Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

I think that being lashed to the masts of God and freedom helped people pass through the Covid Straits safely.

Also, living someplace with more physical space; the groupthink was less "tight," for lack of a better word. Being in the Bay Area may have been harmful to Scott Adams, for example. I am guessing that the most densely populated parts of the Soviet Union had the most tattlers and spies, for the same reason. What happened in rural Bavaria was probably closer to normal than what happened in Berlin.

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Without doxxing myself, I believe my wife and I lived in a much tighter spot than Scott Adams at the point of outbreak (and frankly, much tighter than most people on Earth).

Still, I think it's possible pop density had it's own culminative pressures. I hope what I wrote didn't come off as disregarding those.

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Not at all. I am thinking about it in the context of hypnosis. Maybe they have a string of people up on stage at hypnosis demonstrations because it is easier for you, yourself, to be hypnotized when you see others around you being hypnotized? That's where I was heading with the Bay Area reference.

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When this all 'began' in 2020, I was looking after a friend's house in a small village in rural England. People shuttered themselves indoors. There was local chatter about some old neighbor dying. There was a palpable fear and separation in the village. And all the while, the British Telecom workers were hard at work digging up the sidewalks to install fibre networks and mobile antennas like there was no tomorrow. They were the only people outside during the whole day, while locals were allowed their 'hour of exercise' morning and afternoon. At the time, that was the strangest part, the Telecom workers who somehow evaded this deadly virus.

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Must be some of those "essential workers" I kept hearing about, while so many were kept from earning a living.

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Yeah, there was nothing more essential than internet (other than maybe food, water, and shelter) back then.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

And the liquor stores were considered “essential” in British Columbia! Have to keep people on their soma......or who knows what would ensue....

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Lashed to the masts…what a great analogy! It got me pondering if the Ancient Greek mythical tale of the Sirens was actually really about how to avoid the spell of the Sirens, aka Hypnosis.

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The word looks Greek, so I checked the etymology. It isn't what you suspected, but is still plenty interesting.

The "nosis" part is not "knowing" which is what I was wondering based on your comment. The dictionaries state that the word (hypnosis) was a French word for "inducing sleep" that dates back to the 1600s.

In classical Greek culture, Hypnos was the personification of sleep and a dear friend of the Muses (thanks, Wikipedia!). His mother was The Night (Nyx) and he has a twin brother Death (Thanatos). "according to Homer, he lives on the island Lemnos, which later on has been claimed to be his very own dream-island. He is said to be a calm and gentle god, as he helps humans in need and, due to their sleep, owns half of their lives." His wife, Pasithea, was the goddess of hallucination or relaxation.

Hypnos did turn the tide of the Trojan War. Zeus and his wife Hera were at odds, this time on opposite sides of the Trojan War. Hera dolled herself up, met up with Zeus, and then had Hypnos put Zeus to sleep. Then Hypnos gave the green light to Poseidon, who brought in the Danaans and give them a victory while Zeus was sleeping.

Fascinating and relaxing (oh, no, I am becoming very sleepy).

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

Fascinating dive into the etymology and the Greek pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Thank you so much for sharing.

When I was young I had a book of the Ancient Greek myths and it was one of my favorites reads. You’ve brought back some good memories for me. 😊

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

So, I'm not in the 25% but, rather, in the mediocre middle of those who went partway down this particular road of perdition but then wised up. Such is life.

What I wonder is whether all you 25%ers on here feel safe from all potential threats of suggestibility, or do you worry about what will slip past your defences in the future? If you don't worry.....should you?

I wonder if I'm now aware enough to avoid my gullibility in the future, or perhaps have the fortitude to resist my fear?

Mark, you're sort of an End Times curious kind of guy (if I've understood some of your other essays)...what about when the Man of Lawlessness shows up?

This is what COVID did for me, it woke me up to my desperately precarious spiritual state. I repented! But it sure was humbling to see just where I stand within the herd.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

Miss Teacup, thanks so much for this comment. But I need to reiterate something: YOU ARE NOT GULLIBLE. I mean, I highly doubt you are, but even if you were it has nothing to do with hypnosis as far as I can tell. It would be more like having brown eyes, or being born with some kind of vulnerability to a particular enzyme or parasite or something. If my theory's right, it may have much less to do with wisdom than we'd normally assume.

As for the Man of Lawlessness... let me think about that. You might be on to something there.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Paul talks about him in 2Thessalonians, and Jesus mentions him in Matthew 24:15. And we can't forget Daniel's vision. Then in Matthew 24:24 Jesus says "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect---if that were possible." In other words for anyone not saved in Christ the deceptions will be impossible to resist. The psyops will be way beyond whatever has been happening the last few years. And for those who reject Jesus there's a chilling passage in 2Thessalonians that says there's a certain point after which one can't change one's mind: "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Anyone who thinks they won't fall for it most certainly will if they've rejected the gospel. I've got too many loved ones currently at risk!! Well, I'll stop here.

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Well said. I was reading through Matthew 24, and this stuck out at me:

"So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." (26-27)

It makes me think of both the Attention Economy and of stage magic/hypnotism. The notion of guiding a subject's attention towards a false reality through misdirection and/or mesmerism. The idea here seems to be that when the truth arrives, it will be so plainly true that it won't be focused upon any one thing or person, but rather revealed in every aspect of observable reality at once.

Perhaps the mechanism of that will also involve the sudden reveal of all illusions, to everyone who still has eyes to see through them. Maybe that's even the part of the revelation that we are witnessing now. The illusions have never seemed shoddier, and the illusionists never so desperate to direct attention away from them. Something to ponder, maybe.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Great dialogue, you two.

My opinion is that when the Son of Man comes, it will be unmistakeable, undeniable, and immediately obvious that everything changed.

The Jews were expecting a lion (read Zechariah 9:9-11; not just the Palm Sunday verse but, then, what the arriving king would then do) but instead were treated to a lamb.

We Christians have worshipped (and non-Christians have known Him as) a lamb; but Jesus is coming back as a lion.

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Yes, utterly unmistakable. To every last person on Earth.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Maybe the shoddiness now will act as foil to the really stupendous stuff that's coming? Priming to make certain people think "oh, I got this, no problem"?

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What do you mean?

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Well, Jesus says that the deceptions will be so powerful as to deceive even the elect, IF THAT WERE POSSIBLE.

So we know that if we're covered by the blood of the Lamb we'll not fall for the deceptions. But if we weren't covered I can only assume we would. He says it plainly.

So, for those who haven't accepted the Truth, and who think they are perfectly capable of seeing through deceptions that are going to be pretty awesome, if you were Satan might you not think it entertaining to lead those people to see through the shoddy stuff in order to bolster their faith in their own abilities to see? Encourage them to lean on their own understanding by giving them "easy" challenges/psyops to see through? Then they might make mistakes later in assessing the really "terrific" stuff Jesus says will be on display for the entire world to marvel at.

I guess that's kind of what I had in mind.

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Bravo, Miss Teacup! What you did is tremendous.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

It was more "return of the prodigal" daughter, after a many years absence. My relief is tremendous. If God had allowed me to die in my sin..... I don't like to think about that.

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Back in your initial comment, you wrote, "What I wonder is whether all you 25%ers on here feel safe from all potential threats of suggestibility, or do you worry about what will slip past your defences in the future? If you don't worry.....should you?"

You hit on the most important part: worry.

I am in the 25% and do not worry or care about what will slip past my defences. Being in a relaxed state, especially if resting in the Lord, the things that are not of Him are easier to see. (Especially if you lift them up in prayer., prayer for the people involved.)

I worry about things of my choosing! For me, it is energy, As a kid, it was whether there would be energy for us as adults; as a young adult, it was climate change; now, I am worried about energy supply again, this time cutting it off out of overblown fears of climate change.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

I was not deceived by either Gulf War; the invasion of Ukraine; Covid or the vaccines. I was sympathetic to Occupy Wall Street, concerns over nuclear power and climate change. But God has blessed me with a mind that can think through things and not get overly sucked in by the person who is proclaiming whatever.

BTW, I becoming a doubter about Putin and Russia's ability to win as thoroughly as they need to in Ukraine.

I also voted two times each for Ralph Nader and Donald Trump for president.

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I would be careful here, Jeff. After all, this contradicts what you said a moment ago: "(A)s a young adult, it was climate change." We all have our weaknesses with regards to certain kinds of illusions, I'd wager. And if we don't, we probably aren't looking hard enough.

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Yes, we are all susceptible to being sucked in by things that are consistent with our world view. I think that is a factor in this hypnosis conversation. Our brains allow in the things that fit. Most people are not very diligent about questioning that fit.

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No doubt. The physics of climate change was very plausible to me. I read what the NRDC and Worldwatch Institute had to say, and it was very, very plausible. But it hasn't played out that way. God made ecosystems as resilient and amazing as He made people. That is the long and short of it.

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Paul also writes about our hearts growing cold in the last days. That facilitates all sorts of things, including civil war, hating your neighbor, being heartless in the face of economic devastation and homelessness, not caring about people maltreated by the healthcare system and suffering . . . I could go on, but that's enough for 8:03 in the morning.

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In order to prevent mass hypnosis/psychosis, IMO it will require arresting and interrogating those responsible for it, removing the means to do so, trying them, & sentencing them.

Then it will entail a top-to-bottom review, dismantlement, and restructuring of every institution that requires subservience and obedience, and then creating institutions that inform, instruct, and educate the populace about such techniques and how to guard against them, at the same time emphasizing critical thinking, logic, identification of fallacies, etc.

However, this will have to wait until the whole sheebang goes tits up in a fiery deep impact explosion.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

I agree with eveything you say here in principle, Dave. My biggest problem right now (and I think all of our biggest problem) is with regards to "inform(ing), instruct(ing), and educat(ing) the populace about such techniques and how to guard against (the techniques)." It is a thorny dilemma, when as much as 50% of the populace is significantly vulnerable to said techniques, and we don't even know who is designing them.

It gets even weirder. For example Imagine a whole team of ten designers where only 2/10 are unhypnotizable, and the techniques are so strong that the rest can be fully suggested to believe they're part of a different project entirely. This is why we need to think way outside the box when it comes to these sorts of enemies, IMO. I agree we need to round them up, though.

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I'd say it's more like 70% of the population (the same portion that doesn't have an inner self-dialog, and that looks to the group to determine a course of action as opposed to weighing the known facts and acting as seems best).

Mass mind control (from what I've gathered) is frighteningly simple, (per Jason Christoff), you degrade the target's brain via bad diet and toxins, and then you just repeat "the message" incessantly.

Apart from educating people about that, there's also weaponized FDIA (Facetious Disorder Imposed by Another, formerly Munchausen's by Proxy). This is what is being imposed on the West currently, and evidently was imposed on China by Mao's man, Lin Biao https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/lin-biaos-curse-of-trans Children will need to be taught about these and to guard against them, just like we tell them not to get into stranger's cars.

Systems and institutions that groom children to accept undeserved authority need to be examined, and reformed or scrapped. People standing in the way of this need to be fired, and where harm has been done, arrested and tried. IMO just about everything is going to have to be scrutinized, as the evil pricks who are doing this have insinuated their slimy tentacles into practically everything.

As to finding out who those evil pricks are, all we need to do is follow the money. The shitbag mid-level managers are being paid by *someone* to push this genocidal horseshit, and that should be easy enough to get to the bottom of, once things have gotten broken enough that those who guard them have had enough themselves.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

Again, I agree with all of this, except for the part about it being frighteningly simple. I agree that its initial forms were simple, as were the transmission mediums that carried them. My instincts tell me the particular techniques haven't remained static since the Cultural Revolution, though, and that much development has been done behind closed doors even since the days of MK Ultra.

That said, disentangling the kids from this operation (or operations) should be our #1 priority. What's unfortunate is that if my theory is correct, and ~75% of their parents will go on succumbing to the technique(s), then we can maximally expect to save roughly 25% of them. And that's a stretch, given that probability of mismatched generational immunity between parent and child being higher than zero.

I mean, it seems like those of us who can/will "follow the money" have already done so. The evidence couldn't be clearer, whether we're talking about COVID vaccine profits, "gender reassignment" surgeries or funding for the Ukraine War. It's gotten to the point where something like "hallucinations" might be Occam's solution for a large portion of the explanation. If they don't see it now, what would convince them? What's a smoking gun to them if they can't smell an entire forest on fire already?

This isn't meant to be blackpilled. I do believe solutions exist, and you've mentioned many of them. But I don't want to dismiss that there may be other tools out there to assist, and that some of them might be "out of the ordinary."

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You are correct that they are constantly refining their methods. The base technique is simple, but the application is complex insofar as how it is applied.

It's full-spectrum warfare. Literally everything that can be weaponized, is weaponized, from education to entertainment, social media, chemicals in the food/cleaning products, pharmaceutical/medical/industrial complex, finance, money creation, government, religion, anything and everything that can be subverted to degrade, destroy, or damage humanity has been made so, to the maximum extent it can be done - without sparking off a revolt.

This is one of the hardest thing to get across to people. It's mind-bogglingly big. But, once you get it, things get clear.

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Mark, I don't know what to say other than to pray. God cares about these kids more than anyone else does.

Helicopter parenting isn't going to change until the parents and kids have to focus on something besides their navels and iphones (and their kids' navels). And it is the helicopter parents who are the problem. They'll do anything to look out for little Johnny and Susie (or today, little Liam and Olivia).

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Pardon my French, but holy sh*t that essay from Clif High is disturbing.

Weaponized trannys: they are not a bizarre and random thing but something Mao's right hand man developed.

I did not know the depths of the darkness of the sexual "loosening" of my youth was a part of the 4 Olds under attack from the Cultural Revolution.

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Yeah, it's disturbing. But if you dig into this deep enough, you'll push through it to the realization that "they" are fucked. Their mindset is entirely lie-based, and that never works out.

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I know that they will not win. But I had no idea about the two things that I mentioned; and how I am a partial casualty in the war, and how far along they are.

I have figured out that if the "Chinese" wanted to undercut the US, and take us without force, I can name a whole bunch of the areas that High names as things that I would do: higher education; the military; the media; the government; science; it is all infiltrated.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Woohoo! After quite a while, an opening again to share my beloved wall of text 😊 →→ https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/news-from-cj-hopkins-and-consent-2fd/comment/11451522 👌

In a neutron-star-condensed form ↓↓

🗨 [The majority of folks] do hear your data and proofs. But in order to accept those as truth they must also accept that their docs are liars and their governments are monsters, which means their parents and teachers were wrong, and that science can't be trusted anymore, including those proofs and truths and that this has been going on for a long time.

An elephantine takeaway ↓↓

🗨 So, be kind. Be very grateful that you can see more truth than most.[...] And if you can handle that, be grateful for that as well. And patient and nonjudgemental for those who can't. You, and others like you, are an anomaly in the overall human condition.

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"With malice toward none; with charity for all;

with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right,

let us strive on to finish the work we are in;

to bind up the nation's wounds;

to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow,

and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish

a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations."

OK, that doesn't exactly apply. Lincoln had nearly won the civil war when he said these words. We are not quite to that point yet.

One day, one day!

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

🗨 one of them [parties] would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.


🗨 I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.


Anyhoo, the main drive of linked wall of text is an attempt—a worthy one, as seen from my sofa height—to explain how our safeguarding psyche has its wondrous way to intervene when core beliefs get challenged. It would rather not risk disintegration, lest the negative variety ensue from crisis (cue Kazimierz Dąbrowski).

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Some years back, when contemplating an alternative career, I became interested in various conceptions of personality, and came across Ernest Hartmann's Boundaries in the Mind. He posits that people with "thin" psychological boundaries are more susceptible to vivid imagination, remembering dreams, hypnosis and other mysterious channels of psychic influence. This may correlate to the "openness" aspect of the so-called Big Five personality traits. I scored exceptionally high on both tests and thus thought I would be a good candidate for hypnosis. However, when I tried it - with a genuine belief that it would be effective, the experience fell flat. This post got me thinking of another personality test I took (and validated with others) that might shed some light on the apparent paradox.

Gretchen Rubin (of Happiness Project fame) developed a different framework, which she calls the Four Tendencies. These reflect people's willingness to hold themselves to expectations - both of themselves, and those of others. Obligers, for example, are willing to meet others' expectations, but have a hard time holding themselves accountable to their own goals. Rebels, by contrast, resist the expectations of others and themselves. I scored high in the Rebel category, which represents a small contingent of Americans (I think she said 19% but speculated that was probably overstating things). Rebels' differentiated thinking can lead them to become iconoclasts & entrepreneurs OR outcasts who can barely function in modern society.

Here's where I'm going with this: I think it takes a streak of rebellion to go against the layer cake of propaganda and resulting social conformity...but one must ALSO be able to come up with a plausible alternative hypothesis to anchor one's thinking. Taking a giant leap out of "the world as we knew it" into an alternative framework that better explains reality requires both bravery and imagination.

That leap grows bigger the longer you wait - kind of like a boat leaving the dock. The more ridiculous the mandates, the more the cognitive dissonance grows, and the harder it is to explain "public health" policies in terms of what one knew to be true. Most people double down on "trusting the science" in order to avoid going crazy (or be judged by others as crazy). Not have prepared oneself psychologically through an incremental change in perception makes such a leap excruciating when it does come. The only way to do it is hold hands with others and hope not to drown in the process.

In other words, those who smelled a rat early on - and were possessed of an openness to alternative theories of reality - had an easier time understanding and processing the changes, which cushioned the blow of becoming social outcasts.

Speaking of rats, meet one Richard Day: https://drrichardday.wordpress.com/

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Interesting analogy. Hmmmm. Well I have a parent who is a Doctor and who also practiced hypnotism actually. My children are not vaccinated for anything and he has had lots of ‘talks’ with me about this. When Covid hit and the fear amped it was clear I would not get vaccinated. But this is because I have a significant chronic condition and taking a bioweapon (what I thought to be a vaccine) could down turn my little capacity. My specialist said what if you got long Covid on top of your condition which was a horrid thought but for whatever reason I wasn’t budging. My Doctor parent rang and condescended (while trying not to) my decision and amped fear to the degree I rang my adult daughter and tried to enforce it for her. She, like me, wasn’t having it and told me to stick it. What I like about the theory is it makes the decision making process less personal. And it still strikes me as bizarre that so many people cannot see beyond the psy op narrative. My experience is that 65 percent are still hypnotised over here.

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You got me on “pandemic enthusiast”. Then "simultaneously hilarious and terrifying." I am one of the 25%. It never caught me and never will. I would say PR companies, such as Hill + Knowlton, and advertizers are master hypnotists and consulted/hired for maximum effect pre- and during the plandemic.

Great topic!! I've been seeing mass hypnosis since this whole thing started. It's just so... weird.

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Nayvo, thanks brother. Yeah, at times it was like "Rosemary's Baby" x Jodorowsky's "Holy Mountain" to me. I was in an especially weird position, granted, but I don't think I'm totally off in thinking some more obscurantist tools were being applied.

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I'll have to check out Holy Mountain. Yes, obscurantist tools definitely applied, imo. There's elements of a dark religion (mask wearing, blood ritual, child sacrifice, etc) but also sorcery. So I'd say more than plain hypnosis, we're dealing with what can be called black magic. It's the child sacrifice that clinched it. There can only be evil involved in such a thing.

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Yes, that is another perfectly reasonable way to describe it, given the multiplicity of sacrificial forms on display. It may even be the more accurate description, which is why I offered up hypnotism as a magical tradition as well as a pseudoscience.

Any time we are dealing with the mysteries of human agency and how to subvert/corrupt it, we should approach it with epistemic humility, and that includes the admission that we simply don't know how much of reality may be influenced by agents, powers and entities that exist beyond the normal modes of perception.

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"we simply don't know how much of reality may be influenced by agents, powers and entities that exist beyond the normal modes of perception." I would question that assumption. I think instinctively, even analytically, we know it's a lot more than some humble idea of maybe.

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I guess I mean, "those who haven't had direct contact with that substrate of reality." Which is a group that doesn't include me (and perhaps doesn't include you either). But I'm trying to gradually build something like a bridge with language.

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Ha ha! No, sorcerer or satanist is not on my CV. Your command of language will make a most excellent bridge. I look forward to reading.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

I remember in 2015, Scott Adams was writing largely about hypnosis, persuasion, and how the left and right have different movies playing in their heads. (Thus, they interpret the same facts differently.)

Adams then gave serious credibility to Trump. Not endorsing him, but understanding his appeal through those same lenses. This played a role for me personally in taking Trump seriously as a plausible candidate.

Then, Adams went along with the whole Covid and vaccine mirage.

And now, of course, he finally got kicked to the curb.

It's all just a datapoint, something that seemed worth sharing. I guess my point is: that a national figure, and expert on persuasion and hypnosis, who was skilled and persuasive enough himself to help to bring Trump forward as a viable candidate; he got sucked in to the Covid mirage.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Author

One critical thing that I forgot to mention here was the claim (made strongly by my own hypnotist and virtually all others) that hypnotists themselves were subject to the Stanford Scale. In fact, I have heard the claim that most practicing hypnotists are even more inducible, despite (or because of?) their knowledge of technique.

And of course, even that leaves aside the discreet development of new techniques by bad actors. I don't know whether Adams was himself a victim (if the attack was anything at all like I suspect it was), but I've personally never heard him claim he was in the immunity group.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

In the holographic universe there’s an interesting bit about a pair of hypnotists that did a study where they hypnotized each other at the same time. I’m fuzzy on details but I think they stopped verbally communicating in one of the earliest sessions as telepathy just happened, but after a while they discontinued the study and one of them quit working as a hypnotist because the experience was so disquieting. Might be worth looking up.

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That does sound interesting, Tess. And if we align it with the theory of emergent egregores, it becomes more interesting still. What if part of the technique serves to subtly poke holes in the walls between minds, allowing for enhanced cooperation and mutual reinforcement? I'm just spitballing here, but I have been in multiple situations over the past decade or so where this would have quite a bit of explanatory power where more mundane sociological and behavioral theories fall short.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

I am also (as far as I know, having tried several times as a volunteer) unable to be hypnotized, but occasionally have situations where there’s an uncanny shared understanding or grokking with a person despite minimal communication or shared experience. It always makes think of the phrase ‘on the same wavelength’ and how little I actually understand about the mechanics of communication.

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It might also be true the 25% there toward the end still hypnotized about boosters are society's core authoritarians.

My go-to for understanding how this hypnotic propaganda works if John Michael Greer's The King in Orange. That is a clear study on how, with the introduction of Trump on the political scene, with the incessant Russia Russia Russia and racist/bigot/xenophobe/misogynist talk primed much of America for "safe and effective," and "pandemic of the unvaccinated." It is also about class, and in this sense too, the most susceptible to this hypnotism are the leading edge of evolution, professional managerial class.

The "pandemic" was also an effective way of isolating those who are not susceptible to hypnotism, who are and will be the targets for weeding out from the Globohomo American Empire. Expect the next fake pandemic to come right around the time they are ready to introduce a CBDC.

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I'm really sorry to hear that, Lynley (and your story below as well). As bad as things got in the States (and even worse in Canada), it seemed like nothing compared to Australia, which seemed to have transformed into gulag overnight. The strangest part for me was that if you asked me pre-COVID where else in the world I'd want to live if the U.S. collapsed or went full totalitarian, Oz would have made the top of my list by a substantial amount. Not only is it beautiful, I had this image floating in my head of the Aussies being even more freedom-loving than us Yanks in the aggregate. I don't know where that image came from, but it seems as though we are all stuck in more or less the same situation/demographic, even on distant continents.

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It's a little like when they went after frequent flyers after 9-11. Start with the most important ones. Once they submit, everything else is easier.

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Thankyou Mark. Australia is a truly beautiful country. It’s profound. There is desert, turquoise ocean, parklands, beaches, amazing wildlife, rainforests, endless farmland, scrub and on. And so much space. I would always have wanted to see this. And enjoy it. And yes the culture is more laid back. Country culture. But also because we have been behind America in advancement historically, it’s felt like a lovely dawdle. But somewhere in the last ten years or so. I think when iPhones and technology came out in force, that dawdle was lost. Our government’s are infiltrated by the powers at the top. It’s just the illusion of choice now. Being an affluent western country we are shocked by the oncoming recession. Truth be told, we are at war. mRNA is now injected into livestock. The vaccines are nano tech bioweapons. And I don’t say this flippantly. The next introduced pandemic by the powers wanting to enslave us is Ebola. Not sure if you follow Todd Callendar. I believe it to be true. Much much love to you and your family. May you live as truly and as vitally as time allows. ❤️😁

Below is a link to American meat analysis re mRNA


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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

An excellent analysis, in my opinion, and it at least hints at something; however, as a single point of anecdotal reference, I will remark that I am in the 75% who can be hypnotized -- I used to perform it on myself, as an aid to sleep, and have had it performed by others on me a couple of times -- but in the 25% or so who have not had a jab. Regardless, though, I would not be surprised if something at least adjacent to mass suggestion played a role of some kind in the whole phenomenon.

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Thanks, Wentz. Given your experience, I would definitely want to hear more about whatever insights you gained from self-hypnosis. The hypnotherapist i consulted talked about the fact that he himself was solidly in the 75% (though not full-scale inducible). I probably should've mentioned that in the article. As I'm immune and also not a practitioner myself, I'm curious to learn the potential weaknesses of this theory as well as its strengths.

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Well, I'm not terrifically well informed on the "academic" end of it (to whatever extent that term can be applied meaningfully to the topic), but from what I've experienced I certainly think it's possible that something (at least like hypnosis as it's usually understood) could be used, in conjunction with the more conventional sorts of propaganda that we also saw heavily employed, to add some level of reinforcement to the conditioning.

You noted in the article, I think, that it's been used to demonstrable effect in therapeutic types of settings, which by nature deal with the same general categories of psychological pathologies common to the pandemic enthusiast; and I would think, just logically speaking, that this sort of conditioning can be reversed at least as easily, and the kind of time frame that COVID had would likely have allowed for that to happen, especially at the kind of intensity of exposure we saw.

The only thing I'd note as a weak point in the theory is from a general observation; namely, there doesn't really *need* to be much further explanation aside from the obvious, per se, to adequately explain the reality we're witnessing. Good old-fashioned propaganda, extortion, and fear, in my experience, do the trick just fine there, with a healthy dose of... whatever word you would choose to describe the general insanity the last few decades have seen our society plunged into ("woke" is the most used, but I'm sure you'd agree it's a very tired term). That doesn't necessarily mean the theory is wrong, though.

My other experience with hypnosis is limited to just subjective description of the experience. It's kind of like the point in a dream where you realize it's a dream, and it transitions into a lucid dream, but almost in reverse. Your cognitive awareness is fully functioning the whole time, and if something were sufficiently urgent you could rouse yourself from it readily enough. You just don't really *care* enough to do much of anything while in a hypnotic state, and are willing to go along with silly or innocuous things like making chicken sounds or whatever. I could definitely see it being used to create COVIDite cognitive shifts, with repeated high levels of exposure and external reinforcement from social pressure and conventional propaganda.

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"Good old-fashioned propaganda, extortion, and fear, in my experience, do the trick just fine there, with a healthy dose of... whatever word you would choose to describe the general insanity the last few decades have seen our society plunged into "

I agree with this in principle. What's strange is how some of the numbers appear to line up. To reiterate, I'm in no way saying that that weaponized hypnosis (or a related technique) explains all or even most of result we've seen, but might've rather served to expand the effect among those who normally wouldn't fall for the usual tricks in the playbook.

For instance, consider the MC numbers Jon dug up above, and our discussion of them:


Again, I'm trying very hard to avoid confirmation bias, and I realize the signal in itself proves nothing. That said, I agree this would be the weakest part of theory, if it argued that hypnosis explained the entirety of the event.

"It's kind of like the point in a dream where you realize it's a dream, and it transitions into a lucid dream, but almost in reverse. Your cognitive awareness is fully functioning the whole time, and if something were sufficiently urgent you could rouse yourself from it readily enough."

This is an interesting way to describe it. What's strange is that while I'm not hypnotizable, I do have lucid dreams quite often, and perhaps more often than the population average. Albeit, I have no idea what that is, or how we'd even begin to quantify or qualify it. But anecdotally, this appears to be the case. I even occasionally have "lucid nightmares" which I find is one of the most difficult phenomena to describe. To be essentially trapped inside a bad dream with your full memory and wits about, desperately trying to find a way out of it might also serve as a good description for much of our waking lives in recent years (I know it has for mine, at times).

Again, not sure if there's any relevance or correlation there, but it make me wonder. Thanks for this.

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Fully agree on all points. Smells all the way through of “just a coincidence,” and I’m not one to believe in coincidence.

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Regarding the covid mass-hypnosis, I think the one factor that explains inducibility is some baseline awareness of or sensitivity to the "language of making" for lack of a better phrase.

In March 2020 I was swept up in the anxiety. By late April I started to become aware that something was amiss (I can remember the evening when I was reading/posting on social media and it suddenly became crystal clear that there were people actively manipulating the discourse). By early summer I could read the occult fingerprints of the operation, all of the symbols that were engineered to create a sense of terror and ultimately compliance. Same as 9/11: back then I was sensitive to the phenomenon but not yet fluent in the language.

There's a reason that people are discouraged from investigating metaphysical phenomena in any real/actionable way.

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"Regarding the covid mass-hypnosis, I think the one factor that explains inducibility is some baseline awareness of or sensitivity to the "language of making" for lack of a better phrase."

This is an interesting way to frame the problem, II (as per usual, from you). I really need to think about this before I can respond coherently. Short story is, I sense you might be onto something. Even if it's not a reproducible countermeasure in itself, it might be the path towards one. Thanks.

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This ties in with one of my comments ("lash yourself to the masts of God and freedom"). But you spell out the why; we need to put on the full armor of God to take our stand against the Devil's schemes.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

This was too long for me, I didn't make it to your conclusions. I will have to retry when I have more time and a larger screen. But maybe you could also make your points stick out more? Meaning, structure it even clearer than it surely is structured, no offense meant. I'm a bit vexed because it's very very interesting but also soooo long ...

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That's totally understandable. If it would help, maybe you can scroll down to where the graphs start. If you find the theory interesting, the text above might provide more context.

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Some topics require length to investigate and explain properly. This is definitely one of them.

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Thanks for saying this, Baba. I'm not a Twitter guy, and probably never will be. I've been trying to write for posterity more than instant likes/etc, so some of this stuff is gonna run long.

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Mark, it is aging well already. It was time well spent to revisit the conversation here, even after reading the great posting yesterday. You have built a lovely community.

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My father used to hypnotize my brothers. I watched him get them to do crazy physical feats or perform activities on objects that did not exist (check the puppy for fleas).

I was never hypnotized, nor can I be hypnotized today. However, given that my brothers were hypnotized, not one of them fell for the covid scam. None got jabbed or believed that lockdowns were wise, masks were effective, and that the jabs protected anyone. Obviously, neither did I.

Even I questioned early on, if these are mRNA technology, what is to keep reverse transcriptase from incorporating these into the DNA? I'm no rocket scientist. But, if I could wonder, why did much smarter people than me not do the same?

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But for the record, no, I don't think covid was some grand scheme to rule via medical fiat, depopulation, etc. I think it's a colossal fuckup born of too many arrogantly clueless Big Plans (for Big $, to Rule the World, Cure Cancer, whatever) smacking into each other along with their own negative consequences.

Orchestrated coverup? Sure. Major exploitation? Of course. But competent execution of some Grand Scheme? I don't see it. Just a cluster fuck of misguided power nodes going over the top like Nero with a hot fiddle. Wag the dog too much and you find yourself riding a tiger by the tail.

Humans simply can't function sanely in large groups, is my baseline on all this. There is no enemy to fight but oneself, and the Tyler Durden model doesn't appeal to me:


<a href='https://gifbin.com/981464' title='Funny Gifs'><img src='https://gifbin.com/bin/3934yu85yu4.gif'></a>

So I don't focus on fighting the Enemy, but rather, on befriending my immediate fellows.

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I suggest we add the concept of 'habit' to 'hypnosis' 'mass formation' etc. Imprints, indoctrinations, etc. take on a life of their own. The inertia of habit is strong. Confirmation bias is in part just the comfort of habit.

As for how to fight mass indoctrination etc?

Talk to people. Speak your mind. Don't try and win any arguments: that's just our standard-issue childish ego wanting the reward of confirmation/victory/etc. Just make your point and let it sit in their minds. Say it with confidence and dash. After all, our decisions/actions are more emotional/sensual/habitual than logical. The courage of conviction makes a lasting impression on people.

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