Great piece, ties in with several threads I've had on my mind. One observation. That shibboleth about "thinking twenty moves ahead" needs to be put to sleep. It is, as you imply, a psy-op in miniature--like the letters Ph.D, it serves to convince the hearer that there are people out there whose gargantuan intellectual prowess can judo the rest of us into oblivion. It unfortunately got traction on the dissident right with that meme about Trump playing 4D chess, too.

Reality is that chess grandmasters do NOT think twenty moves ahead. They recognize patterns based on their wide experience of all the ways chess games can go, and make moves to counter and exploit those patterns. It's the exact same thing each of us does every day in our daily lives and more so within our individual specialties. The myth of the political / medical / magical grandmaster is simply that, a myth.

Of course they know that themselves, secretly, which is why they're betting on AI: pattern recognition on the grand scale. And thus, one way to throw them off is to deliberately deviate from pattern. I'm reminded of how one academic refuted Skinner's contention that free will does not exist. Suddenly, in the middle of a conversation with Skinner himself, the man dived under his desk. "This is my answer," he shouted up from beneath it.

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Thanks, Felix. Yeah, it's frustrating as hell to read the Nth doomer article shadow-praising these schizoid midwits for their unstoppable plans and powers. I wouldn't trust most of them to run a Starbucks (unless by that you mean "run it into the ground").

I think the misperception is born out of something like a bone-deep belief in meritocracy. In other words, despite what they might say aloud, I think many people can't imagine a situation in which so many mediocrities and lunatics could ascend to these life-or-death decision making positions in a society. It's incomprehensible, so they fall back on the theory that they must only be pretending to be stupid, that they're "crazy like a fox."

I also agree about pattern-finding methods and their ultimate weakness. The Skinner example is hilarious, and I recall once providing a similar answer to the free will question to a youthful friend. Mid-sentence, I suddenly sprinted away from him singing "Glory, Glory Hallelujah" at the top of my lungs. I didn't speak to him about this for days until he himself brought it up (which was also demonstrating multiple acts of will).

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Morons and cretins are eternally drawn to power structures in hopes of gaining the resources that they internally lack. The meritocracy belief is comforting for many people, I agree, because of the related illusion that getting ahead in the world must, has to, mean you're the bestest. The very thing that St. Paul tried to warn us against lo these many centuries ago! It's infuriating that so many on "our side" fall into the same mental trap, inverted -- "They're at the top of the power structure, therefore they're supervillains, Q.E.D." The only way out of this trap is to recognize that worldly power is not real power at all, it's a fleeting and treacherous illusion that only midwits would even believe in. Malcolm Muggeridge had a great line about how the cross always triumphs over the knout. He was brought to this realization, having been an atheist, after seeing how the people of the Ukraine fell back on their faith amidst the Holomodor. Once you see the logic of the Cross you can't unsee it.

"Glory glory hallelujah," perfect. Did it knock the scales off the eyes of your friend? Or at least give him pause for thought?

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" The only way out of this trap is to recognize that worldly power is not real power at all, it's a fleeting and treacherous illusion that only midwits would even believe in."

I think that's why they're going all-in on "immortality" of the flesh. In the past, the perceived route was all potions and sorcery. Now they've added illusions such as gene therapy, telomere extension, cybernetics and other stupid ideas. To return to Blade Runner for a moment, "You were made as well as we could make you, Roy."

As for my young friend, I think I might have cracked a scale or two. What might have done the rest of the job was his experiences in college with COVID and the Woke. If evil could be said to have any useful purpose, it is to awaken us to the good and true.

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May 27, 2023
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Thinking specifically about the folks at the top of US foreign policy; I think that they underestimate the power that they have. They are undoing alliances and systems that are decades or more old. I am thinking here of efforts to isolate Russia and China. And similarly, I can see them thinking, “ah, nuclear weapons aren’t so bad.”

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Pattern deviation is a very good idea.

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-- "But the lab is not the wild."

Important insight, and one that has probably never occurred to any of these smug, self-proclaimed geniuses trying to conjure up all this dark magic. Your read on the situation is excellent, and taken together with John Carter's posts about "the Hydra" (https://barsoom.substack.com/p/the-great-convergence-i-pennywise), provides some real cause for optimism. Especially when the wizards' leadership is promoted for DEI purposes, rather than competence. Maybe they'll have some impressive and very expensive toys to play with, but they lack the imagination or skill to use those toys effectively in a dynamic environment. Before the wizards are able to figure out how to use their tools effectively, their opponents will have figured out a dozen ways to use the wizards' own tools against them.

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Totally. Lack of imagination seems almost like a prerequisite for this crowd. That's probably why so many DARPA funded proposals are ripped off from science fiction shit made decades ago. And that's not even to mention the stupidity. I felt like my brain was melting reading about the plan for invisible octo-men. Buncha dopes.

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Yes! The wayward wizards are creepy copycats. They can only mimic (and of course *mock) our Divine power of imagination/creativity.

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Tolkien had the beat, yes.

"No, they eat and drink, Sam. The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them; and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures. Foul waters and foul meats they’ll take, if they can get no better, but not poison."

And yet, some will drink poison anyway thinking that it's nectar, like Martin Donovan at the end of "Last Crusade." He chose... poorly.

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Exactly. Example in point is recently US Marines were tasked with sneaking up on a robot combat dog. They literally did a Solid Snake on it (snuck up on it wearing a cardboard box).

The future is hilarious.

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LMAO, indeed it is. The camouflage of the future might be cardboard boxes, Furry costumes and sheets with eyeholes cut out of them. ChatGPT says ghosts don't exist, so why would it waste the ammo?

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Is there video for this? I need to see if my mental image matches the reality. Hysterical! 🤣🤣🤣

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No, but the other two ways they defeated it were also pretty hilarious https://www.unilad.com/news/us-marines-defeat-pentagon-ai-robot-cardboard-boxes-175338-20230121

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That was truly laugh-out-loud funny. As Mark often points out in his articles like this one, these technocratic overlords with their worship of their AI god are not as smart as they think they are and neither is their technology. Defeated by somersaults, cardboard and fir trees. 🤣🤣🤣

Thank you for sharing!

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Our Luciferian overlords have sold humanity on opposite idea (the lab, not the wild). This is a key principle in understanding #TerrainTheory as well.

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There is spectacular decay all around us now, in every facet of society and culture, basic goods and services, politics, religion, community, and more. All due to the low level thinking and quality that that their insane hocus-pocus dogma has produced. It’s actually impressive in a purely negative sense. How could they have f-ed up EVERYTHING so royally?

Wind, meet whirlwind. It’s coming…and I feel in my bones it won’t take that long for it all to kick into high gear.

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Thank you, Mark. And, for what it's worth, I don't think about you every day or even every week, but I woke up this morning wondering where the hell ya been. Now I know, and I'm glad you were thinking and writing in your unique style all that time, haha. Stay creative and courageous, I think that's what the Creator meant for us to do and be!

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Thanks, Sharine. I agree that creativity, inspiration and spiritual unity will be our strongest weapons in the fight. Price tag: $0.00.

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Be strong and courageous, we are told.

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Damn Mark. That one hit hard. It feels like you just non-chalantly pinned reality on a board, looked at it for a while, explaining to us bystanders what it's all about, then took it down, crumbled it in your hand, and threw it into the bin with an offhand gesture while leaving the classroom, a happy tune on your lips.

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Reminds me of a Models and Methods professor I once had. He would walk in whistling with a piece of chalk on his ear. Look at the blackboard for a minute and say, "right." And then proceed to fill up the two boards with equations while talking about it the whole time. There were never any questions from the class at the end. More like stunned silence. He also liked restoring 60's Mustangs.

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Mark certainly has a gift for that

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Gold, iron, blacksmith, magic... maybe something like "rock, paper, stone"? ;)

It is worth considering that if the weapons being wielded are magical in nature (ie - aimed at procuring "changes in consciousness [of others] at will") the only defenses against such weapons are also magical. (ie - defending one's own states of consciousness against being changed by the will of others.) John Michael Greer continues to be an excellent guide to the magical arts of the brightest kind. Also, Dion Fortune's book "The Magical Battle of Britain" provides an idea of how this might work in practice. A commenter on one of John Michael Greer's blogs, whose name I sadly do not recall, once said, "Remember that out of every 100 Storm Troopers you see, 99 are cardboard cutouts." I have taken this saying to heart. The trick is to figure out which is the 1 that actually carries all the "iron", and be ready to fight that specific 1, without having wasted any energy on the fake, and ironless, 99.

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Excellent analogy.

And yes, I fully agree that the battle will proceed simultaneously at the level of consciousness, and in the higher realms more generally. Luckily for us, this also means that the tide can be turned in an instant, since will is a massless resource that can be summoned without expense. Their magic, on the other hand, still requires plenty of gold to function. Without it, their forces will fragment and lose the will to fight. That's the funny thing about evil; you can't trust its agents without constant bribes and threats (and even then, the "trust" is an illusion),

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"will is a massless resource that con be summoned without expense"

Yes, exactly. Light does not *need* to fight darkness. It just has to be what it is, and the darkness cannot approach it. Whereas the dark has to work at persuading, cajoling or tricking the light to extinguish itself, before it can approach.

Shine on.

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"rock, paper, scissors"... of course. Lol.

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Meaty, juicy, tasty post Mark.

I had to read it twice, so hence my delay in praise.

I am seriously considering working in a much more low tech field vs software QA. Maybe truck driving.

Because I am seeing the AI/ChatGPT magic coming to devour all white collar tech jobs. Or maybe just 'most' jobs. Either would be a disaster.

Everything you're saying makes sense but....I've been hearing about the Apocalypse literally my entire life (Damn you, Hal Lindsey). I've been hearing Joe Biden is going to stroke out for, well, years now at this point. Maybe it's just the case that there is a lot of ruin in a nation, or that no man knows the day or the hour. It may be things will get a lot, lot worse before things truly fall apart. It feels like demons stalk the land quite freely. But...things were damn bad in the 1930's and we lived through that too.

Dunno. This is a great post and much respect to you Mark.

I think your last three lines tell the whole tale:


Either way: buckle up, buttercup.

This ride’s about to get bumpy, and a whole helluva lot more interesting."

Yes indeed.

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2024 is already shaping up to be a very "interesting" year.

(Sorry about the extreme necro; must’ve missed this the first time around).

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Hal Lindsay has definitely entered the zeitgeist once more! Was just remarking on this in a different substack this morning.

It’s hard to predict exactly what the shape of things to come will look like exactly, although Mark does an excellent job with his paintbrush of words. I’ve no doubt we will know it when we see it though.

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Indeed we shall. That is the challenge to us, to be ready at any moment, and to be diligent at our post.

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Good stuff Mark. I think that you have hit on several key points often missed in discussions like this. The big one though I like to sum up as 'Sin makes you stupid.', and while that definitely applies to all of us*edited from it oops* far too much, the sort of evil that these people are engaging in rots your brain faster than any of the psychedelics can fry an egg. What is often missed is that in any satanic sacrifice the magician also gives a part of himself, his mind, his soul whatever. It is no coincidence that Biden/Pelosi and the rest are all pants poopers. Certainly there is some selecting for obedient but ambitious idiots, but the work that they are engaged in produces people of this kind whatever it starts with.

Second point, is that our view of reality has been rather distorted by the strange prodigy of the Third Reich. They really are a prodigy in that evil almost always corrodes at such a rate that it is exceedingly rare to find that sort of evil that can still be efficient or effective. By a strange providence, the Nazis were both very evil and very effective for a long time and every since our imagination has been populated by evil masterminds. But evil almost always leads not to goose stepping efficiency and technical genius but to incompetence and incontinence as it is here and now.

Third point, my favorite literary analogy for the gerontocracy is Tolkien's Akallabeth-the Downfall of Numenor. In it, the Westerners, blessed by the Valar for their part in the defeat of the great evil, wise and powerful, are infiltrated by Sauron who becomes the chief councilor to their kings and twists them into something that would look awfully familiar to us. But as the last king is growing old and afraid of death Sauron convinces him to offer a sacrifice to the Dark Lord(not Sauron, called the Dark Lord from this point on but the first Dark Lord Morgoth) which causes the entire empire to be destroyed in a flood and the whole world remade.

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Yep, yep. The pants-pooper brigade very well may be a cautionary tale for the cost of swinging those kind of deals.

As for the Nazis, Soviets, etc., I think the case can be made that we're looking at a different species of evil. I think it's not as immediately and obviously self-destructive because the spells cast by propaganda of that sort don't totally corrupt the hearts and minds of those who get targeted. Normal people are seduced into thinking they're doing good in the world (and many of the evil outcomes are hidden or downplayed), and so it takes much longer for that bill to come due.

Great Tolkien analogy. And obviously there is the also the scene of Theoden and Wormtongue from TTT to consider. The movie version of it missed the point by a very wide mark. Theoden wasn't being "mind-controlled" but corrupted, misled and diminished through the depredations of a fifth column adviser. Sounds familiar.

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As for the idea that the modern liberalism is more corrupting, it may be because the Stalinists and Nazis were corruptions of Patriotism and were sort of good things pushed to extremes. Woke is very disconnected from whatever good it was originally a corruption of, possibly the legitimate concern for victims bit that is rather tentative, it is extremely anti-natural, much more so than 'blood and soil'

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Very true point about the Stalinists and Nazis that is easily forgotten. I like to call this one, 'Most problems begin their lives as solutions.' Nazism began as a solution to Versailles and the humiliation of the Germans. I don't know that the roots of Stalinism are quite as simple or maybe they are just less familiar to me. I don't say this to excuse what they did but only to recognize which roads it is that can lead from where we are to where they are.

And as much as I prefer the Right to the Left sometimes I can't help but think that the Globalists are the tools of a much darker power who wants to drive the American Patriots to a horrible place. As much as I would like to cheer for it, I fear the Second Coming of Trump.(not because of anything that he is personally but because I know that for myself I would find it easy to justify doing some rather nasty things to the enemies of We the People and I know that I am not the only one)

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Map and Stalin both killed ten million of their own people through hubris and technocratic incompetence. We are heading down this path with the shitting down of power plants

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To go back to the question of why the armed forces are using Heather Has Two Mommies, and drag queens, for recruitment ads. Why? Near as I can tell, it is not to further demoralize domestic opponents to the Rainbow; that civil war has been won and written into law by Obergefell. I think the ads are put together by very sincere people who see themselves engaged in a kind of Reconstruction under the Rainbow flag, building an army to defend our Rainbow freedoms from all enemies foreign and domestic. So these ads are a logical appeal to children raised in the Rainbow faith these last twenty five years since "don't ask don't tell". These children are populating our armed forces going forward, and the Rainbow faith must be respected and encouraged lest we build an army of amoral white men dangerous to ourselves and the world.

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I think your version is probably accurate for the rank-and-file who are executing the campaigns. But as we float farther up the command chain, I wonder if we wouldn't find kompromat-driven officers who are driving them forward based on the wishes of adjacent NatSec agencies and/or globalist crooks. I guess that's fundamental to my theory; what appears to dovetail neatly with the social phenomenon of the trans virus might be quietly serving unseen masters, who are pursuing a very different set of goals.

In other words, the lower tier Yes-Men may indeed believe that they're "helping" the armed forces by changing the demographics, but are secretly being used to sabotage recruitment (and by extension, conventional warfare in general) in order to make way for the robots, bioweapons and other inhuman assets that can be directly controlled on future battlefields.

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I get that 'if i have a sword and you have gold, soon i will have gold and a sword' and it does have some relevance. I like more your magick rules iron because Babylonian Money Magick buys the minds of people and at this point, it's global. So, if Gold = Money and the Money buys Minds, haven't you overpowered the Iron?

I think it's definitely cyclic though.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”



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Yeah, there's definitely a bit of "rock, paper, scissors" going on, as Scotyln pointed out above. It's difficult to untangle, and there are for sure cycles (and cycles within cycles) at play.

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It's okay, don't be alarmed. Once this thing really gets going the whole shebang only lasts around seven years, or something. Read that somewhere....

And DARPA. Lol. Yeah, they get to try out all the insane things. But! We lived four years off one of their grants. (Don't worry, the project fizzled. Actually quite relieved, really. And probably that's the only time we'll have gotten that close to, well, whatever you want to call it.)

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Whoa! If we ever meet up in real life, I'd like to hear that story, Miss Teacup. Preferable on an empty beach, and far away from any suspicious-looking seagulls.

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That's funny! It's pretty boring as most things are but, sure, if we ever meet I'll try to tell it in a thrilling manner. :)

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If magic is the work of a mage to enslave or enthrall, then what is majesty? Reading the Oera Linda changed the way I think about magic. In the old days, there were Magi or Magyars, and the Magi had slaves. The Frisians (where we get our word free--Freya the matriarch of the Frisians) had a policy to not allow Magi or slaves on their land. This is a major theme of the book. The Magi and his slaves go hand in hand. The Magi are priests who use their craft to dominate and enslave their victims. The slaves are completely controlled by their fears (their religious superstition). The darkness of mental slavery and superstition has grown over their minds. They are like Odysseus's men, who are turned into swine by the witch Circe (CHURCH). Jesus also uses the symbol of swine to describe religious people when he said, don't throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample the pearls and then turn on you. How many times have you had your pearls trampled by religious people when you tried to use rational arguments to prevent them from taking the vaccines? Not a fun experience. Save your pearls of wisdom for people who value them. The Pearls of Wisdom (as Blake says) are sold in a desolate marketplace where none come to buy. If this makes you wonder if there is more symbolism of this sort in ancient poetry from Homer to Virgil, there is (Ovid was not versed in this tradition and represents the first feminist poet in Rome...the moral antithesis of the old classical tradition).

I've enjoyed your spoken and written word. Thanks for your contribution.

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Iron destroyed the world of magic. Probably quite literally. Fairies fear the secret of steel. It is not for nothing that in the age of iron we are all materialists and whatever is left of religion is a faith-based cargo cult of real spirituality.

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"It’s my suspicion that many of the players backing these magic experiments fear death more than anyone who’s ever been alive. Centuries of deconstruction have crafted atomized minds, trained to believe that all they’ve seen is all there is. "

Your suspicion does not cut deep enough. Centuries of deconstruction were preceded by even more centuries with an all-too-tribal "god" promising judgment and punishment after death- and it is *punishment* and not reward that people expect, because almost everyone knows they are sinners according to that doctrine that still permeates the sub-conscious of the supposed materialist West.

Hence, death became the ultimate fearful event, The Thing That Should Not Be, The End Of The Line, where people knew they would have to deal with Satan and *eternal torture* because of their sins, or even because of *being born*... which is not what death is about, according to every form of genuine spiritual wisdom on the planet. This doctrine is a deliberate distortion designed not to help people on their way to enlightenment but to enslave people through metaphysical terror.

It is centuries of a *false religion* that led to materialism, scientism and transhumanism. The common denominator is the disconnect from nature, the body and the reality and nature of death. Along with that goes the attachment to words- The doctrine of lies starts with a lie: "In the beginning was the word"... Words and grammar (see grimoire) form the basis for magic spells. Which is why if you try to "study magic" you will immediately land on the Kabbalah, Abracadabra and Hocus Pocus. Puns intended.

Some people who think of themselves as christian/ jewish mystics or students of the esoteric, think that the mosaic/abrahamic scriptures are magical writings full of code and numerological layers of meaning. They are correct that they are magic spells, but tragically don't realise that they are curses.

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" I think the last time that magic ruled iron was the invention and use of the atomic bomb."

Yes, and just like magic, the atomic bomb isn't real. Just take a really close look at it and you'll see it's clearly propaganda; more of a psychological weapon than a real one:




And Oppenheimer was a fraud:


Parsons was too:


The Stanford Prison Experiment was faked:


'It’s not a case of “They’re all in on it.”'

Oh, but they are:



"The logical answer — to confess and repent — eludes them, because they dwell too much in the flesh."

Yes, this is a test: http://mileswmathis.com/test.pdf

"We’ll bear witness to the self-destruction inherent to all evil enterprises, as the backstabbers knife each other to death and the liars drown in their lies."

I can't wait!

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It's kinda weird, the way you frame the doddering old corpses at the top I kinda feel sorry for them, in a Buddhist detached compassion sort of way. They're rotten to the core, but also stupid and doomed, and I wonder how much of what they are can be attributed to the circumstances they found themselves in for reasons that went far beyond anything in their own lifetimes.

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