While I plan on personally doing what I can, converting people is nigh impossible. A conversation I had with a friend recently:
Her: "Is Biden running again, really? I wish he wouldn't. I would hate to vote for him again."
Me: "Well, you don't have to."
Her: "Well DeSantis scares me. He is nightmare fuel."
Me: "Why?"
Her: "I mean he's Trump's policies with nicer manners."
Me: "What policies scare you?"
Her: "All of them."
Me: "Name one of them."
Her: "They are all so scary I can't choose"
Me: "Just pick one, any one."
Her: "Wait, are you going to vote for him?!"
Me: "Well, he'd have to announce he's running first."
Her: "Oh, he announced it already."
Me: "I don't think so, although it's widely speculated he will run."
Her: "No, he's the nominee alright."
Me: "The primaries haven't even happened yet."
Her: "I think you're mistaken. Wait, you aren't going to vote for him are you!?"
Me: "Well, IF he runs and especially IF he is the GOP nominee than I'll have to hear what he says policy wise."
Her: "OMG, that's too scary. How could you even listen!"
I ended the conversation. I must point out this is an otherwise kind and caring person who has a Masters Degree in mental health. I know.. the irony. I have relatives that are similar.
(2018) Aunt: "Trump is a Russian spy! Seventeen FBI agents said he was!"
Me: "But that was 18 months ago. Why would they let a Russian spy stay in the oval office 18 months if they have the evidence to remove him?"
Aunt: "Seventeen agents!"
Me: "With no evidence."
Aunt: "They have evidence."
Me: "Then why are they sitting on it? Why wait 18 months and STILL not come out with it?"
Aunt: "These are FBI agents. They're experts."
Me: "I don't care who they are and how many there are! There is NO evidence! Why in the hell would they sit on the evidence and allow a spy in the white house!?"
Aunt: "You fail at logic. Read my lips... SEVEN...TEEN.
Me: "I need a drink."
Addendum to the last conversation: When the Meuller Report came out exonerating Trump my aunt then accused Mueller of being a Russian spy. No word on how many FBI agents corroborated this.
It's a pretty common tale-of-the-tape, unfortunately. On one side, a set of reasonable questions and observations. On the other side, something like a zombified robot engaged in a divide-by-zero error cascade. It's simultaneously scary and hilarious. It's scarilarious. But we will prevail in the end.
Why do you think we will prevail in the end? I'm serious. It's more scary than hilarious to me at this point.
It's one thing in 2018, but that recent coversation was with a newer friend I am making in South Carolina. I grew up in Chicago in a blue collar family half blue and half red. We disagreed on things and arguements would happen over dinner tables, but we all agreed on the same facts, we all agreed on wanting the same outcomes, and nobody had their identity tied up in their standpoint. I remember being a kid and adults would argue over politics for the portion of the dinner when drinks were served to the parents and then everybody would make up and go home. I really think that friend / DeSantis covo will cost me that friendship and I held back! I don't want a friend like that but it's hard when most people you meet are like that, including your own family. This is NOT just difference of opinion.
People are acting psychotic. "A penis is a female sex organ.. Unless the guy who has one says it's not and then you have to pay for a surgical gash that looks like a vagina and then you have to say there is no difference between that surgical gash and a vagina except you also have to acknowledge that transwomen need to dialate their vagina wound when cis woman do not but don't notice that as only we can notice that."
I'm contracting with a conservative bank now and my new boss is all in on this shit. I can't feed my kids anymore until I say that women are just makeup and costumes and front holes and I love Bud Lite Dylan mostly because she says she's stupid now because that's what being a woman is like all about, and shut up and take it, like okaaaaay?
Sorry, venting. I'm really about to just go into a deep depression and not come out. Ive moved. Lost 100's of thousands in income... run like mad. You can't outrun this. You can't.
I guess there's no simple answer to the question of how I know we will win. But you've just explained a bit of it, I think. A lot of it comes down to the question of who "we" are.
I've been getting a very good sense of that, over the past ten or so months I've been reading Substack, and even more of it in the seven or so months I've been writing here. We are incredibly strong, in every way that counts. We seem to be undefeatable. My friend John Carter wrote an important anthem about us not too long. I recommend it to everyone, because sometimes even the strength of our humility can lead us to despair. Being humble is a virtue, but I've found that even virtue is a good thing we can overdose on.
Please read this, and let me know if it helps at all.
I do understand your plight, Jennifer. I feel it myself at times, and still am trying to save what I can of friends and business relationships. It's going to be hard in the short term, granted. But in the end, life finds a way. And we are on the side of Life, in it's purest form.
This describes the brain-damaging stupidity of these conversations very precisely, thank you.
I remember my dad, Mr. #1 Trump Hater, would lapse into a depressed silence every time I pointed out that Obama had started at least one war while Trump had started none, and in fact kicked off our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then he'd go watch MSNBC, undergo a factory reset, and the next day we'd be back at it.
Highly enjoyable post. I could write a long essay responding to it, but I'll just note a couple things:
1. Behind the WEF, Bilderbergs, CFR etc is the central bank owners -- the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners and their families. So I think the focus on the WEF, while interesting and helpful, is also a red herring.
2. The core issue is that the central bank owners print money out of thin air and then *lend the printed money, at interest* to governments, instead of governments simply printing their own money.
3. Therefore the central bank owners push governments to increase the amount of debt a country has to maximum extent possible; wars are great for doing this. That in turn increases the interest paid by the government to the central bank owners (who need to shakedown their citizens to make payments).
4. In order to keep the public from turning its ire on the central bank owner theft, divide et impera tactics are used to divide the public by race, gender, and sexual orientation, so they are too busy infighting to focus on their theft. This is why a focus on cultural war issues is really a waste of time, even though the whole tranny thing is evil and demonic.
5. Because the establishment's propaganda is so good and effective, and because most people are unthinking NPCs that simply want to listen to authority, there seems to be no effective counter to their tactics at this time.
It looks like things are going to get much worse based on current trends. I hope I'm wrong!
I can't really disagree with any of this. I guess the truncated list I made was just meant to say that a person doesn't have to do some incredibly deep dive in order to see that certain strings are attached. I think they just fear even dipping one toe into the ocean.
Excellent high-level analysis! The devil is in the details. If it's true that Christ's body is the church, then whose body is this puppet empire? (And what a sickly, geriatric body it is, too!)
So many great lines in here. If I had to pick only one to highlight, it would be:
"They submit to the prime hallucination that our empire's hidden masters are too strong to be defeated, without ever posing the obvious question: 'If they're so fucking strong, then why do they hide?'"
Somebody doesn't want us looking behind the curtain and seeing the pathetic, necrotic, bitch-ass, con-artist pulling all the strings. If the puppetmaster was really so significant in its own right, it wouldn't even worry about us, let alone devote so much attention to maintaining the smoke-and-mirrors sorcery to keep us all distracted and in unnecessary fear. If it was really so great and powerful, it wouldn't need to hide. Imagine a cowardly grown man that bullies a group of very young children, but he's such a bitch that he cannot even do it himself: he gets his dimwitted henchmen to do it for him, while he hides behind them and prides himself on how powerful he is. That's the type of "super" villain we're dealing with. What a sad and pathetic loser it is.
This comment reminds me the other segment of the populace, which neither understands the rules of empire nor guesses the depth of our own empire’s corruption and capture. These are your standard Red-State/Blue-State cheerleaders. They are trained to believe in a given set of lies for limited periods of time, even at the expense of logic, reason and the views they claimed to hold during the previous lie-thon. Foreign wars are not so good, then they are the best thing ever (and vice-versa). What matters is that nothing stops the war machine and its money printers, because it has been tribalized. Neat trick.
But the hidden side of the trick is that "blowfish" quality that even those who can kinda see the monster seem to fear. They confess -- usually in the dead of night, after many drinks -- that, yes, they see its silhouettes and shadows. But what can they do? Monsters are scary, but invisible monsters are fucking terrifying. If you point out how most of them are a bunch of rich sissies with manboobs, hiding behind a shield of NGOs and funny money, maybe some of them will stand up and become Sparticussy. That's my bet, anyway.
You didn't miss the recent well-reasoned eagle's-eye take from John Michael 'Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush' Greer, didja? 🙂 Here's the said black pill --> ecosophia.net/dancing-on-the-brink 👌
🗨 one lot of pundits will insist at the top of their lungs that nothing will change in any way that matters, and another lot will start shrieking that the apocalypse is upon us. Those are the only two options our collective imagination can process these days.
🗨 empires invariably wreck themselves: over time, the economic and social consequences of empire destroy the conditions that make empire possible.
🗨 the same difficulty faced by all Ponzi schemes, which is that sooner or later you run out of suckers to draw in.
Unless the puppetmaster entity—really significant in its own right—lacks strong-bonded materiality, and hence acting through dimwitted henchmen proxy is its only viable route, however clumsy? 😏
I do disagree a bit Mark. I don't think that the WEF or WHO is pulling any strings. The heart of the Beast is our own DOD and Intelligence community I suspect. All of the other evil depends on the 'hard power' backing it up. They were the ones who knew about covid before anyone else, they were the ones who built it and the shots. It is the Pentagon that owns and controls the jabs. They were the ones who seized control of all media. It is the Foreverwarriors and the Merchants of Death.
This country was transformed by summoning two demons, I have been calling them Empire and Arsenal. I think that they were summoned(probably deliberately) when we used atomic weapons on a civilian population, that was the sacrifice, the price of hegemony. And everything else is just window dressing until we repent of these two community sins. We are always being told that we are less than our fathers and grandfathers but lets prove that we are greater than them by repenting of their mistakes. Let's put the nuclear genie back in the bottle. Let's set the puppet countries free by recalling our armies and giving up the power to project lethal force around the globe. I think we can all agree that the time when we can claim that this country having those powers is a force for global good has come and gone. The Second Baptismal Vow has largely been lost but let's try it out and see where it takes our nation, 'Do you renounce Satan and all his works?'
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Until October of last year everything that I did online was anonymous. I was scared of the consequences and didn't see the payoff to posting under my own name. Here is what changed that for me. The Empire that we fear and fear we can't change, can't make the Taliban afraid anymore. They can't make the Russians or the Chinese afraid anymore. They can't make the Saudis afraid anymore. They have done their worst to all of those peoples and those peoples are still standing up and spitting in their faces and kicking their a**es. I still have enough pride to believe that the American Patriots are as tough, as resilient, as resourceful, as smart as any of those peoples. Plus, it stands to reason that we can hit the empire in the balls like no one else can. They are already doing their worst to us, to Mark Houck, to the J6 Patriots, and yes to Mr. Trump. If they could do anything worse to us they would already be doing it. Will we wait until they castrate our sons to stand up, because it is clear that that is where this ends. We don't need violence. But we do need courage. It is either the Beast from the Potomac's balls or our sons', but somebody is getting the snip. Just pick.
That is the reasoning that led me to leave behind the facediaper of anonymity. I am Snoticus, fear my pureblood sputum.
" It is either the Beast from the Potomac's balls or our sons', but somebody is getting the snip. Just pick."
Agreed. And our supposed anonymity/pseudonymity is just a pretty, comforting lie, anyway. Like I always say: if they really want to find a cat, they'll find it.
But they have weaknesses that they don't even recognize as such. The most obvious of these is that they can't take a joke, or even tell one properly. Laughter isn't only the best medicine. It's an asymmetrical weapon.
Definitely. The thing about the globohomo mind virus is that it rots your brain. Read Romans 1-atheism makes you stupid. That's how I know that there isn't really a mastermind. The cabal believes the nonsense they try to sell us as much as their postmodernism allows them to believe, or disbelieve, anything. That is sort of the less observed problem with pomo it not only stops belief, it stops disbelief, they have no idea if something is true or not which presumably explains the obsession with authority.
But the bottom line is that they will do their worst to us sooner or later whether we do anything or not. Fear gains us nothing.
Thanks for so eloquently nailing the seemingly indifferent folks who are so eager to shrug it all off as hopeless.
Am beginning to believe it to be a form of cowardice not to listen and talk about our clownish predicament.
I imagine the puppets giggling gleefully at those that ignore them out of helplessness. It is disheartening when friends refuse to join me in acknowledgment and scornful diatribe, but instead ask me to stop talking about it.
For now that might be all we can do about it, but at least it’s something.
I'm just honored that you and others like us are all seeming to see the con, all at once. I hope I won't have to leave some friends behind in the fog. In fact, a big reason I decided to start writing was the hope that maybe I could still drag a few lost souls across the finish line. Maybe that's just a stupid dream, but I never claimed to be some kind of genius. I decided to not give up, in any case. I think a lot of us did. So we'll always have friends, it seems.
I mentioned in my email to you about Deimos Station, but then realized you might not know what that even is. Neither do I, I suppose. But here's my take:
"It is the height of lunacy to believe there aren’t people out there honestly trying to stop this train before it stops at World War III. To dismiss the leak as just another brick in the imperial wall while not seriously considering the idea that it was done by patriots in the Pentagon is honestly irresponsible."
btw, I commented yesterday on your art column because I was feeling overdue for a column from you (I guess I went looking for the cat). You write such great stuff.
I started this piece which is articulate - honest - dire, and finished with hope stirring within me. This is why I am pleased to support you as a paid subscriber. You and John Carter and Grant and Daniel, el gato malo, The Good Citizen, your entire cohort, inspire me. You are like the 300 if that's not too grandiose a claim to make. You and the legion you are gathering will prevail, either to rule or borne on your shields honored by those for whom you fought.🙏
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?...We didn't love freedom enough. and even more - we had no awareness of the real situation....We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward" Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
We have been warned. Will it come to this? How many cowered in our homes during 2020? Whose local law enforcement officers acted like the Gestapo over fucking masks? Why did people allow 10 NYPD officers to surround a woman and a young child and throw them out of a diner because they didn't have a ridiculous vaccine card? This does not rise to the level of the Warsaw Ghetto....yet. These things always have a beginning. We have been warned.
We have been warned, indeed. And warned, and warned again. Perhaps the greatest mystery is why some of us can read these warnings loud and clear, while others are continually lured to the Siren's song.
While I plan on personally doing what I can, converting people is nigh impossible. A conversation I had with a friend recently:
Her: "Is Biden running again, really? I wish he wouldn't. I would hate to vote for him again."
Me: "Well, you don't have to."
Her: "Well DeSantis scares me. He is nightmare fuel."
Me: "Why?"
Her: "I mean he's Trump's policies with nicer manners."
Me: "What policies scare you?"
Her: "All of them."
Me: "Name one of them."
Her: "They are all so scary I can't choose"
Me: "Just pick one, any one."
Her: "Wait, are you going to vote for him?!"
Me: "Well, he'd have to announce he's running first."
Her: "Oh, he announced it already."
Me: "I don't think so, although it's widely speculated he will run."
Her: "No, he's the nominee alright."
Me: "The primaries haven't even happened yet."
Her: "I think you're mistaken. Wait, you aren't going to vote for him are you!?"
Me: "Well, IF he runs and especially IF he is the GOP nominee than I'll have to hear what he says policy wise."
Her: "OMG, that's too scary. How could you even listen!"
I ended the conversation. I must point out this is an otherwise kind and caring person who has a Masters Degree in mental health. I know.. the irony. I have relatives that are similar.
(2018) Aunt: "Trump is a Russian spy! Seventeen FBI agents said he was!"
Me: "But that was 18 months ago. Why would they let a Russian spy stay in the oval office 18 months if they have the evidence to remove him?"
Aunt: "Seventeen agents!"
Me: "With no evidence."
Aunt: "They have evidence."
Me: "Then why are they sitting on it? Why wait 18 months and STILL not come out with it?"
Aunt: "These are FBI agents. They're experts."
Me: "I don't care who they are and how many there are! There is NO evidence! Why in the hell would they sit on the evidence and allow a spy in the white house!?"
Aunt: "You fail at logic. Read my lips... SEVEN...TEEN.
Me: "I need a drink."
Addendum to the last conversation: When the Meuller Report came out exonerating Trump my aunt then accused Mueller of being a Russian spy. No word on how many FBI agents corroborated this.
It's a pretty common tale-of-the-tape, unfortunately. On one side, a set of reasonable questions and observations. On the other side, something like a zombified robot engaged in a divide-by-zero error cascade. It's simultaneously scary and hilarious. It's scarilarious. But we will prevail in the end.
Why do you think we will prevail in the end? I'm serious. It's more scary than hilarious to me at this point.
It's one thing in 2018, but that recent coversation was with a newer friend I am making in South Carolina. I grew up in Chicago in a blue collar family half blue and half red. We disagreed on things and arguements would happen over dinner tables, but we all agreed on the same facts, we all agreed on wanting the same outcomes, and nobody had their identity tied up in their standpoint. I remember being a kid and adults would argue over politics for the portion of the dinner when drinks were served to the parents and then everybody would make up and go home. I really think that friend / DeSantis covo will cost me that friendship and I held back! I don't want a friend like that but it's hard when most people you meet are like that, including your own family. This is NOT just difference of opinion.
People are acting psychotic. "A penis is a female sex organ.. Unless the guy who has one says it's not and then you have to pay for a surgical gash that looks like a vagina and then you have to say there is no difference between that surgical gash and a vagina except you also have to acknowledge that transwomen need to dialate their vagina wound when cis woman do not but don't notice that as only we can notice that."
I'm contracting with a conservative bank now and my new boss is all in on this shit. I can't feed my kids anymore until I say that women are just makeup and costumes and front holes and I love Bud Lite Dylan mostly because she says she's stupid now because that's what being a woman is like all about, and shut up and take it, like okaaaaay?
Sorry, venting. I'm really about to just go into a deep depression and not come out. Ive moved. Lost 100's of thousands in income... run like mad. You can't outrun this. You can't.
I guess there's no simple answer to the question of how I know we will win. But you've just explained a bit of it, I think. A lot of it comes down to the question of who "we" are.
I've been getting a very good sense of that, over the past ten or so months I've been reading Substack, and even more of it in the seven or so months I've been writing here. We are incredibly strong, in every way that counts. We seem to be undefeatable. My friend John Carter wrote an important anthem about us not too long. I recommend it to everyone, because sometimes even the strength of our humility can lead us to despair. Being humble is a virtue, but I've found that even virtue is a good thing we can overdose on.
Please read this, and let me know if it helps at all.
I do understand your plight, Jennifer. I feel it myself at times, and still am trying to save what I can of friends and business relationships. It's going to be hard in the short term, granted. But in the end, life finds a way. And we are on the side of Life, in it's purest form.
Thank you for sharing this article.
One of the best I have ever read.
Thank you. I am a paid subscriber of John Carter and he has been helpful as well.
The lady fighting robots supplies a handy bootstrap to hoist your kind self out of soul-crushing despair 🥹
🗨 My job is to focus on my job and not drive myself insane trying to solve the problems that I cannot solve. <-- tessa.substack.com/p/running-away-from-cults
We may not live to see it, but we WILL win. We are promised in the Revelation.
This describes the brain-damaging stupidity of these conversations very precisely, thank you.
I remember my dad, Mr. #1 Trump Hater, would lapse into a depressed silence every time I pointed out that Obama had started at least one war while Trump had started none, and in fact kicked off our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then he'd go watch MSNBC, undergo a factory reset, and the next day we'd be back at it.
Reminds me of an uncomfortable conversation I had with a lovely friend who was convinced Brett Kavanaugh was a rapist.
Highly enjoyable post. I could write a long essay responding to it, but I'll just note a couple things:
1. Behind the WEF, Bilderbergs, CFR etc is the central bank owners -- the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Milners and their families. So I think the focus on the WEF, while interesting and helpful, is also a red herring.
2. The core issue is that the central bank owners print money out of thin air and then *lend the printed money, at interest* to governments, instead of governments simply printing their own money.
3. Therefore the central bank owners push governments to increase the amount of debt a country has to maximum extent possible; wars are great for doing this. That in turn increases the interest paid by the government to the central bank owners (who need to shakedown their citizens to make payments).
4. In order to keep the public from turning its ire on the central bank owner theft, divide et impera tactics are used to divide the public by race, gender, and sexual orientation, so they are too busy infighting to focus on their theft. This is why a focus on cultural war issues is really a waste of time, even though the whole tranny thing is evil and demonic.
5. Because the establishment's propaganda is so good and effective, and because most people are unthinking NPCs that simply want to listen to authority, there seems to be no effective counter to their tactics at this time.
It looks like things are going to get much worse based on current trends. I hope I'm wrong!
I can't really disagree with any of this. I guess the truncated list I made was just meant to say that a person doesn't have to do some incredibly deep dive in order to see that certain strings are attached. I think they just fear even dipping one toe into the ocean.
Excellent high-level analysis! The devil is in the details. If it's true that Christ's body is the church, then whose body is this puppet empire? (And what a sickly, geriatric body it is, too!)
So many great lines in here. If I had to pick only one to highlight, it would be:
"They submit to the prime hallucination that our empire's hidden masters are too strong to be defeated, without ever posing the obvious question: 'If they're so fucking strong, then why do they hide?'"
Somebody doesn't want us looking behind the curtain and seeing the pathetic, necrotic, bitch-ass, con-artist pulling all the strings. If the puppetmaster was really so significant in its own right, it wouldn't even worry about us, let alone devote so much attention to maintaining the smoke-and-mirrors sorcery to keep us all distracted and in unnecessary fear. If it was really so great and powerful, it wouldn't need to hide. Imagine a cowardly grown man that bullies a group of very young children, but he's such a bitch that he cannot even do it himself: he gets his dimwitted henchmen to do it for him, while he hides behind them and prides himself on how powerful he is. That's the type of "super" villain we're dealing with. What a sad and pathetic loser it is.
Thanks, Daniel.
This comment reminds me the other segment of the populace, which neither understands the rules of empire nor guesses the depth of our own empire’s corruption and capture. These are your standard Red-State/Blue-State cheerleaders. They are trained to believe in a given set of lies for limited periods of time, even at the expense of logic, reason and the views they claimed to hold during the previous lie-thon. Foreign wars are not so good, then they are the best thing ever (and vice-versa). What matters is that nothing stops the war machine and its money printers, because it has been tribalized. Neat trick.
But the hidden side of the trick is that "blowfish" quality that even those who can kinda see the monster seem to fear. They confess -- usually in the dead of night, after many drinks -- that, yes, they see its silhouettes and shadows. But what can they do? Monsters are scary, but invisible monsters are fucking terrifying. If you point out how most of them are a bunch of rich sissies with manboobs, hiding behind a shield of NGOs and funny money, maybe some of them will stand up and become Sparticussy. That's my bet, anyway.
You didn't miss the recent well-reasoned eagle's-eye take from John Michael 'Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush' Greer, didja? 🙂 Here's the said black pill --> ecosophia.net/dancing-on-the-brink 👌
🗨 one lot of pundits will insist at the top of their lungs that nothing will change in any way that matters, and another lot will start shrieking that the apocalypse is upon us. Those are the only two options our collective imagination can process these days.
🗨 empires invariably wreck themselves: over time, the economic and social consequences of empire destroy the conditions that make empire possible.
🗨 the same difficulty faced by all Ponzi schemes, which is that sooner or later you run out of suckers to draw in.
Unless the puppetmaster entity—really significant in its own right—lacks strong-bonded materiality, and hence acting through dimwitted henchmen proxy is its only viable route, however clumsy? 😏
I resemble this comment!
I bet you do! 😂
I read this twice today and I'll probably go back a third time.
This might be the best thing you've written, Mark.
The best thing in not-so-small vibrant company of other best things 🤸
Thanks brother.
I do disagree a bit Mark. I don't think that the WEF or WHO is pulling any strings. The heart of the Beast is our own DOD and Intelligence community I suspect. All of the other evil depends on the 'hard power' backing it up. They were the ones who knew about covid before anyone else, they were the ones who built it and the shots. It is the Pentagon that owns and controls the jabs. They were the ones who seized control of all media. It is the Foreverwarriors and the Merchants of Death.
This country was transformed by summoning two demons, I have been calling them Empire and Arsenal. I think that they were summoned(probably deliberately) when we used atomic weapons on a civilian population, that was the sacrifice, the price of hegemony. And everything else is just window dressing until we repent of these two community sins. We are always being told that we are less than our fathers and grandfathers but lets prove that we are greater than them by repenting of their mistakes. Let's put the nuclear genie back in the bottle. Let's set the puppet countries free by recalling our armies and giving up the power to project lethal force around the globe. I think we can all agree that the time when we can claim that this country having those powers is a force for global good has come and gone. The Second Baptismal Vow has largely been lost but let's try it out and see where it takes our nation, 'Do you renounce Satan and all his works?'
You tell me.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Until October of last year everything that I did online was anonymous. I was scared of the consequences and didn't see the payoff to posting under my own name. Here is what changed that for me. The Empire that we fear and fear we can't change, can't make the Taliban afraid anymore. They can't make the Russians or the Chinese afraid anymore. They can't make the Saudis afraid anymore. They have done their worst to all of those peoples and those peoples are still standing up and spitting in their faces and kicking their a**es. I still have enough pride to believe that the American Patriots are as tough, as resilient, as resourceful, as smart as any of those peoples. Plus, it stands to reason that we can hit the empire in the balls like no one else can. They are already doing their worst to us, to Mark Houck, to the J6 Patriots, and yes to Mr. Trump. If they could do anything worse to us they would already be doing it. Will we wait until they castrate our sons to stand up, because it is clear that that is where this ends. We don't need violence. But we do need courage. It is either the Beast from the Potomac's balls or our sons', but somebody is getting the snip. Just pick.
That is the reasoning that led me to leave behind the facediaper of anonymity. I am Snoticus, fear my pureblood sputum.
" It is either the Beast from the Potomac's balls or our sons', but somebody is getting the snip. Just pick."
Agreed. And our supposed anonymity/pseudonymity is just a pretty, comforting lie, anyway. Like I always say: if they really want to find a cat, they'll find it.
But they have weaknesses that they don't even recognize as such. The most obvious of these is that they can't take a joke, or even tell one properly. Laughter isn't only the best medicine. It's an asymmetrical weapon.
Definitely. The thing about the globohomo mind virus is that it rots your brain. Read Romans 1-atheism makes you stupid. That's how I know that there isn't really a mastermind. The cabal believes the nonsense they try to sell us as much as their postmodernism allows them to believe, or disbelieve, anything. That is sort of the less observed problem with pomo it not only stops belief, it stops disbelief, they have no idea if something is true or not which presumably explains the obsession with authority.
But the bottom line is that they will do their worst to us sooner or later whether we do anything or not. Fear gains us nothing.
Standing with you brother, and under my own name as well.
Thanks for so eloquently nailing the seemingly indifferent folks who are so eager to shrug it all off as hopeless.
Am beginning to believe it to be a form of cowardice not to listen and talk about our clownish predicament.
I imagine the puppets giggling gleefully at those that ignore them out of helplessness. It is disheartening when friends refuse to join me in acknowledgment and scornful diatribe, but instead ask me to stop talking about it.
For now that might be all we can do about it, but at least it’s something.
I'm just honored that you and others like us are all seeming to see the con, all at once. I hope I won't have to leave some friends behind in the fog. In fact, a big reason I decided to start writing was the hope that maybe I could still drag a few lost souls across the finish line. Maybe that's just a stupid dream, but I never claimed to be some kind of genius. I decided to not give up, in any case. I think a lot of us did. So we'll always have friends, it seems.
I mentioned in my email to you about Deimos Station, but then realized you might not know what that even is. Neither do I, I suppose. But here's my take:
I posted this on Tom Luongo's community slack server. He just had a column that looks at the same issue, https://tomluongo.me/2023/04/18/unpacking-the-conversation-of-the-pentagon-papers/
"It is the height of lunacy to believe there aren’t people out there honestly trying to stop this train before it stops at World War III. To dismiss the leak as just another brick in the imperial wall while not seriously considering the idea that it was done by patriots in the Pentagon is honestly irresponsible."
Thanks for the post and the link, Jeff. I will read this tonight.
btw, I commented yesterday on your art column because I was feeling overdue for a column from you (I guess I went looking for the cat). You write such great stuff.
Thank you, brother! I can say the same about you (and also need to comment more on your stuff).
I started this piece which is articulate - honest - dire, and finished with hope stirring within me. This is why I am pleased to support you as a paid subscriber. You and John Carter and Grant and Daniel, el gato malo, The Good Citizen, your entire cohort, inspire me. You are like the 300 if that's not too grandiose a claim to make. You and the legion you are gathering will prevail, either to rule or borne on your shields honored by those for whom you fought.🙏
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?...We didn't love freedom enough. and even more - we had no awareness of the real situation....We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward" Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
We have been warned. Will it come to this? How many cowered in our homes during 2020? Whose local law enforcement officers acted like the Gestapo over fucking masks? Why did people allow 10 NYPD officers to surround a woman and a young child and throw them out of a diner because they didn't have a ridiculous vaccine card? This does not rise to the level of the Warsaw Ghetto....yet. These things always have a beginning. We have been warned.
We have been warned, indeed. And warned, and warned again. Perhaps the greatest mystery is why some of us can read these warnings loud and clear, while others are continually lured to the Siren's song.
This is another I would put in the best of the best categories.
Thanks, Mark. This helped me make sense of the senseless, and indeed soulless.
I really appreciate this article, Mark, you're raising important questions.