particular point in the continental United States, near what is referred to as the New Madrid Fault Line.
This area constitutes a major seismic zone and a prolific source of intraplate earthquakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the southern and midwestern United States, stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri.
At the time of its release, there were only three facilities in the country tapped to manufacture the Pfizer shots: one in Andover, Massachusetts, one in Kalamazoo, Michigan and one in Chesterfield, Missouri. The third plant just happened to be built in or near the path of totality for both the 2017 and 2024 “bookend” solar eclipses:
The last time continental observers witnessed three solar eclipses in such rapid succession was from 1806-1811. This was immediately followed by what’s referred to as the New Madrid Sequence: a three-month period of devastating earthquakes (December 16, 1811 - February 7, 1812). Though the epicenter was located in northern Arkansas, these quakes shook the American south all the way to the eastern seaboard. The series eventually culminated in a 7.5 monster that leveled the town of New Madrid, Missouri. The quake knocked down trees, collapsed riverbeds, and even caused massive ground displacements that gave observers the impression that the Mississippi River was flowing backwards.
New Madrid, Missouri is also located in the crossed path of the 2017 and 2024 totalities, less than 200 miles from Pfizer’s Chesterfield facility:
Comet Pons-Brooks was conclusively discovered at Marseilles Observatory in July 1812 by Jean-Louis Pons, and on its next appearance in 1883 by William Robert Brooks. As
noted in the comments section of ’s related piece: “Perhaps relevant - notably, a comet being referred to as the 'devil's comet' just had an outburst to magnitude 3.5, and is now a naked eye object; it's close to the Sun and will probably be visible during the eclipse.”NASA will launch three sounding rockets into the shadow of the moon. These staggered launches will occur 45 minutes before and after the peak local eclipse, with the middle launch set to take place at precisely 15:33 EST (or 3:33 PM). The project’s name — “Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path” — has been shortened to the rather troll-ish acronym APEP, the name of the snake demon who opposed the Egyptian sun god Ra. The mission is ostensibly to collect data on micro changes in electric and magnetic fields during solar eclipses, to help predict potential disturbances to our satellite and telecommunications network. Personally, I think we should be much more concerned about unpredictable solar flares, but whatever. Your tax dollars at work, folks.
Multiple U.S and Canadian cities and counties in or near the path of totality have preemptively declared states-of-emergency, including the deployment of State and National Guard. The rationale on offer basically boils down the increased threat of gridlock traffic from out-of-towners trying to catch a glimpse. Seems a bit overheated to me, but is perhaps mundanely explicable in the age of Emergency-Everything and its attendant power grabs. Still: a whole lot of mischief can occur under the cover of emergency powers.
After a two-year reprieve from not-at-all dangerously insane particle-smashing experiments, our good buddies at CERN will fire up the ol’ Large Hadron Collider on Monday.3 The idea behind the April 8 experiment is try to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang by shooting billions of protons down a tunnel at near-light speed. As a result, they hope to prove the existence of dark matter. Because Science, shut up. Anyway, CERN claims the experiment’s timing has nothing to do with the eclipse itself, and the coinciding dates are pure coincidence. So just shut up, okay.
The list above is non-exhaustive. Reactions to it will range from “Those are nothing more than a bunch of weird coincidences,” to “Gadzooks, it’s Armageddon!” There will of course also be a plethora of more specific analyses, focusing on Freemasonry, Hermeticism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Numerology, the Aquarian Age, Gnosticism and all manner of pagan offshoots and occult traditions. And not just them, of course; throw a rock and you’ll hit a Christian, Muslim or Jew who is more then happy to help trigger Armageddon. They’ll even work together on certain apocalyptic projects. Just ask Texas.
I’m sure there are a million other sundry mechanisms at play, and a million other rites and plans set into motion, to celebrate the movement of these various rocks and nuclear furnaces. If I had the time, I could even drill down on a couple of those and give some personal insights. I’m far from an expert in the occult, but I’ve been around the block a few times (unfortunately).
Anyway, what I think we can all agree on is this: A bunch of bad people are probably planning bad things, to coincide with some kind of cosmic Victory Party.
The general view on this situation tends to rocket between pure materialism and religious fundamentalism. My own take is a little different. If you’re at all curious, you can try this on for size:
Short version: When I staple all these mechanical and consciously orchestrated events together, what I see is the outlines of a certain evil meta-religion. I suspect this inverted form of faith has been in development since at least the start of the Younger Dryas, and perhaps since the dawn of Mankind itself.
Since then it has grown many branches, many names and factions and sects that vie for power in both broad daylight and deepest shadow. Above all else they worship all that which is vast, mindless, predictable and unstoppably strong. Comets and moons, suns and planets, earthquakes and floods. A blind idiot god of clockwork, who they can somehow appease and fuel with the blood of their brothers and sisters.
In short:
They are the Church of the Machine.
I have much more to say about this church, its ugly bishops and its bewildered flock.
But at least part of reality does operate by clock, and mine’s run out of time. So I’ll leave you with these (hopefully not-so final) thoughts:
So exactly what will happen tomorrow? Beats me. Odds are they’ll try to scare and kill a lot of people (and most likely in that order). All I can say is to be ready for absolutely anything (or even for nothing, as the case may be).
I’m no expert on theology or the occult — or on much of anything, for that matter. What I do know, straight to the bottom of my soul, is this: it’s the job of the Good Guys to save the world, not to destroy it. And once we get our act together, all these delusional creeps, liars and psychos won’t stand a chance.
If you see something particularly freaky or scary, always bear in mind that we are dealing with illusionists. Assail the situation with your mind and skills, but trust your heart when all else fails. If you are a non-believer, pry it open to the possibility of a God who loves every inch of your flawed, ignorant, heroic ass, and who will help you prevail against crazy odds.
Oh, and remember to laugh and crack jokes, whenever possible. Not only is that good for the soul, it really hits the Bad Guys where it hurts. If these losers could take a joke, they probably would be doing something better with their lives than praying to snake-gods and plotting genocides and whatnot.
That’s all for now. If I get vaporized by an earthquake or suitcase-nuke or whatever tomorrow, then I guess I’ll see you crazy bastards on the Other Side. Bring whiskey.
But no matter what happens, God bless and keep you all.
Be strong, fight smart and love each other like the fate of the world depends on it. I get the feeling it might.
We will win.
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I’ll resist any talk here of Revelation — of a round-bellied pregnant woman clothed by the sun, for instance, or of a dragon’s tail sweeping stars from the heavens. That’s another article, for another time. Here I will only remind my non-theistic friends of “Pope’s Postulate.”
TLDR; Just because you don’t believe in God, the occult or the Veil between worlds doesn’t mean our mutual enemies don’t believe in them.
More accurately the “NIH vaccine”, as that organization’s recent patent filing against Pfizer has revealed.
What’s the rush, you ask? Could it be their recent discovery of a 4D resonance phantom “haunting” their Super Proton Synchrotron particle accelerator? Probably unrelated, but interesting nonetheless given that this byproduct wasn’t predicted by the eggheads in advance.
A few hours out from totality, I’m leaning towards “nothingburger.” If I’m completely wrong, there’ll be no one left to quote me anyway.
Re the Church of the Machine, have you seen the recent piece from Tree of Woe summarizing Bruce Charleston’s taxonomy of evil? His descriptions of Ahrimanic vs Sorathic evil really hit home. Lots of insights packed in there. The one that’s really stuck with me is the concept that Ahrimanic evil wants things to be under control, even if the devotee him/herself is not in control. To be frank I glimpse myself in that mirror. There’s a splinter of Ahrimanic evil in my soul too. This is the evil of Screwtape (and your piece the other day). But the thrust of the piece is that Sorathic evil is now taking over. This is the evil of Cthulhu—a black hole that negates the very idea of churches, and in fact organizations of all kinds down to the organization of atoms and electrons. (Paging CERN. Please stop it.) Your thoughts on this distinction?
We're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We know it's coming, sometime between now and Inauguration Day 2025, but when will it be? And will it be all at once or in stages?
You have the correct read on this situation, though. "Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities..." And the enemy will be dropping the disguise and acting more openly in the near future. Materialism will be increasingly untenable as an answer to the questions of Life.
With that in mind, whether anything obvious happens in the material realm tomorrow, the real danger is in the spiritual machinations which our demonic elites have planned. They do take all the occult symbols and numerology very seriously, so you know they -- and ultimately their prince of darkness -- will be up to some dirty tricks tomorrow. Will some new and palpable demonic energy enter our world? I think we'll probably look back in a few months and recognize that something did change April 8th.
I guess in the coming months, we'll all find out what we really believe about God and about the true nature of things, because the rubber is about to meet the road.
Great post, as always, sir! God bless and keep you and everyone of good will from the evil coming our way!