Did you forget to black out the kill shot question when you repeated it?

Also, spot on with the retroactive editing. As it turns out, all the relatives I could still ask were in the resistance between 1933 and 1945 (only one arguably was in reality).

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Hopefully Elon Musk will hire you as a Bot Slayer!

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Nice TKOs on the chat site! I'm so glad you're taking shots at their bots! It may indeed put you on a target list, but somebody has to do the dirty work. I'm going at it in a more subtle way, although my intention *is* to defeat evil.

Also, I'm not really following the Twitter thing, but if I know anything about the mediatized world, it's a grand illusion and a shiny distraction, just like everything the black magicians and their lapdogs do. And the word "medium" means "agency or means of doing something," right? Ahh, agents.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone

Splendid work, thank you Mark!!

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Why do I get the feeling the "kill shot" for a bot will be more or less equivalent for a conversational kill shot for the covidian mob? But then maybe I am wrong about that, as the bot at least has to have some sort of logical framework, whereas the woke need none.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Mark Bisone

I asked the new AI program to state the four most positive attributes of humanity? Here is what I got:

There are many positive attributes that can be attributed to humanity. Here are four that come to mind:

1. Empathy: The ability to feel and understand the emotions of others is a powerful attribute that allows us to connect with and care for one another.

2. Creativity: Humans are incredibly creative beings, capable of producing art, music, literature, and other forms of expression that enrich our lives and the world around us.

3. Resilience: Humans are resilient and adaptable, able to overcome challenges and adversity through determination, perseverance, and the ability to learn and grow from our experiences.

4. Kindness: Humans have the capacity for great kindness and compassion, and the ability to act selflessly to help others and make the world a better place.

And the I asked:

What is preventing humanity from living up to its highest ideals?

There are many factors that can prevent humanity from living up to its highest ideals. Some of the key challenges that we face include:

1. Selfishness and greed: These negative emotions can drive people to prioritize their own interests and desires over the needs of others, leading to conflict and injustice.

2. Lack of empathy and understanding: When people are unable or unwilling to understand and empathize with the experiences and perspectives of others, it can lead to misunderstandings, discrimination, and conflict.

3. Limited resources: In a world with finite resources, there may be conflicts over access to and distribution of those resources, which can prevent people from fulfilling their potential and living up to their ideals.

4. Structural inequalities: Many systems and institutions in our world are built on the basis of inequalities, such as discrimination based on race, gender, or other factors. These inequalities can prevent people from having equal opportunities to succeed and thrive, and can be difficult to overcome.

5. Personal beliefs and biases: Our personal beliefs and biases can influence how we view and interact with the world and with others, and can prevent us from treating others with respect and empathy.

And then I asked:

Are there outside actors profiting from the suppression of humanity attaining their ideals?

There are certainly outside actors who may profit from the suppression of humanity achieving its highest ideals. For example, certain individuals or groups may have a vested interest in maintaining systems of inequality or injustice, as they may benefit from these systems in some way. This could include economic, political, or social elites who hold disproportionate power and influence and may seek to preserve the status quo in order to maintain their own privileges.

There may also be external forces that contribute to the suppression of humanity's highest ideals, such as global economic and political systems that prioritize profit and power over the well-being and equality of all people.

It's important to recognize that these challenges are complex and multifaceted, and that addressing them will require a concerted effort from individuals, communities, and governments around the world.

And then I asked:

Are selfishness and greed being promoted to further an agenda of the few to control the many?

Selfishness and greed can certainly be promoted by individuals or groups seeking to further their own agendas or to maintain control over others. These negative emotions can be used to manipulate and exploit people, and may be encouraged by those who stand to gain from such actions.

For example, selfishness and greed may be promoted through media and advertising that promotes materialism and consumerism, or through political and economic systems that encourage competition and individualism over cooperation and the common good.

It's important to be aware of these tendencies and to resist the temptation to prioritize our own interests at the expense of others. Instead, we should strive to cultivate qualities like empathy, compassion, and a sense of community and shared responsibility.

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Mark, I'm always entranced by your work!

By the way, I don't see either a "tip jar" nor an option to upgrade to a paid subscription on your Substack. Am I missing it?

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