I want to join the Over Sea, Under Stone club. Anyone on here grow up reading that series (The Dark is Rising)?

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That's the spirit!

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Running with the virus metaphor for ideas, we might consider the young generation as immunological naive. They have not been primed to a cultural virus yet and so, like with other viruses, the first immune response to an idea will often characterize future reactions. I think that’s why the forces of evil are so insistent on capturing all the institutions and authorities over early education. They know if they can warp the first imprinting in a way favorable to their view, then the immune response will continue for similar exposures in the future. I remember a particular novel I read when I was young called “The Girl who Owned a City” by OT Nelson, which was about kids having to be naturally resourceful to survive when a plague wipes out all individuals over twelve years of age. That inculcated me with the desire to be self sufficient and help those in my immediate group. So when my generation’s woke lite teachers said self responsibility was a myth, I simply didn’t believe them as I had the right first experience with the idea before they tried to push their idea on me. It simply was defeated by ideological immune system.

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Yes. And while I have yet to detail it, I think the prime attraction for these clubs will be to the young. They can -- maybe must -- be the driving force behind the viral vectors. Which is why I will place so much emphasis on imagination and fun, when I describe my own sample club.

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The young don't wanna do anything. They're too afraid and have no vision or attention spans. I think gen X has to start it.

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Thanks, Mark, for some hope. God, we need it. Effective solutions to Clownworld have been few and far between. When you write, 'Part of the spiritual crisis is this lack of physicality,' what comes to mind is the disembodiment of digital. Walking around, so many people - sooo many - are distracted from physical reality with their heads in their phone screen. It's almost amusing to watch them try and avoid collision with me, each other or lamp posts. But that's only the edge of the effect. Schwab calls it outright with his bio-digital convergence. We're being herded deeper into the machine with less and less human-to-human contact. Gates names it with a frictionless life. Friction is part of physical human experience. Friction creates energy, it's part of our relationships with each other. The list of disembodied human functions and tasks is getting longer at an alarming rate. When self-checkout started years ago, I sensed this. Throw in chatbots replacing human customer service and all the other AI replacements, put on an Oculus headset, pretty soon we'll be jacked in to the METAcortex server our bodies being dripfed Soylent sustainable green. I know you get all this, but I wanted to emphasize your point of 'lack of physicality' and the planned obsolescence of our human form.

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It's almost as though they are arguing for stasis, yes? Or perhaps a better world be equilibrium. Or perhaps an even better word would be death.

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Solid hit again, Mark. You're on a roll.

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Thanks, fellow Mark.

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Here's a good model Sanity Club? I think.


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Did I ever mention how much absolutely LOVE your name?

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Everyone loves Bacon!

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Ha! My husband loves that guy.

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Another great piece, Mark.

By the way, because of all my fastidious research into the Cosmic Androgyne agenda, I immediately spotted Naia as a biological man. Kinda proud of myself, although it's a rather obvious case.

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The "Sanity Virus" you've described exists already with Bitcoin. Distortion within the Money is causing the corruption in society (the root of all evil after all) and a return to honest and sound money is a forcing function for agreed upon truth, and therefore value.

Bitcoin spreads like a peer-2-peer mind virus, and incentivizes truth... sound money without embedded distortion allows the signal of value to come through from noise; a forcing function back to sanity.

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Sounds an awful lot like how church is SUPPOSED to be: a secret, revolutionary society, meeting up every week to encourage each other, get training, and receive orders from Command before going back out into occupied Enemy territory.

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Love the Sanity Club concept!

Eager to read your follow up article.

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As an assist to concepts like this suggest everyone watch the film Glass Onion as an aid to seeing the extent of the WOKE mentality virus. As I have written about it extends deeply into our art and science. Our culture is broken, wounded, infected with a mind virus.

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This is incredibly cool Mark. I love this idea.

The first rule of Babylon5 club is 'You do not ask "What do you want?"'

The second rule is 'Jon is Lando.'

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"While the truth is, no devil made them do anything. No dark side seduced them. They simply failed

the test. They came to a fork in the road, and they took the wrong turn. And when their Muse took the

time to land and advise them they had taken the wrong turn, they freely chose to ignore her. You can

see the difference between that and being seduced by a devil. They weren't seduced by a devil, they

failed to be seduced by an angel. I hope you see the difference."

I quite like Miles Mathis's take on the matter of seduction by good or evil...

The quote above is from this essay: http://mileswmathis.com/spirit.pdf

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To elaborate, just slightly, the point he makes in that essay, and that I agree with, is that angels are WAY more attractive than devils. ;)

Also, all power to your project!

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Let’s bat 1000 and have the disease ‘fighting to survive in the shrinking availability market’ by & by! 🎶 Party time, long overdue.

You named the beast in so many words, and natch made it so much less scary 👌 Not only, but also propelled into overarching subsuming meta-dimension. Leaving all the lowly competing vectors squirming & writhing in inconsequential pond (I can’t help hoping 😊).

The tricky part is indeed: to get this buoyant framework ride a contagion wave engulfing the nodes wholesale, and freeing the imbecilated throngs from enstupidating bedumbening fear along the way 🤸 Fun storytelling & larping is of course the key modality.

🗨 To reform the state, call everything by its true name. ~~Confucius


PS Every li’l bit helps, incl ‘strictly immunological’ solutions 🙂

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In my latest article, I was talking about the Behavioural Immune System, the psychological aspect of the immune system (https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/connections-between-the-behavioural) :

"our [nervous system’s] way of engaging in a kind of preventative medicine, it is a suite of psychological mechanisms designed to detect the presence of disease-causing parasites in our immediate environment, and to respond to those things in ways that help us to avoid contact with them.”

Interesting to ponder how this fits/informs your analogy. That avoidance of the infected is a preventative measure from getting affected in the first place, like not just inviting Dracula in, but arming oneself with a cross and garlic to ward him off altogether?

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May 9, 2023Edited
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Interesting analog. Although it lacks the "danger" of the plague model (and therefore perhaps some of the tongue-in-cheek fun).

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May 9, 2023Edited
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Well, like I said to Jon above, I think the beauty of Sanity Clubs would be in their multiplicity of forms. And I would extend that to the founding analogy. Boids for some, plagues for others. Personally, I'm going with the whole mythpoetic angle in the one I'll be proposing.

"We can be heroes, just for one day..."

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May 9, 2023
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See, but I think the beauty of the concept is in its flexibility (which perhaps I didn't communicate very well). The idea isn't one club that everyone joins, but a multitude of clubs, each custom tailored to the specific priorities and values of that "anti-woke" group.

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May 9, 2023
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The short answer would be to not use words like "woke" in our clubs. I think the first meta-rule that all sanity clubs would share is something like "Keep the black speech of Mordor outta your mouth." The reasons for that rule aren't simply defensive; we don't want to even tacitly accept that reality shapes itself around them in any way.

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Another thing to point out is the "secret" aspect of these clubs. And with physical meet-ups, security will be built-in by design (or at least, as much as can be expected these days).

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