All of this bullshit stops the day that the field of women in an NCAA swim meet refuse to compete against a male. And I mean when the gun goes off, the only person who jumps in the pool has a swinging dick. And everyone watches him swim alone.

It would be over right there. Alas, woke bitches with no solidarity could never pull it off.

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Mar 16Liked by Mark Bisone

To your footnote, shameful how the wicked prey upon the benevolence of the good, they whose sense of compassion is but cruelty cloaked in velvet.

Appreciate your work and humor thank you!

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Mar 16Liked by Mark Bisone

I think Lia Thomas knows exactly what’s happening. He’s like a secret sleeper agent shoving clownworld in the plebs faces. If the court case goes through, we’ll probably see him on right wing podcasts laughing at how dumb liberals are. With more people like him none of this would have gone so far. And his actions have the greatest chance of stopping it.

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Mar 19Liked by Mark Bisone

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

Theodore Dalrymple

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Mar 17Liked by Mark Bisone

"God’s one-eyed error" !!

I'm calling mine that from now on

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Lia (nee Liar) and the Trim Spa option caught my eye. Seems to me the fox has been planted among the hens for just such a reaction, while left-leaners will become as goldfish with mouths opening and shutting - a sign of oxygen depletion to the brain.

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Mar 24Liked by Mark Bisone

“Those who profit from these fantasies are particularly evil, crazy or both. There is no middle ground to be had when it comes to the irreparable mutilation of the imago dei, especially when committed in the guise of a doctor.“

Agreed, emphatically.

These are sad, confusing, and frequently infuriating times. It is once again fashionable, legal (in some domains) and socially acceptable (by a very few) for sick, twisted men to lord it over women.

That these men have various psychoses, perversions, and misogynistic proclivities, and are still fawned over by the intellectual, political and media elite is the very definition of social depravity.

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Mar 18Liked by Mark Bisone

It's funny... I felt my hackles rising with your first paragraph or two and thought, "make yourself read it... his other writing has been so erudite... maybe he's got a new light to shed on the trans issues that you haven't considered." And so I swallowed the bile, and kept reading. And man, I'm so glad I did. I needed a laugh (several, at that)! 🤣👏

Bravo, Mark!

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It seems like a long way to go just to get people to stop calling you Bill. But maybe it's worth it to him.

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Mar 17Liked by Mark Bisone

The sacred freak. That's pretty good, think you're on to something there.

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> I’m a fan of justice. Basically Solomon on five hits of acid.


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Mar 16Liked by Mark Bisone

Thomas has a lot of friends who depend on him for money, power and group affirmation. The courts ultimately rigged the 2020 election. This is no sure bet ...

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Mar 20Liked by Mark Bisone

Good article! Very witty.

Yes the appropriate response is to throw them all in prison.

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I'm late to the party again! Love this poetic sentiment:

"You then try to chastise the rest of us for daring to point out that the empress is not only nude, but is also a dude. For that, you can fuck directly off as well."

To be fair in the numbers aspect, I feel certain that there are far more "nude dudes" in the swim club than dangly boy. I covered the likely CIA-asset Riley Gaines. Who knows? Perhaps Riley was the "female" swimmer in the locker room who decided to change in a storage space instead of out himself as a dickless dude, because THAT would have been awkward. I mean, "she" has been rallying against "trans-gendered men" in women's sports, OMFG😳🤪😭.

In the end, I feel that this is all just more show to distract us from the waaaaaaaayyyyyyy deeper and crazier shit being perpetrated in this spiritual war. Yes, I too am calling out these surface conflicts, which allow us to (if we are brave) drill down into the stinking decay being presented before our very eyes.

But I'm guessing, based on the wayward wizards' one and only playbook, that there is an unimaginable evil brewing just beneath these surface feuds. Oh! And looky-hoo, there's another eclipse coming, fulfilling a big dual-eclipse "X" over Carbon(666)dale, Illinois in a matter of 21 days. I'll be napping in my dark bedroom under a Faraday blanket. Or maybe dancing naked in the garage, trying to de-activate the "SMART" meter on our house. Crazy times call for crazy antidotes.

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“Genital Lia” would be a good band name.

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So you own onlyswimfans.com, but I don’t see anything up yet. Slacker.

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