"They lack the tools to even begin to investigate and understand what he’s really up to, and that ignorance has been weaponized against them."

So real it's almost painful. So many people are so woefully ignorant of the true size of eldritch beast and its many pernicious aspects that they don't even know what they don't know. It would take entire text books of primer just to catch them up so they could understand the even the base fundamentals of even the things you're talking about here. To me, it's esoteric, yes, but I get it... mostly. I imagine if I said some of this to my less spiritually alert acquaintances, they'd think I was a rambling lunatic.

I also saw a video the other day about how bright colors are ruining our brains and sabotaging our attention span. I'd need to go back and find it to do it justice, but, one of the most salient points I recall is that advertising companies and more malicious forces still use bright colors to hijack our pattern recognition abilities. He points out that bright, vivid colors are often rare in nature, and while aposematism, as you pointed out in your last article, is usually when you come across it, he made the point that desirable things are also sometimes brightly and vividly colored. A cloudless blue sky, green, lush grass, ripe, shiny fruits and berries - I've seen hypothesis that the whole meme about Tide Pods being "forbidden fruit" is because the bright, shiny, glossy appearance and texture reminds our monkey brains of ripe, juicy berries (which, of course, can also kill you, but, hey - that's beside the point). So, our brains are wired to search for bright colors, both as a sign to stay away or to come closer, so, naturally, when we're surrounded by bright colors all the time, it almost has a hypnotic effect to it, which, if I had to guess, is probably part of where you're going with the children's media. Bad as the technicolor nightmare of ponies is, it's nothing compared to the sheer sensory overload that children are exposed to. I don't know if you've ever heard of Cocomelon or Pinkfong, which seem to have dethroned Barney the Purple (!) Dinosaur and Seasame Street as de facto virtual babysitters for young children who's parents want them to shut up for an hour, but they're massively popular. I watched some of them out of curiosity since Cocomelon in particular has been meme'd so hard, and could only stomach a few minutes - the bright colors is nauseating and repetitive, droning, chanting music gives me a headache, not to mention it's all so ugly that it gives me a horrible, wretched feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can only imagine what it does to the underdeveloped brain of a baby. And, of course, the fact that it's deleterious to their development never even occurs to the parents.

Anyways, fascinating read, and I'm really looking forward to the next installment.

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Thanks YA. I was thinking about your Bronie work when I looked for the "Pony" pic. I agree with regards to the tidal wave of garish, mismatched colors (andd in particular from direct light sources).

I hadn't heard of Cocomelon or Pinkfong, but a brief tour left me retching. I have quite a bit to say about some of their predecessors, though. It'll be weird, but I don't think I'll sound like an art snob anymore. I think a lot of this puke-worthy stuff is becoming pretty clear to everyone, no matter how they make their living. Some shit is just ugly.

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"Corporate Memphis" springs to mind here as a form of this aimed at adults. Human forms horribly disfigured and out of proportion with brightly unnatural skin and hair colors.

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I had no idea that's what the art style was called but I'm glad to know that, if only so I can confidently say that I am sick to bastard death of Corporate Memphis. I remember styles of "corporate art" styles and architecture from the 90's like Factory Pomo and Neon Brutalism, and it just seems... unconscionable that those fell by the wayside and existed for such lamentably brief periods while that god awful Corporate Memphis style seems to be lingering with the persistence of a bad fart in a hot, stuffy, locked car. With no A/C.

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I legitimately have no idea why it is used outside of simple psychological warfare. Even shitlibs hate it.

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1. I can't believe that I can communicate directly with the author of such a piece. Words fail me. Thank you, Mark. Ok, here are a couple of words. I have never, ever, seen the connection between "be fruitful and multiply" and the nonfruitful claiming of the rainbow. I am stunned by the whole piece.

2. That man/woman who I think is the US Surgeon General is calling for a Summer of Pride. So the slothful gluttons may indeed buy you some more time.

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1. You know Jeff, I didn't see that connection until recently myself. I think some veils are just being lifted these days that are shocking at first, then in the immediate aftermath seem obvious, and almost trivial. That might just be a function of the part of the arc were in. You could easily blow my mind tomorrow.

2. I don't know which side to bet. Either way, I will ramble on. I tend to think of the situation as PRIDE 365, in any case.

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Nice! Really digging this series

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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Thanks, William. I really dug your latest, too. Sorry I have yet to comment on it.

I've got my helmet on. Put me in coach

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You may like the ancient "St Patrick's Breastplate" which in the original Irish continually invokes the concept of putting on armour. The repeating phrase is sometimes translated as "I arise today" or "I bind unto myself today", but native speakers tell me it invokes a picture of someone rising and donning one piece of armour at a time, in order to emerge, by the end of the prayer, fully protected against all evil. In other words - "I arise today and put on myself..." (which is the actual form of words I personally use).

Here are two versions that may be of interest - one goes with "I arise today" the other with "I bind unto myself today", but together give a good idea of this strongly protective prayer.



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And the ‘whole armor of God’ is not Roman armor, but those of a Biblical (not a Catholic) priest. And that is a deep study.

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This has been a decades-long assault, for sure. My kids were born in 1988 and 1994, and I started noticing then that much of the entertainment fare aimed at them was ugly and unsettling. Some of it was so hideous I simply forbade it on aesthetic grounds. When the elder was around five some well-meaning midwit relative or family friend gave her a “My Little Pony” doll, a hideous misshapen equine parody in artificial lavender with a garish primary-color floral bouquet stamped on its ass. Her dad and I were unable to conceal for very long that we had christened it “Blooming Eyesore.”

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Yep. And while we might be a bit apart in age, I get the feeling everyone alive today was hit with the Ugly Bomb campaign. Even though I've worked in visual design, I'm a little weirded out thinking about how young and deep it hit me.

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I keep thinking about those parents who bring their young kids to Pride: See, my child, look closely at that naked man. He is beautiful. He is courageous. He is your friend. He is your protector. Trust him.

Which is precisely what I imagine a demonic spirit would say.

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Indeed. And we call it something else at our peril, because a couple hundred years of trying to demystify it has led to this.

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Jun 28, 2023Edited
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The dragon is at least symbolic of the brain stem that we need to make an ally of. Clearly these idiot parents have not done that work.

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I would say we need to conquer and tame it, in the way St. George did his dragon. i But I know what you mean.

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That said, I firmly believe that it is not *only* humans that are not "just information embedded in a meat robot". All of creation, every single part of it - rocks, rivers, seas, trees, bees, otters, eagles, and me - all contain the divine spark.

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That's cool, Scotlyn. Not sure about the first three, but in some sense I think I agree with the general concept of God's hand in all. Maybe I should've said the Word instead of the spark.

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It's true - I do lean with great trust towards St Francis's view on this matter... Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Brothers Wind and Air, Sister Water, Brother Fire, Sister Mother Earth, Sister Death... it seems to me these are true kinships we neglect at our spiritual, as well as material, peril.

Be well. As always your writing is sound, and yet I pray that your fears be unfounded.


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Thank you, Mark. It is difficult, as I well know, to write about what we are witnessing as the wayward wizard's veils continue to be pulled back. But your writing is another example of the tower: Foundational strength layered with tiers of wise perception, deep sensitivity, and beauty. Bravo.

However, I couldn't even finish watching those short videos; the level of disgust I felt was palpable. Still, I think it is important to be able to steel one's mind (and barf reflex) to the depravity, if only to help others to see that it is indeed a perversion of the Divine Order. Displaying tolerance, or especially open advocacy, in this case, is a signal to the psychopaths that one is under their spell.

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Thanks, Sharine. I could barely watch myself. Some pretty bad shit going on out there. But maybe this is the way it ultimately had to be. Maybe we had to see it to believe it.

Blessed be those who didn't see, yet believed?

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Mmm, I'm not so sure that most of the "believers" actually KNOW what they are dealing with. I'm not being disparaging, just realistic. Those "believers" would have to have NEVER been exposed to tv/film/radio/video, magazines/newspapers, billboards, pamphlets, etc. What's that percentage in the U.S.? Maybe .05, .01 even. The Mennonites and Amish are exposed to much of it.

Ron and I are preparing for our summer roadtrip, departing quite soon. We will be traveling as far north as Idaho and the states along the I-94 into eastern Wisconsin. Our southbound phase takes us into Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky and West Virginia, then north into western Pennsylvania. After that, it's a crazy loop-de-loop throughout Michigan and south through Illinois to the I-70 and then the I-15 towards home.

If you are in any of those vicinities, I will gladly send you our relevant travel dates/locations and meet you in person if the timing is right. The idea is that meeting in person will create an embodiment of our intentional mental field. For example, Ron and I will be doing a one-nighter with Hunter in MN. Just saying. sharine.borslien [at] protonmail [dot] com

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That sounds like a splendid trip (especially Kentucky and West Virginia, which I know to have some incredible sights of nature.

I have a feeling we'll all meet up someday, and perhaps not in the distant future. But for the moment, I require my pseudonymity. But thanks so much for the offer.

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Be no one's toy.

Be no one's drug.

Be no one's weapon.

This is good advice.

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Excellent essay. Recent surveys of Gen Z disclose that more than 20% identify as one of the letters of the sacred LGBTetc. An absolute tragedy for humanity. Engaging in anal sex went, in a few short years, from being a shameful act to being viewed as damned near sacramental in our secular society. Much as the meaning of the rainbow has been perverted and inverted, the procreative act has been rendered meaningless, seen on par with ejaculation in the anus. The fruits of procreation, too, are dismissed, and human life can be eviscerated in the womb at the whim of the mother.

What to do? Speak out. Be not afraid, as the good book says (exactly 365 times, according to some who've gone through and counted). Civilization is being kicked into the abyss with the stiletto heel of a man dressed in a sequined gown.

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I think "Be not afraid" should be our refrain, yes. I don't even hate or fear the guy in the dress. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but I think some of these people can still be saved and brought back to the light of reason.

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Real rainbows that come from light refraction are aesthetically pleasing. They're softer. Barely visible. The colors blend together so seamlessly that you cannot tell where one begins and another ends. That's why counting them like beans, trees or birds flying overhead is impossible.

Real rainbows differ from the "Pride rainbows" the way a girl's blushing face differs from a drag queen's clown makeup.

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Am wondering if the phenomenon of purple, pink, blue and green haired 20 somethings isn’t a product of of childhoods littered with corporate graphic artists seeking to produce disruptive marketing campaigns.

As this phenomenon seems to be increasing in conjunction with self mutilation, is it to attract attention, a big FU to nature and God, or some other phenomenon?

During a stop at a local bakery, a 20 something employee, I noted, was scantily clad in the coldest of weather. As she turned to retrieve a loaf, I noted a vertebral tattoo with a prominent insect head with pincers engulfing the base of her neck. In shock and horror I asked, is that a centipede? The attractive women with multiple piercings and purple hair replies with a smile “yes it is”. I responded “how creepy” and to this her smile grew, she gently giggled in delight and conveyed an appreciative “thank you” in response. I remain stumped and stupefied.

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I think a big FU to Nature and God is a huge part of it. And having been someone who also was at war with God (who I pretended didn't exist) makes me want to reach out to these people. I could easily fail to build that kind of bridge (and maybe I am), but it seems a worthwhile folly at this point in my life.

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Honored that you picked up on my comment! And on the day I finished a new book, too. Promise you Mark, next time I get a royalty check you will be joining my extremely short list of paid subscriptions.

On the topic of the misuse of color, someone else mentioned Cocomelon and its ilk. These dumb videos are literally a gateway to evil thanks to Youtube's "garden path of extremism" algorithm. Several years pre-pandemic when we were still ignorant enough to let our eldest watch Youtube, she used to like Cocomelon. One day I ran through the entire string of recommended / "next up" videos that would autoplay after a Cocomelon video, and one of them was a fake. It was so horrid it haunts me to this day. Happy children getting their heads bitten off. I refuse to describe it any further than that. Amateur art, but the same color scheme, so it wouldn't stick out from the other thumbnails at a glance. Needless to say that was the end of letting her watch Youtube.

Fast forward a number of years. I took my kids to the pool yesterday. There was another little girl sitting there with headphones on, playing on a tablet, and the headphones and tablet were both My Little Pony colors. They looked like toys. Another abuse of color.

When it was time for that child's family to go home, she protested, and I heard her mother say, "If you don't put your shoes on I'm taking away the tablet." Instant compliance was the result. Now scale that up by a factor of 8 billion and the situation is very clear.

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I just watched about 17 seconds of "Cocomelon." and the very first thing I saw was a damned manmade rainbow on a paper plate:


I agree that this seems to be the nadir of the anti-aesthetic. It's grotesque beyond belief.

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This is an excellent essay—I thoroughly enjoyed it, and there’s much food for thought here.

It also got me to thinking about some of the Traditionalist thinker René Guénon’s musings on the rainbow, particularly his essays “The Seven Rays and the Rainbow” and “The Bridge and the Rainbow.” If I remember correctly, in the former he argues that the rainbow is only six colors, with the seventh, principial color represented by white, which is the source of all colors. In the latter essay he talks about the symbolism of the rainbow as a bridge between heaven and earth, and also mentions that there is a connection between it and the serpent—interesting in light of the seeming perversion of the rainbow symbol by the Enemy of Mankind.

Anyway, that’s my nerdtastic contribution, for what it’s worth. Great stuff, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the remaining parts of this fantastic series!

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<<While a soul in the grip of demons may be saved, it’s much harder to steal one back from the light. To modify a phrase, “Once you go God, you never go Zod.”>> I don't think this is true. I know dozens of people who have strayed far from their Christian flock, a few of whom are some of the worst proponents of the Rainbow Way.

Now, you might argue that these people never truly "went God". Besides the matter of True Scotsmen, this assertion would imply that Christianity is an unreliable and/or inefficient means of Going God. And that is actually the position I hold. Christianity (as it is commonly practiced) reduces ones capacity for seeing the true structure of reality (and I say this as somebody who very regularly attends Christian services, but mostly for the positive community benefits... I remain a steadfast and unapologetic pagan). Christianity does this mostly by reducing the necessary language and dulling the required faculties. It was in the interest of the Catholic Church to do this, and Protestants only made matters worse.

I agree with 98% of what you are arguing in this series. I offer this criticism mostly because I have noticed a drift in this cluster of substacks towards an implicit bias that divides the world into Christian and Everything-Else. This kind of black and white thinking is part of the problem and it will only accelerate the processes you are describing.

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Thanks for the comment, Iguana. I'm not sure what to make of this, though. I haven't mentioned Christ or Christianity in this series, let alone the Catholic Church or its Protestant offshoots.

With regards to "Going God" and what is or isn't reliable/efficient, I admit I don't have a pat answer. If pressed, I guess I'd fall back onto deeds by which we'd recognize light or darkness. If that is something purely subjective, I think we'd see total chaos even in our language, destroying our ability to even argue a coherent point, let alone accuse each other of fallacies. Because we don't, I'm inclined to think that who is and isn't guided by the light of truth will eventually reveal itself. In other words, if I'm broadly wrong and misapprehending reality, my error will be made plain eventually.

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Thank you for saying this. There are many who cultivate connection with the divine - who has many names - and who renounce evil in whatever form they encounter it, or are tempted to it. Christian vs Everything-Else is not the most useful framing. Seekers of light versus shunners of dark may be a better one. (and incidentally, the most excellently moderated conversations that gathers seekers of light (Christian, druidic, pagan, polytheist, atheist, theologically uncertain) from many quarters, are always to be found on the blogs of John Michael Greer.

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I love JMG. I was reading him over a decade ago but stopped after he put his stuff behind a paywall. Maybe I should reconsider since, at this stage in my life, I'm in a position to support good content.

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JMG has put nothing behind a paywall, ever, except for his mundane astrology readings.

He is to be found - for free - here: ecosophia.net and here: ecosophia.dreamwidth.org. Also, the best comment thread moderation you will ever find. No toleration for bad conduct, but no content is off limits. You never feel like you are in an echo chamber, nor in mid-firing line. :)

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I'm pretty sure he put at least some of his content behind a paywall at least for some period of time, but I can't remember exactly what and when. I do recall at some later point looking for "Earth, the Next 10 Billion Years" and not being able to find it. In any case, I'll check out the site, thanks for the tip!

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Firstly, apologies to Mark Bisone - this is getting WAY off topic. (That said, I do think the denizens reading here and the denizens reading there have a great deal in common!)

Iridescent - the post you went looking for is here: https://archdruidmirror.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-next-ten-billion-years.html In 2017, JMG decided to switch to a platform over which he would have more control, and off which he could not be easily booted - given these "cancelling" times we live in. He therefore stopped using free "blogger" and went to a bespoke pair of sites - the ones I linked in the comment above. His old archdruid "blogger" posts are now saved on that "archdruidmirror.blogspot" site, and his new posts continue on from 2017, at the ecosophia sites, none of which were ever behind a paywall. A few years ago, though, he did move his mundane astrology predictions (and only those) behind a paywall - there is a great deal of work involved in drawing them up. I hope you find him again. The comment threads are always a place of great sanity in the midst of confusion.

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I reject “they couldn’t see blue!” theory. It’s from the same crowd that believes language = perception = reality, that all “truth” is just language games.

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This. Is. Phenomenal. Seriously good stuff. Mind blowing. My core says, yep, he's over the target.

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