"I suspect every human being is born with this veil-piercing capacity. Like consciousness itself, it’s a component of our innate meta-anatomy, as hereditable as any material property of our species. One way to describe it is as a kind of perceptual muscle; if we train this muscle a certain way, we can not only make good choices, but can learn to tell good stories about those choices."

This is so. And empirically observable if one puts the time in. (So is the existence of subtle bodies.) One of my teachers says that if he was held to one and only one practice, it would be meditation. Prayer would also suffice (but not the petitionary kind, rather ones that are more like the rosary ... I suspect, for the most part, the specific narrative in which the prayers are embedded is likely irrelevant). Regularity and discipline is key. It's like working out at the gym: the effects accrue over time. (Time!)

To fix the woes of this world, it would suffice to succeed in getting a critical mass to meditate or pray.

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Another great installment! Very much enjoying this series Mark and love how you have described the Veil, call out the materialists in their folly and generally try to give us a perspective that embraces both the temporal and eternal.

Looking forward to more.

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone

Phenomenal work. You have given shape to this utterly reprehensible delusion that has captured many (all?) of our fine institutional demigods. Whereby science, bastardized in form, is God. How remarkably smug to contend with, yet how cleverly disguised. Smoke and mirrors.

It is interesting how John Dee and his angelic language seemed to precipitate his downfall. More interesting, indeed telling, is the empire that followed after his....work. Fascinating story, and one which overlaps - linearly, to some bizarre degree - with the work of good ol’ AC. He, too, pierced the veil (or, at least, ended up in the belly of the Abyss as it were, cannot recall if he did get past the guardian). These workings do, indeed, wreck psychological harm if not total annihilation (as you referenced earlier with you-know-who in the desert).

Perhaps there is a reason for the uninitiated to not be welcomed guests at the round table. Such tools can be welded for good or for evil, and my gut tells me that evil begets evil as power begets power. We are indeed in a spiritual maelstrom, though I suspect the more evangelical bunch do subscribe to more of John Dee’s angelic prophecies than they would like to admit: namely, to usher in the apocalypse. Your writing is elucidating, for there is hope in understanding the machinery itself as to its inevitable un-doing. Thank you.

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone


Although a more direct, editorial caption (warning) of the video would have saved ten minutes of WTH! But it did deliver a message.

Otherwise, thought provoking.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone

If I’m not mistaken, this is the divine purpose that can only be fulfilled by human endeavor:

β€œβ€¦because the work that generates Eru requires the solving of problems. In the case of love, it is the spiritual problem of Self and Other, and how to pierce the boundary between the two without losing the integrity or intelligibility of either. In the case of intellect, it is the material problems of space, density and other physical forces that limit our ability to love. These properties are mutually sustaining: one cannot adequately solve its problems without the other solving its own. Love and intellect are therefore not to be mistaken for distinct components of Eru, which is an indivisible unit representing the combination of both.”

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Dec 5, 2022Β·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone

Seeing the veil language reminded me of one of my favorite albums that I hadn't listened to in years. It inspired me to pull it up and listen as I enjoyed this read. It was kind of a surreal experience tbh considering the inspiration for the album. A friend of some of the musicians in the band attempted suicide with morphine and went into a coma. In this coma, Cerpin Taxt fights an epic battle of good and evil against the Tremulants. Ultimately after awakening from the coma, the individual in question decides that he doesn't belong among the living, but on the other side of the veil and takes his own life, this time by jumping off a bridge. The penultimate song on the album is "Take the Veil, Cerpin Taxt" and it is what is playing as I finish typing this comment. If only he could have understood that his further artistic contributions to Eros were to be severed by that action he might have persevered. We have a lot of work to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l7Ix-LfSBA

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone

Do you favor creation or evolution, Mark? This is not some kind of a gotcha question. Genuinely curious.

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β€œFrost had left the dining room a few minutes after Wither. He did not know where he was going or what he was about to do. For many years he had theoretically believed that all which appears in the mind as motive or intention is merely a by-product of what the body is doing. But for the last year or so – since he had been initiated – he had begun to taste as fact what he had long held as theory. Increasingly, his actions had been without motive. He did this and that, he said thus and thus, and did not know why. His mind was a mere spectator. He could not understand why that spectator should exist at all. He resented its existence, even while assuring himself that resentment also was merely a chemical phenomenon. The nearest thing to a human passion which still existed in him was a sort of cold fury against all who believed in the mind. There was no tolerating such an illusion. There were not, and must not be, such things as men. But never, until this evening, had he been quite so vividly aware that the body and its movements were the only reality, that the self which seemed to watch the body leaving the dining room and setting out for the chamber of the Head, was a nonentity. How infuriating that the body should have power thus to project a phantom self!”

-That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis

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β€œPerhaps worst of all, you get the destruction of medical science as a practical engine of Eru production. This tragic casualty of the war cannot be overstated. β€œ

Well said, sir.

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Bravo, mon ami! Cette pièce et épique!

I have a couple of key points that differ from your perspective, which I will discuss as a feature on my 'stack (and of course I will include a link to this article). Your thinking and writing are rife with gemsπŸ’Ž that inspire me to get out of the kitchen and onto the writing pad (or typing platform, as it were).

Wishing you well, as always.πŸ’–

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