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Very good insight into what is happening and I just wanted to add that with all of the young men including all of the various athletes dropping dead from heart attacks globally daily is also part of the plan to wipe out all young men of fighting age. Notice the old men aren’t dropping dead? It’s only the young men of fighting age while the young women are biologically ruined to get pregnant to carry on the human race.! I think this was also their plan all along, kill off the young men and destroy young women’s fertility. How utterly sick and disturbingly evil… I am trying to stay positive but it is very difficult these days. Thank you for your article I really appreciated your words and thoughts.

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Thank you, Sonya. I agree with you. There's nothing I've witnessed in my life quite like this. I have friends in the military and the medical industry who can speak more fluently about it, and have been courageously fighting back. For instance, check out Major Grant Smith at The Radical American Mind:


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Thank you for the referral and I have some good news today for once as all of our victories seem so few against this massive authoritarian dictatorship grab for complete power we are fighting, so we must savour each and every one we have. Have you heard of Canadian world renown psychologist and educator Dr. Jordan Peterson who travels the world giving lectures and speaking? I believe him to be the smartest person in Canada today and now one of the bravest too! Dr. Peterson was on the Joe Rogan podcast yesterday I believe and now it is on YouTube where he says he is planning a platform for the brightest minds that he knows from the EU, the UK, the USA, Australia, as well as from others around the world in order to create the very best way for humanity to govern ourselves going forward and it will be in direct opposition to the views and plans the WEF has for us all going forward. You know the one where we will have lost all of our freedoms and autonomy, where we will be under surveillance 24/7, where unelected private global entities like the WHO and the UN will be fully in charge of all global health practices and public health policies and all of our countries sovereignties will cease to exist, we will be living in a gulag and eating bugs and own nothing and be happy?! Oh and I forgot where they want to implant an electronic chip in our heads…Dr. Peterson is in the process of fighting not to be cancelled in Canada as a group of woke Liberal citizens in Ottawa where Trudeau governs and lives, as well as Trudeau himself do not like Dr. Jordan Peterson’s points of view as they run in a completely contrary and opposite direction to the current woke madness we are living in. This meeting is set and booked for the latter part of this year and it will be held in London England and everyone invited to attend will be asked 6 deep and complex questions they will need to answer versus a seminar or lecture format. This is the first step only but hey it’s a beginning if we make it to there with the US industrial military complex lusting for nuclear war…

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