And yes, I totally agree with you about how people seem to ignore the fact that the esoteric, the occult, and ultimately the evil DO exist, especially among the elites. Check out Anderson Cooper's mom, Marina Abramovich's fans, the Podesta's artwork. The symbolism in Major Hollywood films. Actors and actresses with "eccentric" beliefs and practices.

You might not believe in demons, but THEY sure do. Their biggest victory was convincing others that it's ridiculous to think so, and in doing so, they are free to show this more openly, and just call it "art" or something

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Author

"You might not believe in demons, but THEY sure do."

If nothing else, I hope that this fact will sink in. It's unnerving at times to hear the materialist slander all other faiths (but Christianity in particular), then go along with the theory that this one in particular doesn't exist, because its hardcore practitioners say it doesn't. After all, why on Earth would a demon-worshipper lie? The mind spins.

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One of my reasons for taking Christianity seriously again was recognizing that the worst people all seem to despise it enormously. Since the opposite of what our opponents say or do is almost always the truth, then I reckon what Christ says is most likely true, and something they fear

Also, he prophesized that Him and His followers would be hated by the world, and He definitely wasn't wrong about that.

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An excellent, educational podcast you may enjoy is Getting to Know Your Bible.

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An excellent culmination to an excellent series. America always had a soft spot for the "self-made man" who came from humble beginnings and achieved success through diligent efforts. That has been corrupted into "self-actualization" and "finding yourself." Bitch, yourself ain't lost, you're carrying yourself with you. You can choose to use that self to do the best you can do, or you can spend your time making yourself someone else. But no matter what you do, you don't have any choice BUT to be yourself.

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Thanks, Sir Kenaz. The illusion of pure self-creation is starting to melt away for some, but for others it's hardening and gaining strength. It's a tragic arc, where not only is the end of the rainbow never found, but all the glue that holds the Self together and binds it to reality evaporates along the way. We should try to rescue as many as we can from this fate.

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Very fine series Mark. The mask is off. We are near enough the bottom of the slippery slope that it is hard for anyone to deny its fundamental lubricity. The only question is, What comes next?

I will be offering a small contribution-a new acronym for the rainbow folks inspired by your work. I shall call them the PB&Js- Pedophiles, Beastiphiles, and Justifiers

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Thanks, Sir Jon.

And, much like rainbow imagery, "PB&J" has the advantage of implying what they're *really* after, at the bottom of all the noise.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Please don’t ruin PB and J too...

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Fits in with Mark's theme of tearing down beloved childhood icons. Also, tying it to food is a good way to make sure that Pizzagate is never buried under mountains of distraQtion. It's not enough for the bad things to be truly awful. Only when the good things are utterly corrupt will we cry out for deliverance. If anybody finds a way to tie Reese cups into this madness you will hear me howl like a sonofabitch.

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

I have been mulling over your themes for a couple of days now.

Seek the unbroken light.

They are coming for your children.

So it seems to me that the best way to "hide" the children from the kinds of dangers you speak of is to keep them in the unbroken light, which, these days is mostly to be found outdoors, which is where most of the human "reset" buttons live. Broken light is a matter of technology, of screens, of artificial light, of separation from the living world of light and love.

The outdoors is full of kin and potential friends - trees, flowers, bees, squirrels, birds, animals, streams, lakes, seas, natural rhythms, natural harmonies, a natural dance and song which holds our place open for us, always. It was where we, as young children, most wanted to be, where we ran to at every unscheduled-by-an-adult opportunity, where our physical, mental and spiritual hurts healed, where we learned courage and competence, where we became human.

The broken light is machine light. It is borg light. It is be-eaten-and-assimilated light. The unbroken light has never gone anywhere. It visits every day, and waits patiently for us to come out and play with it, to dance with it, to sing with it, to be alive with it.

Be well, stay free.

Thank you.

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"So it seems to me that the best way to "hide" the children from the kinds of dangers you speak of is to keep them in the unbroken light, which, these days is mostly to be found outdoors, which is where most of the human "reset" buttons live. Broken light is a matter of technology, of screens, of artificial light, of separation from the living world of light and love."

I agree 100,000,000%

The loss of the outdoors, of simply being in nature, of watching the various fauna scoot around and do their wacky animal things as we play our own games is the greatest tragedy of our time. And not only for kids; we all should be doing more of that, because it reconnects us not just to the light, but to mystery and gratitude.

"The broken light is machine light. It is borg light. It is be-eaten-and-assimilated light. The unbroken light has never gone anywhere. It visits every day, and waits patiently for us to come out and play with it, to dance with it, to sing with it, to be alive with it."

This is beautifully put. Thank you.

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Thank you for this illuminating series and for the transcendent ending to it. Our flag, representing a country born by the heroic quest for freedom and equality by men who belong to the pantheon of heroes whose visages are carved upon Mt. Rushmore, and memorialized in statues of marble and bronze, torn and tattered and bloodied in wars of independence and freedom, is a beacon of hope and light throughout the world. It represents a country not without sin, but one in which we, at least those of us who still love what it stands for, can hold forth as a symbol of enduring effort to live up to the standards for which it stands. Happy 4th of July fellow Americans!

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Happy 4th, Humdeedee!

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

"But what I do wonder about him and others like him, who do not seem obsessed with drawing attention to their sexual habits, is how intrinsic to Being those habits are. His desires don’t seem to own him..."

Very likely, his "habits", like those of us all, are about forming connections with other people. While I have huge sympathy with where you are going with the dead eyes and emptiness you see at pride parades these days, and the egregiousness of the "life without ever having an orgasm, and maybe never being able to pee without pain" being offered as "gender-affirming" medicine, I will say that I know of (for example) teachers who, at coffee breaks, could not share that their hearts were breaking because the person they loved most deeply, was in hospital after a heart attack... because such sharing would be tantamount to "flaunting" their sexuality.

Forging deep connections that are not only physiscal, with other people who matter, is one of the many, many reasons people have for having sex, and, as a post menopausal woman who will never bear another child, I treasure the sexual connection I continue to explore, physically, with my husband, the person I love most deeply. If I found myself unable to share the breaking of my heart because of a problem with his health, I would indeed be distraught.

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Thanks for the thoughtful comment, Scotlyn.

"Very likely, his "habits", like those of us all, are about forming connections with other people."

But he formed a connection with me and other straight men we knew, without any sexual hijinks involved. Also, I'm not sure why "habits" has to be in scare quotes here. I think that's a fairly neutral word to describe what he's possibly doing (or possibly not doing anymore; I haven't seen him in a few years, and raising kids usually puts a damper on sex life).

"I will say that I know of (for example) teachers who, at coffee breaks, could not share that their hearts were breaking because the person they loved most deeply, was in hospital after a heart attack..."

Are you sure about this? That they couldn't describe heartbreak over a loved one without describing their sex life, I mean? Unless the mechanics of gay sex factored into the heart episode itself ("So I was anally penetrating, my beloved husband last night, when suddenly..." I don't see why those details would necessarily come up.

I'm not being churlish. It matters to me if people cannot plainly express their suffering without fear of losing their jobs. I would not support such a thing. But I will say that I think bringing personal matters into the office -- of any kind -- is something we are doing far too much of these days. In particular, I think discussions about the sex lives of teachers -- gay or straight -- should be kept entirely out of the classroom. But more generally speaking, I think work should be more about work. That's not something I'd codify into law, mind you. More of a social preference.

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The point I think I am trying to make is that sex is a private matter, and personally, I think it should be treated that way. We have no need to make it a public matter.

On the other hand, the ways in which human beings connect to one another - through birth, marriage, siblinghood, cousinhood, adoptivesiblinghood, stepsiblinghood, romance, friendship, etc and (also) all of the disconnectedness - enmity, feuds, separations, divorces - these are what we, as social animals, are perennially interested in, and curious about, and also, need to know about to properly navigate our particular social ecosystem.

This means that we need to be able to discuss "connectedness" between any given two people without the necessity to be prurient about the sexual detail which, for some categories of connectedness, is the language in which connectedness gets expressed.

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"Are you sure about this? That they couldn't describe heartbreak over a loved one without describing their sex life, I mean?"

What I am sure about is the two teachers in particular that I am thinking about could not describe heartbreak over a loved one [indeed, even mention the existence of said loved one] without *being* *thought* *to* *be* describing their sex life.**

This is what, after all, the "flaunting your sexuality" accusation (at least in Irish life, where people are generally fairly prudish and shy about discussing their sex lives, regardless), consists of. The simple fact of telling someone that your partner, who you love, is of the same sex as yourself, is taken to be a "flaunting" of a "sexuality". Whatever imaginings the hearer might then go on to have in the privacy of *their* mind, as to what the teller gets up to in bed, is blamed squarely on the teller. That the hearer has no reason to allow their imagination to go there if they do not wish it to, never seems to occur.

** Of course it is not that long since an unmarried Irish teacher who became pregnant also lost her job, because, again - being pregnant is considered to be an invitation to imagine what the pregnant woman might have got up to in bed... So that, if you are single and pregnant, in Ireland up until recently, you are thought to be "flaunting" your sexuality, too.

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Thank you, Mark.

As with the See-Aye-Ay manufactured Women's Lib, Civil Rights, and Hippy "movements" (sounds shitty to me💩😉), this whole rainbow-garb-AGE navel gazing "look at me" catastrophe is part of the Luciferian Doctrine of "do what thou wilt."

The wayward wizards are pushing worship of the self as an idol. They started with strong-looking coifed men and secret-MTF-tranny idols on the tell-a-vision to captivate our attention with manufactured "perfection," giving the actors awards at grand galas (look up "gala" for an interesting insight). They hook up the actors with government officials as well as corporate, public institution, and NGO "success story" models, and populate tv, film, print, and then the Intel-net with these fraudulent "people."

Viewers then idolize these actors, and their attention moves away from family, Nature, and God, while they succumb to the scientific materialism that replaces every aspect of the Divine Order and Natural Law.

The heartless, calculated incrementalism is part of the Luciferian false-white-light deception process. I think you have done a great service in explaining the cooptation of the Sacred Rainbow Covenant in that the wayward wizards slowly normalized the chunky-clunky fake-bow, which looks about as barfy as the Doritos-bag bow on the head of "Avant Garbage."

Interestingly enough, the word "avant" is French and means "before," "in front of," or "leading." So, uh, yeah, that demonically possessed entity appearing as "Avant Garbage" is literally leading the brigade of human waste, or to be specific, "a waste of human beings." The even sadder part is that "Avant Garbage" has no clue that he/she/it is being openly mocked by the Luciferians using the entity for their inverted, perverted agenda. "Avant Garbage" is simply enjoying being idolized while reveling in victimhood.

Keep rocking the world with your brilliant analyses and word-smithing, my friend.

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"Viewers then idolize these actors, and their attention moves away from family, Nature, and God, while they succumb to the scientific materialism that replaces every aspect of the Divine Order and Natural Law."

Yeah, this is what Lewis was pointing to in Screwtape's graduation speech as well. As the depersonalization engine of media works its black magic, the victim looks ever more outwards and "upwards" for celebrated persons to latch on to and parasitically feed off of. The holes in one's own identity are paved in with thoughts of, "This is how I am like (insert celebrity image here)", and the words of these constructed celebrities are parroted back to them, in the hopes of getting a pat on the digital skull, of being validated by the false idol you worship and adore. Sad.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

> the victim looks ever more outwards and "upwards" for celebrated persons to latch on to and parasitically feed off of.

Are you familiar with Mathew Crawford's theory of Parasocial Dunbar Hacking? I believe this may be an example.


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Yes, I think Mat's theory aligns with my own. I'd add that the tribal archetypes that people are slotting virtual TV/Internet people into have *also* been corrupted and in many cases inverted from their original forms. As a result, the glue that might have been "trust" has morphed into a general anxiety and a boatload of mental and ethical defects. The Good King lies and gets away with it. The Noble Warrior is an insipid, cowardly blowhard, etc.

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They have squeezed meaning from words like "pride", replacing the rich complexity of language with fist-in-the-face sloganeering. For them, words are no longer instruments, simply bludgeons.

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I also think the problem with a word like "pride" is that almost all of its meanings and usages are bad ones to begin with. There is one use of it that is at least neutral in my book, and potentially even good, and that is the pride we take in our work. But, yes, the one they wield is the worst version of all: pride in what one accidentally is, rather than in what one intentionally does. And they beat us over the head with it like a bat, delighting even in its hypocrisy.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

"But it should at least contain one design element that accommodates for future growth, just as Life itself does. Instead of the disintegrated rainbow colors, perhaps this changing element can signify unbroken white light."

But, this, I do hear, and agree with. I lift myself, and my cup, to salute the light, which does not have to make any special effort to vanquish the dark. It just has to be what it is, and wherever it is, the dark cannot sustain itself. Be well, and, as we say in Ireland... "keep her lit!" :)

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I will do my best to keep her lit!


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The lyrics to Prison Sex by Tool basically illustrate how gays recruit. It's a cycle of abuse, trauma, and the resultant development of paraphilias rooted in that trauma.

I thought this was a song about a minor problem, but given what we see today, this isn't a small issue in the gay community and seems to describe much of it. Fuck, now it seems to be celebrated with the slow-burn acceptance of "minor attracted persons" and the Desmond is Amazing shit.

We live in truly dark times

"I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this

Shit, blood and cum on my hands




Full circle"

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That is indeed very grim.

When we speak of demonic possession, I think we too often dwell on those extreme examples of sudden and total invasion, where the person is used as a meat-puppet by something inhuman. But there are other kinds, blind and mute demons who are passed down through crimes of the flesh. And I think rape is one of the most insidious and destructive of those breeds.

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The video is... Pretty damn dark

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Great series! I was hoping you would expand it again (as you did after the first "part one of three" was followed up by "part two of four") 😁.

Great job charting the common threads tying together the larger forces that have been at work on humanity for much longer than the modern alphabet degeneracy movement, which suddenly appears to have consumed our society at every level in a wildly successful and very well-funded cultural blitzkrieg.

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Thanks, Sir Dan. I might have to staple on an addendum at some point. Some people seem to be confused about why I didn't get into Friends of Dorothy (i.e. Garland Gays), given the imagery and music of The Wizard of Oz. Short answer: it's fairly obvious and has be done to death. But there is a longer answer too, having much to do with transformation, materialism and the obsession with staying young forever. Maybe someday...

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

A very thoughtful piece. I'd add that the regime sponsored disregulation of sexual conduct is integrated into the political economy of the West.

The great social problem facing our masters is how to manage the majority population for their maximum profit and empowerment in an an era of declining expetations. The collapse of the traditional family and the increasing restriction of opportunities for marriage and family formation incentivise the creation and encouragement of alternative lifestyles and family structures. Both the LGBT and occult stuff help with the aesthetics, psycho-affective and cultural side of these alternatives.

Put another way, the regime is not invested in the well-being of its people or their ability to reproduce or raise children in safety. The majority are disposable biomass. In Social Darwinist terms the elite benefit from the demoralisation of the masses because it weakens them and ensures docility.

Occultism is the State Shinto of Cthulhustan and Satanism the perfect creed for people intoxicated by regime sponsored expectations/fantasies of autopoiesis (self-creation).

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"The majority are disposable biomass. In Social Darwinist terms the elite benefit from the demoralisation of the masses because it weakens them and ensures docility."

Yes. And in having been weakened and tamed, the lesser goods begin to shapeshift into the greater ones in their minds. A moment's undignified pleasure is amplified into a Great Act of Freedom/Justice/Rebellion/Apotheosis/etc. This includes the poisoned pleasures of schadenfreude, of delighting in someone else's misery, and especially if you helped to cause it. Part of the giddiness at PRIDE parades is that of little kids pissing off the adults with their antics. But it gets much darker the closer you look at it.

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It is weird on every level: exhibitionism, provocation, the thrill of defying taboos, the demoralisation of others, amusement at the outrage to the unfashionably conservative and exultation at newly won social and cultural power. It is a state-sponsored walpurgisnacht.

The sad part is the confusion of libertinism with freedom. Libertinus originally meant a freed slave (I think, I could be wrong) and so has connotations of excess and of a very servile misuse of freedom which properly comes from self-control. Gay rights jumped the shark long ago. Today it is all about serving the regime.

Vice certainly has its place and needs some indulgence (don't get me started)...but not as a defining feature of the mainstream culture. PRIDE parades are a parody of Mardi Gras performed by people with ideological imperatives derived from a severely retarded take on Calvinism. Joyless decadence...sin as purity test. Weird as ####.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

Happy Independence Day, Mark. And to all your readers, here.

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Happy (Belated) Independence Day to you, Miss Teacup!

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I am very impressed by this series. It is very thoughtful, intelligent and clear headed.

I think it is wrong though to condemn all of the occult and magical tradition as if it is all evil, just as it is wrong to condemn Christianity because many evil people have co-opted the message of Jesus. That said, your enemies are my enemies, brother in arms...

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This question of a counter-symbol has been much on my mind as well. Every army needs a banner, and the Army of Gnon is no exception.

I don't think the stars and stripes quite work. First, because it's been sullied by the those wearing it as a skinsuit. Second, because in many ways it represents precisely that liberalism that gave birth to the Slaanesh Cult. Third, and most fundamentally, its tribal appeal is limited to the America. The prismatic pennant of pederasty is a global symbol, matching the global reach of its globalist adherents. Fragmented opposition by the various nations won't be able to resist it in the long run.

What's required is something with international appeal; something rooted in tradition but not weighed down by it; something simple, so it can be easily used; but also something beautiful, as a refutation of the garish ugliness of the debased rainbow.

And no, I don't know what it is, either.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Author

For a moment there, I worried you were going to propose the fractal, educated beauty of a maple leaf. Thank heavens for small miracles.

Like I said in my design parameters, I don't think we've found it yet. The Stars & Bars is just the best example I've seen so far. Hope for Expanding Future, Gratitude for Unchanging Past.

One other element of older flags I'd like to see return is room for individual artistic style. Our flags are too abstract, lacking the kinds of figures and forms you'd see on old heraldry. I'm not saying we need wyverns and lions and such. But at least one non-platonic element that an artist could put his own touch on might complete the sentiment, including both Self and Group.

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The maple leaf, good God no. The only thing gayer than the Canadian flag is the actual gay flag.

I for one am for a return to heraldry. Bring on the lions, dragons, and unicorns! That does not work for a unifying symbol, but as you say, it opens the door to individualized expressions that could be easily combined with some universal symbol. Further, a move away from the abstract, flattened representations that so appeal to the left hemisphere is probably exactly what we need.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Author

You know, come to think of it, a standard that reserved one element for the individual might make for a great statement of purpose. A quadrant for house heraldry, in a field of united cause. What's interesting is that we'd be doing real "diversity" as opposed to the faek and ghey kind.

Food for thought, at least.

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I like it.

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In the Old Testament era of kings and prophets, I don’t think that anything boiled God’s blood like child sacrifice. It is so repetitive, and hard to relate to, a refrain that it is somewhat tiresome: ok, we get it, another king who did not stop it.

And yet, here we are today. And I suppose we are forewarned about it’s stickiness once it takes root. This is a sub theme of all of the pieces.

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Right. It seemed so alien whenever it was brought up in church when I was kid, to the point my young brain wondered if it could possibly be true. The idea of doing such an evil thing to someone so helpless just seemed impossible even at the individual level, let alone some nightmarish factory of church-sponsored and state-abetted human sacrifice.

And yet, I can see now how such engines can be forged, and even rationalized in broken minds.

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