
Sheer madness. The perfect emblem of the age, a profoundly corrupt, fabulously self-righteous, morally, ethically and spiritually void female black power boss bitch. Feminism and postmodern critical theory made a love child cum demon. Breathless...

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Feb 16Liked by Mark Bisone

She also has that dress on backwards. That takes talent....of a sort.

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Feb 16Liked by Mark Bisone

The memes on Twitter over this today are priceless. One of my favorites: https://x.com/ICU1010/status/1758502522904310165?s=20. And the video of Fani preaching about morality was classic. https://x.com/ULTRA_MAJESTY/status/1758191631142990268?s=20. She just strikes me as garbage.

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Feb 17Liked by Mark Bisone

Wow this was funny. Rolling in laughter as I tried together through reading this out loud to my spouse! 🤣😅🙃

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Fabulous! Knowing that anything and everything mediated is full-on mind-control meth for the "please entertain me" masses with fat asses (even if their ass happens to be skinny), this is a major signpost. If as I am inclined to believe there are indeed two separate timelines — one of the Divine and the other of "fallen angelics," so to speak — then you are correct in stating that 2024 will be a very long year, but it will also reveal a rapidly widening gap between sanity and insanity.

"Send in The Clowns" : Fast-forward to 2:40 for the Big Reveal:


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Feb 16Liked by Mark Bisone

Words just aren't a sufficient response.

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Feb 17Liked by Mark Bisone

Sir I hope you have some fani sized piles of cash around your house for a legal defense fund you not only slew Willis whale but many more will slip the shackles of clown world through the sweet release of laughter. Thanks for the laughs!

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Feb 17Liked by Mark Bisone

You make a very good argument, but I have to say Juicy is still my favorite. MAGA country 4ever!

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Oh my. I've read some good ones expressing their, eh hem, opinions about this black she beefalo ho, but this one is tops. Is there any possibility she could find this in her email some fine day?

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Feb 17Liked by Mark Bisone

Step aside, Mr. Bray. Mr. Bisone has the stage!

Let the jeer flow.


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Feb 19Liked by Mark Bisone

I laughed quite a bit and thought the hearing was really fun, but at the same time Fani and Nate were so absurd it was kind of unsettling. The way all these odd characters explode onto the national stage and then exit within a year makes me feel like I'm living in a Philip Dick novel where everything both does and doesn't make sense.

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Feb 18Liked by Mark Bisone

I had to look up that Jordan person, cause I stopped watching Fox News on Election Night.

Good thing the first 2 results on Google were fact checks downplaying Tucker’s piece about him.

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Feb 18Liked by Mark Bisone

These days, with all of these shit-storms brewing and waging hither and yon, with all the Big Fani’s out there wreaking utter havoc with Sanity, I keep imagining God, with His Finger poised over The Red Button.

I had a random thought this morning while mucking the corral (yes, I have a corral, and yes it requires daily mucking, a skill which may be useful on a broader level as these various shit-storms intensify). It occurred—as it does almost hourly these days—that the world is indeed truly going to Hell in a hand basket. And I thought, “What’s God going to do with all of this total mayhem?” Then I realized that, as an omniscient being, God is not surprised. Of COURSE He saw this coming, and of COURSE He knows where it’s going; the Plan was in place from the beginning.

However, I also think the Plan is multi-faceted: sort of a five-dimensional chess game, with 6 billion pieces on the board. He’s a waiting for our next collective move. And of course The Red Button is on the table, next to the chess board.

Then again, I’m probably full of shit.

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I really do miss when Eddie Murphy had teeth. My God the guy was just a genius.

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Feb 17Liked by Mark Bisone

It must be a nightmare having to work for this incompetent. Ms. Fani truly rivals Kamala for sheer ignorance.

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Great post! It just highlights how needlessly destructive is that artificial construct known as "blackness" or "black identity" -- which yields such clownworld absurdities as Larry Elder being the "blackface of white supremacy" and Joe Brandon confidently announcing that if you don't vote for whomever he commands you to vote that "you ain't black" and black people considering Clarence Thomas an embarrassment while being proud of they girl Fanni for representin in the legal system.

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