"Leave room for a quantum of mystery in your appraisals, for Chesterton’s “tiniest imp, though it may be hiding in a pimpernel.” At the very least, it may help keep you sane, when faced with something that would otherwise be mind-shattering."

Perhaps an aspect of madness, of falling into the dark void, is a demand that ALL make sense...an absence of tolerance for mystery or the inexplicable.... We have come up against so many rips in the fabric of reason--things that don't make sense--and though we seek answers, we have collected evidences rather than whole explanations since it is clear there are afoot multiple sources attempting to entrap humanity. We have found ourselves terrified on occasion, sitting at our computer or talking and feeling an almost physical push AWAY from our investigations, which we have continued to pursue, despite those experiences of such fear. In pushing through that fear we have made early (2020) discoveries and collected evidence of some of the plans and mechanisms that have been put in place to capture and control the entire world. Our 2020-2021 work is gathered in our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. We are working on our next book since that one was published. Turning strongly to God and embracing His Grace has rescued us again and again in this journey.

I think your comment alluding to the endlessness of rabbit holes is very true. We have to stop expecting solid ground, solid answers and expect to be making our way through quicksand, some of which is planted to entrap us.

Finally, I want to say I am very sorry about the loss of your dad. I lost my father in 2007, and it was a singular moment in my life; I too, delivered a eulogy and was at peace with how I did for myself, my mother and siblings and for the memory of my father. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights with us. ~ Ginger Breggin

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Hi Ginger,

Thank you for your condolences. My dad had a rough year, but he is safe in the arms of his Creator now.

Your book is on my reading list. I haven't read it yet, but I imagine it draws many of the same conclusions I have reached about COVID-19 and its subplots. There are indeed multiple aligned forces that cooperate in all this foul play. They've been at it for a long time, too, gradually building up the infrastructure for what I can only call a mass human sacrifice.

It also seems to be a gambit to conquer and rule individual humans from within. The frequency with which I've been hearing the word "demon" dropped casually into conversation, and by people who wouldn't typically use such a term, has been pretty amazing. Just as masses of people seem to be succumbing to a final darkness at an alarming rate, others are awakening at similar speeds. Even as it relentlessly preys on us, the Enemy's scams and illusions are flying apart, often in very public and tragicomic ways. What a time to be alive.

God bless you and Peter for your work. I will pray the warrior's prayer for you. We need all the help we can get, and I believe we will get it.

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Hello P&G ... oops, too much familiarity breeds contempt for another corporate entity altogether. 😂

Once more ...

Hello Peter and Ginger.

I am still only half way through my first read and some of the best writing and thinking I have ever come across, but thought I'd add a tiny bit through comments here regarding the fear of not knowing everything.

A useful personality construct that came up in my grad school studies (applied linguistics) is "tolerance for ambiguity". There appears to be a genetic predisposition for it, and I can't even begin to see how this plays out in the group dynamics of human nature .... but from personal experience, I think the predators are just clever enough to be aware of this temperament and weaponize it against us.

Although I agree with the endless ego-driven rabbit holes, I do have to admit I am adrift when thinking about grace. I a closer to the god of Spinoza and Einstein ... "god" as metaphor for nature in its entirety. But other than my spotted ignorance, I see no fundamental contradictions between our values.

Cheers from Japan to both of you,


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Welcome officially back! And redebuting with a bang(er).

Re: software, every day I am more convinced that any program too big to be comprehended, let alone written by, a single person, is one too dangerous to exist. I joke somewhat, but trying to understand what's wrong in an interaction with an API with the surface area of the Sun is a mortal infohazard. As I'm lately rediscovering. Small programs that do one thing and do it well, maintained by one individual, is The Way, and things the scale of Windows, let alone AWS, are the devil incarnate.

I've been on a continuing project of replacing colossal bloatwares with small programs written by me and tailored to my specific use case for a few years now and the sanity levels of my computer interactions are improving therewith. For people who can't or won't do this I recommend judicious application of a hammer, and thereafter touching grass (but be sure to remove the battery before you smash it - funny how they've made that task needlessly complex lately).

Speaking of devils incarnate, here's hoping this new series dovetails with that one.

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Thanks, brother.

"Re: software, every day I am more convinced that any program too big to be comprehended, let alone written by, a single person, is one too dangerous to exist."

Same. The shape of current dev cycle has already led to massive crimes and tragedies, and the rate and scale of those is increasing. Every time I sit down to write about some critical design failure or hack (or in the case of CrowdStrike, maybe both), Something else Happens that's just as dangerous.

This isn't leading anywhere good. I was having a conversation about this a few weeks ago with a friend who leads development on a major media platform. At a certain point he said, "This insanity will only end when planes are dropping out of the sky." Chilling, but I think he's right. The masses are unaware of just how much rot has seeped in under the shiny front-end floorboards. It's magic to them, and so it would take something very dramatic to get them thinking about it, let alone demanding action.

And even then... what kind of action might they demand? Gov-regs, is unfortunately the only language they've been taught to speak in crisis. "Save us, Superman!" Yikes.

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> "This insanity will only end when planes are dropping out of the sky."

My thoughts exactly, from a similar position (though I avoid work for "major" companies these days, because they're insane).

Planes are dropping out of the sky though, and I still get the impression that people think the magic is working and getting more magical every day.

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"Planes are dropping out of the sky though..."

I know! That's what I told him, too. Though, to be fair, at the moment that seems more related to a different kind of engineering, maintained by a new class of repairmen who apparently find a 50-page instruction manual too daunting to absorb. The cargo-cult call is coming from inside the house!

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Great essay. I'm glad you're well. My condolences to you on your father's passing. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon him.

Here's a news article about a case of demonic possession in Indiana that you might find interesting: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2014/01/25/the-disposession-of-latoya-ammons/4892553/

In the Bible, when God sends angels to convey messages, the first thing they say is, "Be not afraid," to reassure the individual experiencing this supernatural event. Demons mean to frighten. As I came back to faith from my intellectually smug and arrogant atheism, frightening occurrences were happening at at... well, a frightening pace.

I believe.

May God bless you and yours.

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Hi John,

Thanks for your condolences. As I mentioned above, he had a very rough year, but he is safe now.

I agree with you about the fear factor. I plan on writing about exactly that in this series, because one of the strangest things about these encounters is how the character of some of them changed upon further reflection. Not that my memories of them changed. It's just that some of them look different in the light. What I once saw as an act of the "Assistant" designed to terrorize, looked instead like a communication designed to enlighten and inspire. Mysterious ways, and all of that.

But in both cases, the end result has been to lead me back onto the path of Christ. Strange to think that an encounter with a demon would do that! But on the other hand, not so strange. It puts me in mind of the notion that *all* beings ultimately serve God's will, even if they themselves think otherwise.

God bless you and yours, too. Let's win this thing.

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Thanks, Mark. Amen. Let's defeat this evil.

I am a Papist. We believe in the Communion of Saints. The author of "The Exorcist ", William Peter Blatty wrote about the supernatural communications he received from his son Peter who passed on at a very young age. It's an interesting book that first takes you on an amusing trip through classic Hollywood (Blatty was a screenwriter).

Malevolence was definitely a part of some of my experiences. In one instance, hundreds of flies appeared overnight in my home, where the night before not a single one could be found. And many other experiences that thankfully have diminished and nearly vanished (eerie occurrences on very early Halloween morning) since my home was blessed by a priest friend of mine.

Indeed! Everything serves God's will. Deus vult! Even humiliating, excruciating death on the Cross becomes God's Triumph.

I look forward to reading your thoughts and experiences with the fear factor. Again, I am glad that you are well.

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"In one instance, hundreds of flies appeared overnight in my home, where the night before not a single one could be found."

The appearance of massed insects is one of those strange phenomena that's seems far too common in these reports to be coincidence. I have a (psuedo)scientific theory about why that might be, but it isn't absent a moral layer. In my own experience, the plague of lanternflies ran parallel to other external events, but also to internal one. And the more I gleefully slaughtered them, the more they came.

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My experience with the flies occurred on my birthday ~ 5-6 years ago. A handful flew around the house, but 99% of them remained plastered to my windows, behind the privacy shades. I don't recall seeing a single one the day afterwards.

That same day, my dear Mom, in the throes of early Alzheimer's flew into an unrelenting rage against me.

I'd be interested to read your take on insect infestation. I simply took it as an attack meant to disrupt a special day.

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Wew. This is gonna be a long one.

Welcome back, man.

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Thanks, buddy.

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"My hypothesis is that a paranormal event is neither purely “spiritual” nor “material” in nature, but rather indicates a confluence or nexus point, at which the information exchange between them is dramatically heightened or distorted. My guess is that the most observable exchange medium is signal traffic, expressed as a volume of normally diffuse energy being compressed and strategically focused for point-to-point transmissions."

Very interesting and a very good description, throughout the essay, of a difficult, complex topic.

I suspect that only a person's correspondingly heightened relation to eternity is a means for managing the digital distortions. At least that is what I suspect Kierkegaard would say, e.g. in "The Sickness unto Death."

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In book three of CS Lewis’s Space Trilogy, there is a monstrosity of science, assumed to be revivified and powered by Science™️.

But in the end, it was a possessed head.

If such a thing is possible, AI would be the place where it would happen. It would masquerade as an intelligent entity, Joe Rogan’s god, but it could end up being one of the old ones inhabiting a new type of body.

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Christopher Moore’s book “A dirty job”, is one of my favorites. You might enjoy it.

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Thanks for the rec. Never heard of it, but I do like a good horror-comedy, so I might check it out.

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Are you familiar with Landauer’s principle? Information has been demonstrated to have a physical effect. And there are proposals for a mass-energy-information equivalence. It may provide a foothold for developing this theory.

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Yes, and I will be touching on him, Sheldrake, John Wheeler and information theory more generally in a future chapter (but only lightly on Wheeler, since much of what he proposes is way above my intellectual pay grade).

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Think of the belief in the One, True, Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - as normally 'unseen' but 'felt' Spiritual Energy and Power, on both an individual and collective level, as a 'positive' charged energy. Consider the distance individuals and humanity as a whole have moved away from God and the 'negative' energy shift that has since taken place like a rising tide or tsunami. Now consider the implications of how Spiritual Energy intersects with and amplifies and/or interferes with the RF and digital energy awash in the world, and the short and long term effects it all has on human brainwaves and people's overall health and state of mind. Expand that into multiple spiritual and electronic (RF, digital, etc.) dimensions beyond that of a 3-D chess board, and you have an 'environment' where anything is possible and way beyond human understanding...

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Yes, I think this is a good description of what's happening overall. I guess the reason I'm delving into some of the more measurable mechanics is that I want our people to more calmly assess certain phenomena, if and when they encounter it. That's not to say my theory would totally demystify it, because behind the mechanics is the realm of minds and souls, which is incomprehensible and inexplicable by reductive methods. It requires an artist to even partially explain what's happening at that level of observation.

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I agree, Mark - thanks for diving into the topic!

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"Corrupt institutions of science are bleeding trust like a stuck pig."


This time you get a large and wide thumb down over that simile.

The rest is as good as ever.

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I once made money dreaming up commercial concepts for other people, more skilled than myself, to develop. How about this: "The Periodic Table Of Spiritual Power."?

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Sounds like a bazillion dollar idea, my brother. But who on Earth could write it?

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I was thinking you might know somebody with that kind of designer skill...similar to the Atomic Chart...but categories of spiritual beings...from the worst to The Best. Since all life comes out of God, the whole arrangement would have to Emanate from Him. Somewhere in there, the Iniquity that God discovered in His rebel son would be the line of demarcation between Life and Death. All above the Line is living. All below the line are dead. Obedience in Christ offers a narrow path/bridge to cross from Death to Life. I figure there is a graphic design genius out there somewhere who could make a sensible visual display of the Real Spiritual World. Maybe somebody who can do it will see this and get'r done. What days these are! Keep on rockin'

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Welcome back, Mark, I've missed you. :) And best wishes with this series.

"Sloth is a deadly sin for good reason. We should apply our skills and knowledge for when we can, to the best of our abilities."

Iamblichus interpreted a Pythagorean saying, as follows:

Pythagoras: Assist a man in raising a burden; but do not assist him in laying it down.

Iamblichus: The student is instructed to aid the diligent, but never to assist those who seek to

evade their responsibilities, for it is a great sin to encourage indolence.

I look forward to hearing more...

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Thank you, Scotlyn. It's good to be back!

"The student is instructed to aid the diligent, but never to assist those who seek to evade their responsibilities, for it is a great sin to encourage indolence."

Exactly so. Or to put it another way, "Don't let that bully copy your homework, nerds!" :)

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Great post. Thanks.

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Thank you.

Also, see above. My prayer was answered! :)

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Fascinating article. I'm looking forward to the next part!

Also, consider checking out Angel Hare, if you haven't. I think it would fit into your developing framework well.

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Thanks, John. Will do.

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My condolences on the passing of your father.

Wow, fascinating article. The Other has always been there. From Sheldrake's Morphic Fields to seeing an object fly across the room, our current knowledge fails but the wisdom of the sages still exist. I find it rather humorous that a theoretical physicist will pontificate on Supersymmetry and the possibility of 12 dimensions but then completely deny spirituality or that something may inhabit those other dimensions. We are definitely entering a time where Mysticism is enjoying something of a rebirth. I look forward to the next part.

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Thank you, Sim. My dad's on a great adventure, now, in the kingdom of the Dad-of-all-dads.

Sheldrake figures into a later chapter of my theory. And I, too, find the latest chatter in theoretical physics to be totally hilarious! It reminds me of the three little kids stacked on top of each other in the trench coat, trying to bluff their way into the R-rated movie. Sorry, tots! You're not tall enough to ride this ride, LMAO.

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Sorry for the double post. That's a good analogy for current "science." There is a definite shift in perspective as current understanding is failing. Instincts and the unquantifiable are slowly emerging from discredit.

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Hi Mark, good to hear from you! It's like the subtle uplift of air currents, waiting on a subway train, when you still can't even hear it, that signal when this stack is about to publish again. Weird, but reliable every time.

I'm sorry about your dad.

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Thanks Miss Teacup! Good to hear from you too. And the feeling of uplift is mutual, by the way. I forgot how much talking to all you dangerous and beautiful angels lifts my spirits.

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