I actually had no idea John Henry was black. A CRT enthusiast would say something like, that's because Henry's blackness was erased by the presumption of a default whiteness, which is sort of a half truth. Really though, it's that the John Henry tale has nothing whatsoever to do with his being black. He wasn't being oppressed because of his skin color. He wasn't the victim of slavery or racism. There's nothing in his story for race hustlers to latch onto.

And so they ignore it.

Despite the obvious heroism of the tale.

Which says a very great deal about their motivations.

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Great article. My mother taught in the inner city of Chicago for the Archdiocese for 53 years and marched with MLK through the Marquette Park neighborhood. She took a group of her students, by basically stealing a school bus, to the march and when things went south for the marchers she tried to escape into a nearby church with her students only to have one Jesse Jackson refuse to open the doors as he was too scared of the counterprotestors, show's the complete lack of honor that scumbag has. Everything my mother stood for is being destroyed by these CRT spouting lunatics and it makes me sick, she taught in crime ridden black neighborhoods her entire career, making ludicrously low amounts of money to do so, her last year of teaching she made 29k, all because she believed in what she did but somehow these asshats would say she's a white supremacist, fucking scoundrels the lot of them! Also, great start to a Monday morning by listening to some Steve Earle!

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I don't worry too much about the Trans future, 4th generation technological revolution, CBDC social credit renewable utopia, because I suspect humanity will smash the machine to little bits before we allow ourselves to be irrevocably enslaved by it.

BTW it take stones of steel to venture into commentary on Black History Month. Well done. Long live John Henry!

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Outstanding essay.

Like the Bolsheviks who truly despised the people they claimed to champion, our progressive left views their BIPOC charges with secret disdain.

That the western world has been subject to one of the greatest "divide et impera" campaigns in human history this last decade is beyond question, but what is the ultimate goal of the string-pullers?

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This is a major no-no for the postmodern Left; despite their paeans to “diversity,” their neo-Marxist version of human nature is flat and featureless.

That's a great point. It's not a coincidence that artistic innovation has flatlined since the ascendancy of the new left in the 1960s. You will know them by their fruits.

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I learn a new word every time I read a Mark Bisone article. Word of the day? Mawkish.

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Good read. Will be linking it @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

A little late for Black History month, but that's besides the point.

Worth linking for your insights on Al Sharpton alone, besides the rest of the article!!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mark Bisone

On the topic of man vs machine, you all might appreciate this timely takedown of ChatGPT's pretensions. Mark, I highly recommend this author to you as he's in sync with your take on "AI." Written from a Catholic viewpoint but don't let that put you off.


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Love Love Love this, Mark!

I got inspired and made a quick post to "hammer on" (guitar terminology, haha) my tangential perspective:


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Well done!! Seriously, well damn done!

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Well... seems that we are missing the Lesson that John Henry left us, modern moron slaves: Don't create machines that will make you cull yourself doing moronic things!

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