Jan 27Liked by Mark Bisone

Solid zingers in there man. Killin' me.

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Jan 27Liked by Mark Bisone

Isn't it so irritating? The hospital where my husband works, several weeks ago informed everyone that masks would once again be required - starting the following week. Because the virus, or whatever, wasn't due to arrive until then?? Give me a break. He's a researcher and evidently they don't have to mask on the floors where the labs are, just the first three floors where the patients are. Because science. Air absolutely does not just flow everywhere, shut up.

Also, something really icky is that wearing a mask mask might very well increase your own viral load, if you are sick and breathing more concentrated levels of your own lurgy! I'm just so sick of it all.

I hope your friend is doing better. Prayers for his recovery. ❤️

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Jan 27Liked by Mark Bisone

Sorry to see Pritzker and newsom’s names not on this map. Two men who had the audacity to lie to their own constituents. One had a wife who travelled to Fl during lockdown, the other was out for eat a meal with friends while he told everyone else to lockdown. What a disgrace. And yet their constituents continue to think their governors are saints. As we witness the fall of the western empire, I sure hope all those people who never held their governors accountable, sure wish they had.

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Jan 27Liked by Mark Bisone

If masks are so fucking effective, why weren’t they recommended every year during flu season from 1918 through 2020? It was only in 2020 our august public health “experts” realized masks work against influenza? Or did they know they worked for over 100 years and let tens of thousands of people die?

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William Burroughs said that the writer always reveals themselves in their writing - The Good, The Bad and The Indifferent.

A bought and paid-for writer will always write like a bought and paid-for writer, although the employer will probably demand at least a minimum of skills.

The Good Writer will make the subject so dance that we believe in its existence.

In the Good vs Evil trench war, it seems to me that your writing passes the "I am not a robot" test.

Thank you.

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Jan 27Liked by Mark Bisone

This past year, I've been helping an isolated older woman deal with terminal cancer. (Not turbo-cancer, though. We're both raging anti-vaxxers.) It's been difficult; she's socially isolated because of a penchant for self-sabotage and a mountain of emotional baggage she never saw fit to deal with.

Anyway, she's recently moved over to a nursing home, and when I visit her I get to do the Mask Dance too. Generally I pull the mask down under my nose, so I can breathe and to signal that I know it's a farce. None of the nurses give me grief over it. They may not like it, I can't tell, but it's not worth the hassle to any of us to fight about it.

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Maybe the mask is just designed so we don't have to face each other about the medical cartel turning into a depopulation regime? I mean, it's easier to memory hole mass murder that way, right?

As to the border, every day it seems less likely anything but an open border policy is going to come out of DC and Wall Street. I'm even starting to wonder if they will let Trump win to reignite white boy passion for dying by drone in some foreign land, or even a Woke draft to hasten the, um, Great Replacement.

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“The compliance cult was never founded on science at all. It was rooted in various forms of magical thinking and mental illness, buttressed by authorities who weren’t accustomed to anyone questioning their orders.”

Just one of many keepers from this essay.

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Jan 28Liked by Mark Bisone

I left medicine because of the vaccine. I haven't gone back because of the masks. Turns out too much cognitive dissonance is bad for my health. Kudos to those powering through the farce. Fie on those who don't realize how farcical they've become.

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Jan 28Liked by Mark Bisone

As others have, I offer my best wishes to your friend.

I have experienced the "mind-melding" moment you describe in this essay so many times. Each time this happens, I almost always immediately feel as though I am in the presence of a new friend, not just an acquaintance. At the very least, it's always a relief.

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"Tonight’s debate question: ‘Fire departments exist for the purpose of setting buildings on fire.’

Okay, let’s hear from the pro-side first..."


So, ah. yeah. About that...


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What a wild ride...I broke down at 'strategically retarded antivirus amulet' - they will never be anything else...lol

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Feb 1Liked by Mark Bisone

It’s the FEAR factor that bows to a FALSE protocol. Thanks for the post.This is the first I’ve heard of you. Looking forward to more. Don’t stay too long at the fair lol.

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Love the post. The first half made me laugh at the end, the second shake my head.

My own substack is written for possibly helping people like your friend - short pieces with one or two quotes from Philosophers, Scripture, etc, set to a song, and then a quick read about how messed up the world is and to stop being messed up. The last one was actually how our "betters" take want to rule us because we act like slaves that should be ruled when they abuse us. Take a look and see if you think people like your friend would benefit. It's not for everyone, and probably won't get a huge following, but it gets some of my own demons and barbarians out in writing it, and is meant for quick links.

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In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

Theodore Dalrymple

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It is a long story, but I ended up out of the hospital from Covid and with a new doctor in Nov, 2021. Every time I see him, he was wearing the silly mask, except it didn’t cover his nose so he could breathe. Maybe he pulled it up when it mattered (around other medical staff) but with a patient, down it was. It makes me laugh. He is a D.O. and his recommendation for everything is lots of walking.

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