Hi Mark, nice post. It reminds me quite a bit of Scott M. Peck's book "People of the Lie." He states, p.73-75, "A predominant characteristic, however, of the behavior of those I call evil is scapegoating. Because in their hearts they consider themselves above reproach, they must lash out at anyone who does reproach them. They sacrifice others to preserve their self-image of perfection....Scapegoating works through a mechanism psychiatrists call projection. Since the evil, deep down, feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world's fault. Since they must deny their own badness, they must perceive others as bad….In The Road Less Traveled I defined evil "as the exercise of political power - that is, the imposition of one's will upon others by overt or covert coercion - in order to avoid...spiritual growth". In other words, the evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Spiritual growth requires the acknowledgment of one's need to grow. If we cannot make that acknowledgment, we have no option except to attempt to eradicate the evidence of our own imperfection....Utterly dedicated to preserving their self-image of perfection, they are unceasingly engaged in the effort to maintain the appearance of moral purity. They worry about this a great deal. They are acutely sensitive to social norms and what others might think of them....the words "image," "appearance," and "outwardly" are crucial to understanding the morality of the evil. While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their "goodness" is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie. This is why they are the ‘people of the lie.’”

Also, p. 119: “Evil [is] defined as the use of power to destroy the spiritual growth of others for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoating. [The evil] scapegoat not the strong but the weak. For the evil to misuse their power, they must have the power to use it in the first place. They must have some kind of dominion over their victims.”

Also, you touched on a lot of themes that I hit on from a different angle about the nature of the soul, which you may enjoy: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/ruminatons-on-the-nature-of-the-soul

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Interesting. I haven't read the book, but I sense I'd have much to agree with. Manifestations of vanity, hubris and, of course, pride all appear to stem off the same root of perceived perfection of Being, immune from any external criticism and requiring no introspection. You can hear it in even their most superficially innocent-sounding mantras. "No judgements!" "You're perfect the way you are!" Meanwhile, these slogans are just a bit of armor and camouflage, so that they can go on behaving as they wish, and sacrificing whoever or whatever points out their flaws.

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I thought about Peck recently, as someone referenced him in a statement about evil people being so used to lying that they become unable to distinguish truth (not sure if he really ever made such a statement). I have had the recent misfortune of observing this in my personal a life. a now-former friend used to make statements that seemed rather divorced from reality -- improbable statements she obviously believed were true -- but I never quite connected this to any inherent capacity for evil. It was only after a business relationship with her (not quite done but almost so I hope) that I learned how utterly unethical she really is. Several lessons learned.

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Yes, I've also noticed this phenomenon. Those who lie habitually usually don't keep those lies confined to certain categories. We discover that people who lie about "the little things" will often lie about the big ones, too. That lies essentially become the core strategy of interacting with reality. An occasional outburst will also reveal that they think EVERYONE is doing this, which is a way to drown out that little voice which whispers otherwise.

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He who cannot be trusted with little things cannot be trusted with big things

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I’m rereading “People of the Lie” right now for about the fifth time. It always helps me when I’m trying to make sense of the world and what I see happening from my family interactions to global events. And it always makes me recommit to truth telling.

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It seems self evident, if one thinks about harming people repeatedly, the material brain will come to reflect that. Working in men's circles for years, it became clear to me some men are so long immersed in trauma they cannot see or act outside that trauma, and everything they think and do reinforces that trauma. We called it worshiping the wound.

This is why in magical circles, the most cherished notion is learning how to change consciousness in accordance with will, which takes effort, diligence, practice and time.

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Yes, that thoughts directly shape and change material structure seems like one of those truths that is too obvious (and, for evil people, too threatening) to mention. Again, I think this has mostly to do with wanting to pretend effects are causes, and therefore move the spotlight of responsibility elsewhere.

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The money quote for me;

"They don’t want to be forgiven.

In fact, they’d prefer we leave forgiveness out of the picture entirely. Because to forgive or be forgiven is to admit that good and evil exist, and are almost always the result of intentions, instead of mere byproducts or quirks of biology devoid of moral content."

Thanks for "damaging" my brain a little more.

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No problem! :)

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Fantastic! And now I can't wait to read Harrison's articles (I've been a subscriber for awhile, but neglectful in reading his works as, well ... A bit *too* much experience with the metaphysical aspects of ponerology leaves me a bit gun-shy to read about it, at times -- but it sounds WELL worth it).


"I think the reason so many material-reductionists refuse to see it this way is complicated on the surface, yet simple at its core. It’s the same reason people continually invoke poisoned terms like “emergence” and “evolution” as root causes of actions, instead of the grooved and streamlined pathways for consciousness that they so clearly are.

They don’t want to be forgiven."

I believe, is bang spot-on.

To the point where it bears repeating: You, Sir, are onto something. And if you do not mind, I may at some point take this theme and run with it. ;)

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"And if you do not mind, I may at some point take this theme and run with it. ;)"

I don't mind at all! I think that's the point of all this, actually. Unlike those we fight, we aren't stingy with our ammunition. :D

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Regarding causality, Collingwood traced the etymology and history of the word and shows how it came from the simple idea of "persuasion" - like when you ask or command someone to do something.

Then it morphed into an instrumental concept: we identify something as the "cause" of a problem if we think we can fix it. Think of a car that stops. The cause might be the slope of the hill, the inertia, gravity... But we say it's the engine breakdown, because now we can fix it.

Later still, some Spergs had the brilliant (not) idea of abstracting the heck out of the concept and proclaiming that causality is independent of such human concepts, and just runs its course mechanically in nature: a "causally closed" nature no less! But this doesn't fly: without the human concept of cause, there is no such thing.

Or more precisely: without a mind, there is no such thing. Without humans, you would need at least Sperg God to talk about causality. I don't like Sperg God.

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Wow. This has affected me deeply. I have thought for years that when Paul says (paraphrasing) when anyone is in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, all has become new” that probably there is a radical transformation in brain activity. This explains it in a new dimension for me!

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Good point about Paul's observation. And yes, I imagine the fingerprints of radical change could be seen all over Saul's brain after his catharsis on the road to Damascus. Unfotunately (or fortunately?) they didn't have CT scans back then.

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Cause and effect is a zeitgeist right now at the margins of the ~~Beast~~ Internet.

Part of what I wrote today at Off-Guardian (or rather a slightly messier version thereof): "The second law of thermodynamics seems to confirm the arrow of time, which is fundamentally linked to notions of causality. But the orientation of this arrow (forward or backwards) is a choice: instead of causation you could equally develop a whole natural philosophy couched in terms of teleology, with the arrow pointing backwards propagating anti-entropy. Other societies have essentially done this (in their ontological assertions) and in most cases with better results."

Neither you nor I can change the torrential flow of our society, but for ourselves and those we love, we can achieve better results in our lives by thinking in terms of teleology rather than in terms of causation.

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Right. Like I said, causation is gamed continually, and usually in favor of the Machine's telos. The point I was making about "thoughts shaping brains" is that the most obvious answers having to do with questions of morality and accountability signify a fundamental strategy to eat away at the foundations of both. As that happens, the Enemy optimizes its telic path towards oblivion.

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This is excellent thought fodder, thank you.

In my own way of looking, I have often thought that the problem with "identitarianism" (or any type of essentialism) is this:

Who we "are" is a product of forces, whereas what we "do" is a product of choices.

When applying moral intelligence to who people "are", we get stuck, whereas when we apply our moral intelligence to what people do, things make more sense.

It may be Emerson that said this:

"Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny."

But it is a very druidly thought, which is entirely in accord with your idea of how a groove in a pattern gets deepened by repetition!

Be well!

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Thanks, Scotlyn. You too!

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Thanks. Now I have three articles on the day to re-read. I don’t ever read to simply get the general idea and if you make me think, you’ll be re-read. This article is quite different than Mr. L.P. Koch’s.

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I’ve re-read, and have now self-identified as a midwit. My head hurts.

I wonder, though, if chasing cause-donkeys is summarily advantageous to the human species? Is it a helpful addendum to our understanding of thought processing, dissection of engagement and response to in some way ferret out the true sources of evil?

The wrinkles and tunnels thus generated in the brain are side effects to processes that remain not-at-all understood. When comes the fine day that they are, we will not likely be any closer to an understanding of why one direction is taken by a thought as opposed to another.

This probably errant conclusion tends, to my admittedly midwit thought processing, to minimize the importance of such thought experiments, rumination and investigation. It is a thermonuclear weapon applied instead of solving the problem of controlled fusion for the greater good. The deeper questions, such as how this shit really works, seem to leap forward as the priority.

I’ll go rest my wrinkles now and will attempt to improve my efforts at writing effusive fiction, instead.

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Thanks, Ken. As I mentioned to II above, the point I was trying to make had less to do with the casual impressions that thought leaves on brain matter than it did with how our enemies ignore that which is obvious and indisputable, even according to the tools and systems of measurement they claim to prefer. Any measurement that doesn't favor blind mechanism is discarded, even when their rationales for doing so are totally absurd. That's what I meant by "midwit intellectuals" -- a category which does not include you, from what I can tell.

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Language is entirely too limited.

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I think it all comes down to the question of free will - do we have it or not? To use for good or ill, regardless of whatever handicaps - genetic or experiential or systemic or self-imposed - we are dealing with.

The honest and brave accept all handicaps and struggle forward with a sense of accountability, acceptance (and often gratitude) for damage that has made them stronger.

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Solid work here! Great stuff. Thank you.

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Hey. WYA?

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A lot of conjecture about 'evil' brings up the topic of serial killers. But what if serial killers aren't real?

Ted Bundy

Allegedly killed 20 confirmed, 30 confessed, 36+ suspected victims

Who is Ted Bundy?

by Miles Mathis

First published July 25, 2014


NEW PAPER, added 7/25/14, Who IS Ted Bundy? Not who you think.

Ted Bundy: part 2

by Miles Mathis

First published May 9, 2018


NEW PAPER, added 5/9/19, Ted Bundy, part 2. In response to all the new promotion of this old fake, I hit it again in force.

PAPER UPDATE, added 5/13/19, Ted Bundy, part 2. I may have found a picture of Ted as he is today. See p. 14.

PAPER UPDATE, added 1/20/22, Ted Bundy part 2. At the end I have discovered some more evidence of the fake, including more pictures.

The Zodiac Killer

Allegedly 5 confirmed dead, 2 injured, possibly 20–28 total dead (claimed to have killed 37)

The Zodiac Murders and others were Faked

by Miles Mathis

First published August 23, 2014


NEW PAPER, added 8/26/14, The Zodiac Murders were Faked. And so were the Houston and Cottingham murders.

PAPER UPDATE, added 10/17/20, The Zodiac Murders were Faked. I have just updated this paper from 2014, due to the fact that the French serial killer expert Stephan Bourguin has now admitted he made it all up, including the fake death of his non-existent wife. See p. 31.

Ted Kaczynski

Allegedly 3 killed, 23 injured

The Unabomber was another Psy-op

by Miles Mathis

First published September 13, 2014


NEW PAPER, added 9/13/14, The Unabomber was Another Psy-op. Also includes a look at Gerald Gardner (Wicca), Son of Sam, and the Wicker Man.

PAPER UPDATE, added 11/14/17, The Unabomber was Another Hoax. I have added more information on Terence McKenna. Also new info on Bill Hicks and Jim Carrey. See last footnote.

OLD PAPER, first published 9/13/14, The Unabomber was Another Psy-op. Ted Kaczynski just died, so I am top-listing this old paper in tribute to his now-blown project and life.

Richard Ramirez

15+ alleged victims

The Night Stalker Victims

by Miles Mathis

First published May 21, 2015


NEW PAPER, added 5/25/15, The Night Stalker Victims. Easy proof of another faked serial killer.

Ed Kemper

Allegedly killed 10 victims

Netfix is now pushing Fake Serial Killers

by Miles Mathis

First published October 22, 2017


NEW PAPER, added 10/23/17, Netflix is now pushing Fake Serial Killers. Ed Kemper is another old project of our sick and twisted governors.

H. H. Holmes

1–9+ alleged victims

H. H. HOLMES: America’s First (Fake) Serial Killer

by David Kasady and Leaf Garrit

First published November 12, 2018


NEW PAPER, added 11/12/18, H. H. Holmes: America's First Fake Serial Killer. Guest writers obliterate this one for us.

Dennis Rader

Allegedly killed 10 victims

Bind, Torture, Kill. . . Lie about Everything

by Miles Mathis

First published April 25, 2020


NEW PAPER, added 4/25/20, Bind, Torture, Kill. . . Lie about Everything. Where I hit the fake BTK strangler, taking down another serial killer.

PAPER UPDATE, added 4/28/20, Bind, Torture, Kill. . . Lie about Everything. I figured out what the spotted goat is, see addendum.

Henry Lee Lucas

Allegedly killed 3+ confirmed, 250+ claimed victims

Henry Lee Lucas another fake serial killer

by Miles Mathis

First published December 23, 2020


NEW PAPER, added 12/23/20, Henry Lee Lucas: another fake serial killer. Also blowing the cover of the Deaton murder and the Walsh murder, and tying Morgan Grenfell to the whole lot.

John Wayne Gacy

33+ alleged victims

John Wayne Gacy Another Clown PsyOp

by David Kasady

First published July 29, 2021


NEW PAPER, added 7/30/21, John Wayne Gacy: Another Clown Psyop. A guest writer unwinds another one for us.

Leonard Lake & Charles Ng

Allegedly killed 11 confirmed, 25 suspected victims

The Boneyard Killers are Fake

by Miles Mathis

First published December 14, 2021


NEW PAPER, added 12/15/21, The Boneyard Killers are Fake. Starring Lancelot Lake!

Gary Ridgway

Allegedly 49 convicted, 71–90+ confessed and suspected victims

The Green River Serial Killer was Fake

by Miles Mathis

First published January 4, 2022


NEW PAPER, added 1/5/22, The Green River Killer was a Fake. Right out of the Navy.

Dean Corll

28+ alleged victims

The Candy Man Murders

by Coyote Weeds

First published October 31, 2022


NEW PAPER, added 10/31/22, The Candy Man Murders. Coyote pads out my previous research here, proving again it was staged.

PAPER UPDATE, added 12/10/22, The Candy Man Murders. I figured out why Willie Glass is pictured with Muhammad Ali there. See p. 12.

Albert DeSalvo

1-13 alleged victims

The Boston Strangler was another Military Hoax

by Miles Mathis

First published July 6, 2023


NEW PAPER, added 7/7/23, The Boston Strangler was another Military Hoax. With lots of fake photos!

PAPER UPDATE, added 7/8/23, The Boston Strangler was another Military Hoax. I have added several pages to this, including a long tack-on on the 1969 film Medium Cool.

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And what if not just serial killers are fake, but what about crazy cult leaders? Are they fake too?

Charles Manson

Alleged criminal, cult leader and musician who led the Manson Family cult who allegedly murdered Sharon Tate & 4 others

The Tate Murders were a False Flag and the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Project CHAOS

by Miles Mathis

First published June 29, 2014


NEW PAPER, added 6/29/14, The Tate Murders were Faked. That's right. Manson is another creation of the MATRIX. Over 80 pages of photographic evidence.

PAPER UPDATE, added 12/3/14, Tate Murders. The mainstream tells us Manson is now living in Santa Barbara! Skip to near bottom of paper for the update.

PAPER UPDATE, added 12/11/15, The Tate Murders were Faked. I have added a couple of paragraphs showing Sharon Tate's death certificate is fake. Also several other anomalies on that document. See p. 48.

PAPER UPDATE, added 7/31/17, The Tate Murders. In my last paper on Franklin, I tripped across the name Milles in the peerage and tentatively tied it to Charles Milles Manson. I have now done much more genealogy work, finding good indication I was right. See p. 78.

PAPER UPDATE, added 10/29/20, Tate/Manson. More info on Charlie's genealogy, see p. 74.

PAPER UPDATE, added 10/30/20, Tate/Manson. I have added genealogies for van Houten, Krenwinkel, Watson, and Atkins, showing they are all peerage cousins of Manson and of one another, putting another dagger into the mainstream story. See p. 75.

PAPER UPDATE, added 3/17/21, The Tate Murders. The film on Jay Sebring finally came out 11 years late, so I have added some brief commentary on that. See page 7.

David Koresh

Alleged cult leader who played a central role in the Waco siege as the head of the Branch Davidians

Life After Waco

by anonymous

First published June 28, 2018


NEW PAPER, added 6/28/18, Life after Waco. A new guest writer opens this one for us, digging into death records. I also have quite a bit to add, including some spelunking in Koresh's genealogy.

PAPER UPDATE, added 7/2/18, Life after Waco. I have added a short update on Beverly Hills.

OLD PAPER, added 6/28/18, Life after Waco. I am going to start toplisting old papers whenever the subject is pushed again by the mainstream or alternative news. Since this is the anniversary of Waco, we are seeing a lot of it this week, resold as real. I showed it was another Hollywood production, with Koresh as an actor out of Treasury, and no one died. Like Ruby Ridge, it was faked to scare you off pushing back in any way. Do what you are told or the government will come in with tanks and kill your whole family.

Jim Jones

Preacher who led the Peoples Temple; he and the members of his inner circle allegedly orchestrated a mass murder-suicide in his remote jungle commune

San Francisco and Jonestown

by Miles Mathis

First published January 9, 2019


NEW PAPER, added 1/9/19, San Francisco and Jonestown. I fully blow the lid off this old story, and much else.

Keith Raniere (NXIVM)

Alleged cult leader convicted of a pattern of racketeering activity, including human trafficking, sex offenses, and fraud; co-founded NXIVM, a purported self-help multi-level marketing company offering personal development seminars

NXIVM is a Total Fraud

by Miles Mathis

First published September 17, 2021


NEW PAPER, added 9/17/21, NXIVM is a Total Fraud. And not the fraud you think.

PAPER UPDATE, added 9/19/21, NXIVM is a Total Fraud. I have added about 7 pages to this, mixed in all over. So you may want to read it again.

PAPER UPDATE, added 1/23/23, I have updated the NXIVM and Antifake papers, showing the link between the two projects with the Ranieris/Ranieres.

Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate)

Cult leader who founded what became known as Heaven's Gate and organized their alleged mass suicide

Heaven’s Gate Was an Intel Project

by David Kasady

First published June 27, 2022


NEW PAPER, added 6/28/22, Heaven's Gate was an Intel Project. David Kasady is back to do this one for us.

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Gangsters and Outlaws? Is anything real?

John Dillinger

Led the Dillinger Gang, which allegedly robbed 24 banks and 4 police stations; allegedly killed by law enforcement

John Dillinger was Fictional

by Miles Mathis

First published February 13, 2022


NEW PAPER, added 2/13/22, John Dillinger was Fictional. And the whole gang!

PAPER UPDATE, added 2/28/22, John Dillinger was Fictional. I have now linked Babyface Nelson to Napoleon and the Holy Roman Emperor. See p. 3.

Al Capone

Known as "Scarface," was co-founder and boss of the Chicago Outfit, allegedly engaged in organized crime, mostly bootlegging & prostitution

Al Capone was Fictional

by Miles Mathis

First published June 8, 2022


NEW PAPER, added 6/10/22, Al Capone was Fictional. Also Capone's fellow fake bosses and Eliot Ness.

Ned Kelly

Alleged Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader and convicted police-murderer; allegedly executed by hanging

Such Is Life: Ned Kelly Is Not Who We’re Told

by Benjamin Bushwakker MaGee

First published November 18, 2016


NEW PAPER, added 11/18/16, Such is Life: Ned Kelly is not Who We're Told. A guest author from Australia unwinds this huge fake, pulling in all the usual suspects.

Billy the Kid

Alleged outlaw and gunfighter of the Old West who killed 21 men before he was shot and killed at the age of 21

What you don't know about Billy the Kid may surprise you

by Miles Mathis

First published December 27, 2017


NEW PAPER, added 12/28/17, What you don't know about Billy the Kid may surprise you. I link Billy to the peerage, and to some surprising names. This makes 40 big papers for the year, not including guest writers.

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Surely the EVIL DICTATORS are real???

Fidel Castro

Alleged revolutionary and politician who was the dictator of Cuba

Fidel Castro: CIA Agent

by Miles Mathis

First published January 1, 2016


NEW PAPER, added 1/1/16, Fidel Castro: CIA Agent. Where we learn more about Castro, John Wilkes Booth, Gram Parsons, Harry Belafonte, and others.

PAPER UPDATE, added 2/16/18, Fidel Castro. Another reader sent me an update to this paper, showing Guantanamo Bay Prison is also a fake.

Adolph Hitler

Allegedly leader of the Nazi Party and dictator of Germany

The Beer Hall Putsch was faked

by Miles Mathis

First published February 8, 2016


NEW PAPER, added 2/8/16, The Beer Hall Putsch. Oh, the maze of tunnels when you are down the rabbit hole.

PAPER UPDATE added 8/12/21, The Beer Hall Putsch. Mark Felton on Youtube supplies us with another fake photo of Hitler to add to this paper, see p. 20.

Hitler's Genealogy

by Miles Mathis

First published January 16, 2017


NEW PAPER, added 1/19/17, Hitler's Genealogy. Yes, this is a big one. I also do Eichmann, Hess, Goebbels and Himmler. And much more.

PAPER UPDATE, added 1/25/17, Hitler's Genealogy. Further research has allowed me to show a probable link between Trump, Heinz, Goering, Hitler, and Himmler. See addendum near the end.

PAPER UPDATE, added 1/28/17, Hitler's Genealogy. Readers from all over the world—including Germany—have sent me corroborating evidence for this paper in the form of links to mainstream sites. Those updates are scattered throughout the paper: I have marked them with the word addendum in bold.

PAPER UPDATE, added 2/16/17, Hitler's Genealogy. I have added many more pages of analysis, including more analysis of fake photos of Hitler. I also show that Eva Braun may have been twins. See addenda in the section on Eva (p.17) and near the end (p.44).

PAPER UPDATE, added 2/14/18, Hitler's Genealogy. I have added a few paragraphs on the fact the mainstream now admits Hitler was gay. I didn't know that when I first published this. See p. 23.

PAPER UPDATE added 3/5/21, Hitler's Genealogy. I just read Bryan Rigg's Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, discovering the mainstream under-reported his main numbers by 72%. The media reported 2 field marshals, 15 generals, and 23 colonels. The actual number in the book is 2 field marshals, 20 generals, 7 admirals, and 40 colonels.

More Nazi Fakes

by Miles Mathis

First published October 24, 2021


NEW PAPER, added 10/26/21, More Nazi Fakes. Fauxtographs and so much more.

Kristallnacht was Faked

by Miles Mathis

First published July 26, 2023


NEW PAPER, added 7/27/23, Kristallnacht was Fake. I had to get there before Lestrade did.

The Night of the Long Knives was Faked

by Miles Mathis

First published August 1, 2023


NEW PAPER, added 8/1/23, The Night of the Long Knives was Fake. Are you seeing a pattern?

Benito Mussolini

Allegedly founded and led the National Fascist Party; Italian dictator

Benito Mussolini

by Miles Mathis

First published September 14, 2017


NEW PAPER, added 9/13/17, Benito Mussolini. Oh, the wonders I have seen. And which you are about to see.

PAPER UPDATE, added 10/9/17, Benito Mussolini. I have added a couple of paragraphs, linking the Fundamental Fysiks Group to the newer Fundamental Physics Prize and Yuri Milner. Also some commentary on the names Milner/Milne and Zakharov/Sakharov.

Joseph Stalin

Alleged politician, political theorist and revolutionary who consolidated power to become a dictator

Joseph Stalin

by Miles Mathis

First published April 16, 2019


NEW PAPER, added 4/16/19, Joseph Stalin. I uncover another massive fake, including the analysis of dozens of historical photos.

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Aug 19, 2023
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Yes, I think vision might be a useful way of describing the root of the matter.

Also, I just realized I neglected to post a link to your excellent piece, which I will repair forthwith.

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