The youngest of those have been taught that most of them are victims of some form of -ism or -phobia, and the rest are straight male honkies like me.

This is the heart of the problem. Normal human emotions are now diseases, and people with views different than the official narrative are now terrorists. It's an atmosphere designed to paralyze critical thought.

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That's always been the case in some ways. I think the main difference has been institutional and cultural checks in various eras. We do not appear to live in such an era at the moment.

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The ACLU sent me a letter last year, telling me all the great things they were doing to save the world (for trans). I don't have any idea how they got my address, probably sold to them by Minneapolis government. I spent twenty minutes writing a screed on it, telling them why I would never give them money. I took a look at it then and was like, I hope they don't give it to the FBI, and then I mailed it back to them. I figured, as soon as they see there's no money in it they will chuck it in the trash. I'm not even sure why I did it. I just got a new one in my new digs from the Southern Poverty Law Center. That went in the trash.

Does anyone believe in what they are doing anymore, except us lunatics on the fringe anticipating the bloody thing coming down?

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"I figured, as soon as they see there's no money in it they will chuck it in the trash."

That's a good bet. Whatever staff remains to check snail mail might be pocketing the old-timers checks, for all I know.

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The Enemy "plans to take from you, violently if necessary."

From my perspective, as long as there have been tyrants and taxes, the Enemy has been taking from us, violently if necessary. Certainly, the last ~200 years have been a slow, steady pilfering-and-poisoning of us by the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns. Ever since the Luciferians, with their exotic-technology-worship, came to town, the systems of control have gotten more and more sophisticated (if truly un-intelligent). Black-screen-boxes and now wearable and injectable nano-tech along with their necessary EMF systems play a large part in that deepening control.

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All laws are punishable by death, on a long enough chain of resistance. That's why the constant invention of new ones (often out of thin air, with no accountable authority) should give everyone pause, including those who think they agree with them.

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So true. Newssolini here in California just signed a bunch of new death-cult laws.

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This is another good one, thanks Mark.

I'm reminded of Fahrenheit 451, where the Firemen burn books, not at the behest of the government but at the command of the citizens who no longer want 'dangerous' things like wrong ideas getting passed around.

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Spot on.

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That entry image made me laugh... Clearly they are blind to their own limitations and reality!


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The path to utopia paves the road straight to hell

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Conan the Librarian sports the skin of the Gripsholm Lion and mutters constantly to himself, "Rahr..."

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Younglings these days seek to be tatoo'd before they are screwed.

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I wish. Nowadays, coloring one half of a haircut blue seems to be the most rebellion they can muster.

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Where's that straight jacket when they need one!

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I lean into the idea that Utopia (literally the no-place, a play upon another Greek word eutopia, the good-place by the author of the book who coined the word, Thomas Moore) was a satire of the times he lived in. The more things change the more they stay the same. Such a place will never exist this side of eternity. We are called as Christians to live by standards we can never hope to attain, but follow in the steps as imperfect beings of the One who did attain it for us.

The very idea of it has been hijacked by the minions of evil, who use it to whip up some of the masses into joining movements or following man-made ideologies promising it; if only the followers work harder and give more of themselves to the idea and create top down control, to be implemented harder on the willing and unwilling alike, for the greater good, of course.

A tiger chasing his own tail.

Those seeking to destroy all that is, in the name of what can never be achieved down here by any and all means deemed necessary, have nothing but a very bleak future ahead of them.

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Mar 17, 2023Edited
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To be honest, that's why I wrote Rambo threats and such. It made me a little sick reading those other letters, which sounded to me like the worse than useless bleatings of sheep.

In fact, the whole organization was pitifully earnest. I think I just viscerally knew that the guys we were writing to would just get a laugh out of their sonnets (but might be stupid enough to believe my lies).

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